Monday, December 28, 2009
Little Dirt Roads
They still talk about that moment and how funny it was that I had no idea what the situation was when I raised up to complain that I'd been awakened by a crash to the floor-board - miraculously, not through the windshield.
I said all that to lead to this. Last night while sitting in church, I was reminded of that little story while a friend of ours preached. Bro. Jeff Hensley preached last night about "Things that cannot be shaken." The first thing he mentioned was that the throne of God is never shaken by our circumstances.
In the process of that thought, he told a story of a sweet little lady (one of my favorite little ladies) who attends our church - Sis. Powell. The story he told was that years and years ago when her children were little, on their way home from church, they happened up on a bad curve which she was not prepared for because of a distraction in the car. She knew she was not going to be able to make the curve, so began to slam on brakes and prepare her children for impact. (My recollection of preparing for that meant an arm thrown across your chest or neck - depending on how tall you were...I've had that more than once, also)
To her surprise as she skidded straight through the curve, her car landed upon a little dirt road that went straight - instead of the black top that curved. A little dirt road that she'd never noticed before. There she was able to stop her car - and I'm sure recollect herself - and readjust her bearings. She was able, from that little detour, to turn her car around and go the way she'd intended.
In Bro. Jeff's thoughts, he mentioned that he somehow could see that somewhere back in time, God saw that a little mother would need that little dirt road to spare the life of herself and her children.
I've dwelled on that thought more than once today. I'd not heard this story before, but have heard my share along the same lines. As another friend would say - "Even so," I would probably be overwhelmed if I really knew how many times God has prepared the "little dirt roads" in my life. That's just one of the wonderful advantages of being a child of the Almighty who can see my life's roads way before I ever reach them....and his thoughts are much higher than mine.
Think about it. The next time you have that "barely missed it" moment, or "that was close" moment - acknowledge the "little dirt road" and be thankful for it.
My mom always declared that being stuck in traffic was always for a purpose. More than once after having to wait - sometimes hours - in traffic on the interstate, Mom would always remind us that God may be keeping us from harm by keeping us there. There have been times within an hour of leaving the traffic jams we'd come up on a wreck or something and she'd say - "see that could have been us - had we been just a bit sooner." They say seeing is believing - therefore I believed.
When we live with the rushing "always gotta move" mindset, it's easy to miss the "little dirt roads." I think we'd all be much more thankful if we only had a clue just how many of those little roads have been prepared just for our safe keeping - and most of the time, never even know that they're there.
Just thought I'd mention it......I was thankful for the reminder.
Almost Over
Well, I've spent the last couple of days that I've been home from Alabama spinning circles, trying to figure out what to do with all the new toys and other things that I've accumulated - whether to get rid of any of the older ones and replace them with the new, or just keep it all. I do NOT like clutter, and I'm about to go insane over the stacks of it around my kitchen and in my bedroom. Really, it just all needs some time for organizing, and it will all have a place. Just haven't taken the time to do it yet.
So, I've started me a big new list. It's called "Organizing My Life." I've started out with some of the few necessities that will make it easier for me to figure out what to do with this "stuff" and how to better place it all. I'm getting pretty excited about the possibilities. In addition to that, I've already started my Christmas shopping for next year. I'm making my list of things I want to get for everyone I have to buy for next year and I plan to get it all done by July! LOL!! We'll see how successful I am with that. I went today to Hobby Lobby and another nameless store and found quite a few bargains. I was loving it.
Now, 2009 is quickly drawing to a close, and my list of things I'm going to try to do better....or just get done at all, is getting longer by the minute - for next year. I'm actually looking forward to next year. For some of my faithful year has to be better.....some moments from this year couldn't get much worse, right?? I'm looking for big things - and I also have a list of my dreams and expectations for 2o10 - some only in my head, others I've written down. I was taking down Addison's little Christmas tree a little bit ago and I was thinking that hopefully next year will bring some changes to Christmas - as we knew it this year. I smiled as I thought about the possibilities.
Those thoughts led me to a quote that I found in the Christian bookstore this year while shopping for Christmas. It said this: "Faith is seeing the light with your heart when your eyes only see darkness!" It was a beautiful picture and I kinda got spell-bound looking at it for a moment thinking of the things that I only see in my heart. So, as 2009 is almost over, 2010 starts with new hopes, new dreams, and new goals. I "believe" (multiple meanings, there) it's gonna be a good one!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Take Your Pick
I haven't listened to all of the songs, but I don't seem to believe there's any "HEAD BANGING" stuff on here. Just easy listening Christmas music. Lovely. If you don't know what to pick, you can start with "Believe" by Josh Groban but it's the Polar Express Soundtrack. Really pretty!
You can also make you a preferred playlist and allow it to play continuously or it will continue to play anyway after you choose a song. Now it just doesn't get much better than this.
So HERE is the link. Click on it and enjoy.
Wise Words
Here are some very wise words - I'm sure you've heard them before, but I liked them.
It's called "My Favorite Philosophy:"
- A man with a watch knows what time it is - a man with two watches is never quite sure.
- Don't look where you fall - look at where you slipped
- Look at life through the windshield - not the rear-view mirror.
- Be nice to people on your way up, because you will need them on your way down.
- People may doubt what you say - but they will believe what you do.
- Never explain. Your friends do not need it and your enemies won't believe it.
- Time you enjoyed wasting - was not wasted.
- While seeking revenge - dig two graves. One for yourself.
- You've go to do your own growing, no matter how tall your father was
- Courage is not a lack of fear, but the ability to act while facing fear.
- The best way to predict your future is to create it.
Speaking of philosophy, I believe it was Chuck Swindoll who once said, "I'm uninterested in the philosophy which you live by. I only care about the philosophy you die by."
Monday, December 21, 2009
As Slow as Christmas
I must admit - I'm guilty! I love to listen to Christmas music all year long, really! But it really feels like it will never get here.....and then December 1st hits and there's simply not enough time in the day hardly to get everything done that needs to get done. There's parties, programs, and whatever else you can think of to take up the hours of the days leading up to Christmas. Time drags by until it's time for Christmas to arrive and then it goes by so fast that you feel like you almost missed it.
I remember the days that I used to sit in the dark for HOURS and just watch the lights on our tree twinkle and think about nothing. Since that is such a rare occasion, I found that time very valuable. It's like my mind kinda went to sleep, but my eyes stayed open. I couldn't tell you the last time I found time to think about nothing......if it's not birthday parties, church functions, shopping for gifts,'s something else, like work! Any kind you can think of. I haven't had the time to sit and stare at my tree at all this year. And it's one of my favorite TRADITIONS!
But moves on and it's not going as slow as Christmas used to be in coming for me. We usually spent Christmas Eve or the day before with Aunt Linda, Uncle Eddie, Mark, and Amy. We'd have a great time with them, then we'd pull out to head to Dayton. I remember Christmas mornings waking up at my Grandma's house waiting for everyone to get there....and it seemed they would NEVER show up. The anticipation - looking out that huge glass window in her living room that was so cold that just the slightest breath made it so foggy you couldn't see a thing, and was so thin, that the only way we could bear to stand next to it was to stand on top of the heater vent in the middle of the floor where the window was. We would stand or sit on that vent for hours, it felt like, waiting for some sign that family was on the way.
The snow flurries would start trickling down outside and slower than Christmas one or two relatives would show up. It was a yearly tradition that Aunt Bobbie Jean would come in her spike heels, crawl out of the car and slide and fall on the ice in the driveway.....every year. And we'd fall over laughing at her because she seemed to be so vain. I can hear her still....."OH, I broke another nail!" that nasal voice of hers. It always amazed me that she never learned. I really can't remember a Christmas that she didn't fall. It was either in the ice in the driveway or down the steps in the house. And, I also can't remember a time that I didn't laugh at her for doing it. I mean, why would anyone wear 5 inch heels in 2 inches of ice, anyway? And that, my friend, is not an exaggeration in the least.
Eventually, we'd all finally gather around the table and the conversations would be so many and so loud that you really couldn't think straight.....speaking of which....(I remember the first time I ate Thanksgiving with Jeremy's family while we were dating. While we ate, it seemed to me that no one said a word. I was most uncomfortable. As soon as we got back in the car, I told him immediately, if that was what he was used to, I didn't figure he'd ever survive when he met my family! )
Anyway, back to my ramblings, after a whole day of MAJOR chaos - (it was chaos for everyone but Grandpa - he just walked around with his "telescope" looking at everyone's food and gifts), we'd load up all our stuff, leave Grandma crying at the doorway, and head off to further north into deeper snow, to spend Christmas night with Mama and Papa in the big log cabin. Leaving Grandma's chaos and walking into Mama and Papa's dimly lit cabin with a little ceramic tree with tiny colored lights that glowed in the almost dark, was like walking into some type of sanctuary where the chaos we'd left was forbidden. We'd quietly break out the toys we accumulated that day and occupy ourselves until it was time to say good-night and crawl into the big bed with the ice cold sheets- and after a VERY long day of anticipating what was to come - all of a sudden, time had just evaporated into thin air and it was over. Gone!
Sometimes I miss those days. I didn't know what worries were. I don't know how many years this routine was TRADITION for us. It was an every year thing. Christmas was as slow in coming as anything - I can remember that delightful anticipation so well. It wasn't just so I could get another gift. It was because I was seeing family that I hadn't seen in at least 6 months - sometimes longer.
I reminisced for the sole purpose of reminding me that I am the one who allows life's appointments to overwhelm me and snatch the most anticipated time of year from me and all too soon become another memory. I think that this year, I'm going to do all of my Christmas shopping in July - just so I'll have it all done by December 1st - so that all I have to do then is sit back and wait and do some baking and throw a little birthday party for Addison. Maybe for once more in my life I could actually sit back and wait on Christmas......
Yeah, right! And everybody that believes that's possible, stand on their head!!
I hope you take at least a few minutes and remember a few memories that made you love this season. My memories are endless....I could go on forever, but I won't continue to bore you.
More than that, though, mostly take the time to remember the REASON you have to make these memories. What a beautiful time of year! Although, it can be quite a slow-poke getting here!!
In case I don't get on here to blog again before Christmas, I hope everyone has a very merry one. Enjoy yourself and your time with your families. Make memories that will last a lifetime.
Merry Christmas to All - and to all a Good night!!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Christmas Sing-along
She attended Zach's kindergarten Christmas party today and afterwards the parents were treated to a little sing-along with all the kids doing the singing. After they finished, the teacher announced that they had a few "soloist" who had wanted to sing a song. She said a few little ones got up and sang their favorite songs...."Row, Row, Row your boat......," "Old McDonald had a Farm,"....etc.....
Much to her surprise and regret, Zach stood up to sing his "favorite"......and out he belted this:
"Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream.....kick the devil overboard and listen to him scream."
I think from the way she related the story to me, that she would have felt much better if the floor would have opened up and swallowed her up into it.
I'm still cracking up over it. I would have loved to have been there.
Time Is Flying!
My little girl turned 3 on Sunday. I simply cannot believe it. Time has flown by. It doesn't seem possible.
Anyway, I could rant and ramble about it forever and I'm sure it bore the hound out of most of you, but here are some pictures of her birthday party on Sunday night after church. She begged for weeks to go to her birthday party. Now she wants to know when her birthday party is coming again.
Here she is after the party cuddled up with "Phoebe" - her new stuffed pig from Jenna and Joey.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Irish Blessing
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The Perrys Again!
By the way, just in case you didn't know this, Libby, the only female singing, has only 12 % of her hearing. And she has a voice like that!
(Note: this video was taken at NQC this year. If you think it's good on here, you should have been there. It had the ability to raise you out of your seat - whether you wanted to or didn't. Joseph, the guy singing, wrote this song, btw, along with Rodney Griffin. This month, it is #1 on the Singing New chart. )
Monday, December 7, 2009
The New Hype
What a Day!
The Perrys
I've felt bad about it all weekend for their sake. Anyway, here are a few souveniers we took away from the concert. Addie and I are with Libby Perry Stuffle - who was voted Favorite Alto this year and was awarded at NQC.
Jeremy and Addie are with Joseph Habedank. He won Favorite Young Artist of the Year at NQC also.
The other is Reba and Addie. Reba is her buddy.
Friday, December 4, 2009
For the Kiddos
Thanks a bunch for sending it. I love this song, myself.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
The Joys of Medicine
Regarding Life
Thanksgiving Pictures
Wedding Memories
I've been promising you some humor, and so since weddings are on the brain, I decided to give you something to smile about today. The first one, sorry to say, had me literally rolling on the floor (I actually am typing while I sit on the floor, so that was easy) . These are hopefully things that I will not see Saturday - some are not really even a possibility, but they are outrageously funny!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The Season of Miracles
Something I Promised
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
A New Face
I do hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Mine was wonderful. Had some time with Mom, Laura, Zach and Abby. The kids had a blast playing together. And we had fun relaxing. Thanksgiving Day was beautiful here. Good enough weather that they were all able to go outside and swing and slide. That was a good thing. Used up some energy that would have otherwise been used in the confines of my living room walls. And heaven knows, it couldn't have taken much more energy!
For starters on the post, I got the shock of my life last night when I looked the top of the blog and there was a new face in the blocks of "Followers." I looked at the picture and tried to figure it out without seeing a name and after about three guesses of who it could possibly be, I moved the mouse over to see the name Amanda Bennett Greene. I was shocked to no end, to say the least, and absolutely thrilled to see her again. I gave her mom the website the last time I was in Alabama, and posted her picture on here when I came back. But I was unaware that Amanda would find me, also. So, Amanda - HELLO!! Glad you joined in. I couldn't be happier. Amanda is a friend of our family and has a connection that goes WAY back. I have to tell you, Amanda, that my daughter, Addison, is just as greedy about having her back and arms scratched as you were. You have no idea how many times we have laid down to go to sleep at night in the last year and she would say, "Scratch my back, scratch my arms, scratch my wegs, scratch my beddy button." I would think to myself......"OK, Kitty!" And I really thought I outgrew that slavery!! Guess not.
So, to Aunt Linda, who knows her but doesn't recognize the name, I kinda gave away the hint in the last few sentences.
To the rest of those who read, Amanda and her sister, Sarah, were big sisters to Laura and myself. Many, many posts ago, I wrote a post about the people who had impacted my life. The name was Marjorie Wynn that I referred to. Amanda and Sarah were her daughters. Their mom worked many midnight shifts, so they stayed with us, or us with them. There is more or less a 10 year age gap between us, but I was Amanda's "scratch slave" for YEARS!! LOL!! I have yet to forget.....
So from Savannah, Georgia to Jackson, Mississippi (close enough, right?), welcome to my blog. I'm tickled pink to see you again.
Another thing I wanted to post is a picture I received a day or so ago. It is of my grandparents who went to Michigan for Thanksgiving. It was a really good picture, so I wanted to post it. If you had a clue how hard these types of pictures are hard to come by, you'd understand why it's important. Being that all three of their children read this blog, now they have instant access to this.
Well, that about covers the two major things I wanted to I'll hush for now. I'll be back soon. I promise. I might leave you with a laugh a little later today.
As Paul Harvey would say......"Good Day!"
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Hope your Thanksgiving is a good one!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
'Tis the Season to Be Thankful!
Since you have plenty of other things to do right now than read my list of blessings, I won't bore you. Just know that if you are reading this, you are on my list, and I'm thankful that you are a part of my life.
So, 'tis the season to be thankful......and it really helps your spirit when you begin thinking of the things you have to be thankful for. It just brings a natural smile to your face!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Over and Over
Blonde Password
When asked why such a long password, she said she was told that "it had to be at least 8 characters long ... and include at least one capital."
On Being Thankful
Be thankful that you don’t already have
everything you desire.
If you did, what would there be
to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don’t know something,
for it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations,
Because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge,
Because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes,
They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you’re tired and weary,
Because it means you’ve made an effort.
It’s easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those
who are also thankful for the setbacks.
Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles,
and they will become your blessings.
NOTE: There was no author posted, or I'd put an acknowledgement.
The Need to Ask Why
Sometimes he goes on there and puts a new little "sermonette" kind of thing on the welcome page. He's a very intelligent man, so it's no surprise that he can make sense of things, but this one was particularly good to me. For those who don't know him, he is a man who has walked away from awesome jobs with BIG money to put himself in a position with "barely get by" pay - with having 5 children to raise - all in pursuit of following the will of God for his life. He craves doing anything that might further the kingdom of God.
The goal of his life was to begin working in the church and since he began making life changes, his 13 year old son was diagnosed with a mild form of muscular dystrophy and earlier this year, his 10 year old daughter landed in pediatric ICU with the final diagnosis of new onset juvenile diabetes - Type 1. A virus she had earlier killed her pancreas. She began receiving 4 shots a day and the family of 7 made another life change in learning with how to deal with a brittle diabetic. Not long before Valya (you can see pictures of her on the church picnic post) landed in ICU, the mother, Nadya, was rushed to the hospital for an emergency surgery - turned out she had a hot appendix. Recovering from an appendectomy with 5 small kids was no easy task, I assure you. Within a couple weeks, they moved. I remember the emotions at the different points of these events. Brian Purtell was a very broken man, but he knew he was following the will of God and saw that these were placed in his life to test his faith.
If a man needed to ask why, I could see why Brian Purtell would. Yet, he's a man constantly praying that God will heal both of his children. If God does, I can just see him dancing across the front of the church. If he doesn't, he'll dance anyway and he'll trust anyway.
Now, you can understand why I like this particular writing so much:
If you have, or have been around children you will know this drill. After explaining something with words and wisdom that may even surprise yourself - the child shoots back with "Why?". Dumbfounded (and slightly disappointed) the common response may become a "because".
Nothing has really changed has it? You are an adult know, but the events and circumstances in life have you asking "why?". You just need answer, just like when you were a child.
The wonders of childhood have been replaced by the wonderings of life's circumstances. The loved one who passes away unexpectedly, the sickness that has afflicted someone in your family, a broken relationship, financial trouble....the list goes on. Why me, why now, why this? You might not be really looking for answer, but rather peace in your situation.
This need for an answer can become a hinderance in your walk with God. There is a saying, "the devil is in the details". I believe the devil wants to hinder us by making us focus on the details. "Why" is a detail. The answer to "why?" will not change the situation and, in fact, might not change anything. Look at the Disciples in the story of the blind man in John 9. They were not worried about the potential of his being healed, instead they were focused on the question, "why?". "Why is he blind, who sinned?", is what they asked. Did it really matter? Jesus' answer was a "because". God had a plan to manifest His power.
In asking "why", the focus is on you. You want to know because it is affecting you. The question should be, "Lord, what is your plan in this?". Somtimes He is working out a bad character trait, sometimes building character, sometimes it is to work a miracle, but it is always by Him. The devil had to go to God in order for Job to be tried. In the same way whatever you are going through God is in it somewhere. The focus is on God's plan for you. Forget the "why", instead seek after His plan for your life. In prayer, you will find the answers and steps in His plan.
Praying you find His will,
Bro. Brian Purtell