Sunday, May 30, 2010

Savannah Choir

As you know from previous posts, the beginning of the year was consumed with choir practices, a trip to Nashville, and fundraisers, and a trip to Louisville. All for the choir. Half for the new CD we got in April, and the other half for the Pentecostal Youth Fire Conference.

Our choir director recently started an open Facebook page for the choir so that people could order CD's online, look at the pictures of the choir, etc......

If you're not on Facebook, you do not have to open an account to see this. I'm not on Facebook, either, but this page is open to anyone. Here's the link if anyone is interested.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Count Your Blessings

My Aunt Linda and I love blond jokes. We send them back and forth to each other when we get a new one.

A couple years ago, a friend of mine, who I worked with, told me this story. I laughed so hard. It was so hilarious for a number of reasons. Her daughter had a tendency to 'blond moments' so that was part of the hysteria of the whole thing.

I thought it was so funny, I eventually submitted it to Reader's Digest, received a $100 check from them and a notice telling me that it would be printed in the next month's issue of Reader's Digest.....I thought about this earlier this morning and realized I'd never posted it. The story goes like this....

A few Thanksgivings a go, a young teenage pastor's daughter was assigned the task of printing up the church's Thanksgiving program to be passed out on the weekend of Thanksgiving. (this teenager was the daughter of the nurse I worked with - her husband was the pastor) Well, she took her job very seriously and completed it just as she was asked. At the end of all the necessary things she needed to announce in the program, she placed her little "prayer / quote" regarding Thanksgiving at the end. It was to read, "Thank you Lord for all the blessings that we are at times too blind to see."

After she got all her programs printed out, her mom realized her typo and brought me a program to show me - because she knew I would think it was funny. It read "Thank you Lord for all the blessings that we are at times too blond to see." LOL! We had a running joke about blond blessings.

Quote of the Day

A friend of mine is a huge Dr. Seuss fan. I found this great quote by him and decided I'd post it. She should like it....

" Today you are YOU, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than YOU!"
- Dr. Seuss

Monday, May 24, 2010


Saturday night we attended a Jeff and Sheri Easter concert in our little town. The only negative thing about the show was the pre-show. It seemed endless. Beside I have this thing about people who seem kinda fake. It just drives me crazy.

Anyway, I'll quit complaining and get on with my thoughts.

During the concert, Sheri Easter shared some different tidbits about her recent bout with breast cancer. She talked about all the treatments and the thoughts , songs, and experiences that occurred during that experience. A few songs she wrote during that time....etc....

After intermission, before what was supposed to be the last song (but wasn't), she shared a thought she had during her whole experience. It was a thought about LIFE. She said she had thought about it on more than one occasion how some people think that their trials are God's punishment to them or along those lines. But it all boils down to LIFE. LIFE Happens! It may be due to different reasons that we may have brought on....taking certain meds, eating certain foods, etc.....She made it clear that God is not up in heaven pointing his fingers at different individuals saying - "Ok, I'm going to give you cancer, I'm going to do this to you, I'm going to do that to you....."

LIFE just somehow happens. But when LIFE happens, God provides the strength to get you through LIFE - whatever the circumstances may be. Then on the other side of that issue of LIFE has taught you lessons that you would have never learned any other way. And on the other side of that LIFE event, you can put your arm around someone who's never walked that road before and say, I've been there. It somehow gives them hope to know that someone's been there and has come out on the other side victorious.

These thoughts have been swirling around in my head since Saturday night and I've had plenty to think about. I have thought of the challenges and heartaches in the lives of my different family members and friends that LIFE has presented in the the last year or so.

The first human response is to rail at God our frustrations at how he could have allowed this to happen and why He doesn't prevent it. If He consistently prevented pain or in this instance, LIFE, we would be so spoiled rotten we would be intolerable. If He consistently prevented pain, we would also be able to solve the age old question of why bad things happen to good people. At the same time, if He consistently prevented pain in His children, we would never know how good Victory tasted! There's nothing more wonderful than a sweet victory. Nothing. Somehow, one taste of a victory, makes the pain not as horrible as it seemed - even though at the time, it seemed merciless.

Standing on the victorious side of LIFE, when you put your arms across the shoulder of those who are standing on the threshold of what LIFE once held for you, the power of the HOPE you have to offer gives you an unusual sense of thankfulness that you have arrived at that moment to offer such hope.

When I think along this line of thoughts, it reminds me of a song a little trio of brothers and a sister sang a few weeks ago in our youth service....the paraphrase of the song went like this......"you won't find my bones in the valley that I've left behind - all you'll see are the footprints that tell you I was there."

With all that being said, here's the song that they sang that I really love concerning LIFE...

Friday, May 21, 2010

So Funny!

I'm one of those kind of people that no matter where I am, be it the mall, a restaurant, etc...if there's music with a beat, I'll either start tapping my feet, or snapping my fingers. The beat is just in my blood - can't help it....and it usually don't matter what the song is either. Sometimes I catch myself tapping to some awful rock song with terrible lyrics and don't even realize it. If it's in your blood - it's in your blood. A beat is a beat is a beat, and you feel it where ever you are.....kinda like this little fella' (click on the the link). So, I understand what's going on in his head! It just makes you move! LOL!

(Make sure your volume is up enough!)

Can You Do This?

This is just not normal! (click on the link)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


My friend Tosha sent this to me a few days ago. It's so hilarious! Just had to share.....

As a bagpiper, I play many gigs. Recently I was asked by a funeral director to play at a graveside service for a homeless man. He had no family or friends, so the service was to be at a pauper's cemetery in the Kentucky back country. As I was not familiar with the backwoods, I got lost and, being a typical man, I didn't stop for directions. I finally arrived an hour late and saw the funeral guy had evidently gone and the hearse was nowhere in sight. There were only the diggers and crew left and they were eating lunch. I felt badly and apologized to the men for being late. I went to the side of the grave and looked down and the vault lid was already in place. I didn't know what else to do, so I started to play.

The workers put down their lunches and began to gather around. I played out my heart and soul for this man with no family and friends. I played like I've never played before for this homeless man. And as I played 'Amazing Grace,' the workers began to weep. They wept, I wept, and we all wept together. When I finished I packed up my bagpipes and started for my car. Though my head hung low, my heart was full.

As I opened the door to my car, I heard one of the workers say, "I never seen nothin' like that before and I've been putting in septic tanks for twenty years."

Monday, May 17, 2010

Bleeding Blue

This story is for my avid Kentucky Wildcats fan aunt. Aunt Linda. You've probably already seen this, but just in case you haven't.....

Smile! It's Monday

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Two Places at One Time

My pastor's wife and I were discussing the famous River Street today at one point, and ever since we had that conversation, my head has been spinning with these words. I let my mind wonder for just a second about how much I enjoy walking along the cobblestone sidewalks and the interesting sites down there. And this just stuck in my head.

I heard this years ago, but with the condition the world is coming to, it's kinda sitting in the forefront of my brain, these days. I'm not anxious to stay around this joint if it gets much worse, just to be honest.

Just wanted to share the beautiful thoughts of someone's imagination regarding Heaven, while still attempting to exist here.

"Every time I walk on cobblestone, I imagine streets of gold
And beyond this house I'm living in, there are mansions , I am told.
I know there's so much more to life, than meets these human eyes
Seems I'm always in two places at one time.

Every time the wind blows through the pines, I can hear the angels sing
And beyond the smoky mountain tops, There are surely grander things.
I know there's so much more to life, than meets these human eyes
Seems I'm always in two places at one time

Now I've been called a dreamer, a poor soul out of place,
But my heart is firmly planted in a field of endless days..........

Every time this world has ever tried to offer me its best
I think about the place I'll see when I am laid to rest,
I know there's so much more to life than what we realize
Seems I'm always in two places at one time."

Sometimes I'm tempted to get overwhelmed with this earthy chaotic process and allow my priorities to drift and get sidetracked - but not for long. I truly want my affections set on things above....not down here.

Can't Wait!!

When I was a kid, we used to gather around the radio to listen to Friday Night sing on Moody Radio. 91.9. Dixon Mills, AL. Our favorite guests to sing were Steven and Annie Chapman and the African Children's Choir. I was always so amazed by the Children's Choir - and how well they could keep it all together.

As you know, I'm kinda into choirs, so listening to the children as a child just captivated my attention.

The other day, I was riding down the road close to my house, and noticed a sign at one of the nearby churches. Much to my pure DELIGHT, I realized that the Watoto African's Children's Choir was coming to my little town of Bloomingdale, just a few streets down from where I live. I am absolutely over the moon about it. Not just because I am excited that I finally get to witness them in person, but because I get to share the sheer delight of taking my little girl and hopefully my niece to share in the moment. I plan to take lots of pictures - to savor the memory. It will definitely be a highlight for me that I will probably talk about for ages and ages. There's something about the fact that a bus full of orphans who have lost their parents to diseases such as AIDS and such just has the ability to affect me in ways that are unexplainable. I just love it.

So, just in case you are in the area reading this and would like to attend, the details are as follows: May 25th at 7:30, they will be at Westside Christian Church on Hwy 80 in Bloomingdale.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Weekend Project

Here's something Addison and I did over the weekend to add a little color to the landscaping. SHe painted a few clay pots and we added flowers to them.

This was inspired by some landscaping from Dollywood. I love the concept of the turned over pots with flowers growing out of them.

Got a Song in Your Heart?

I love music. That's no secret to anyone, I don't assume. I like many styles, many groups, and have a long list of favorite songs. I simply can't narrow the song list down to one or two. It's just impossible for me. The list of favorite groups, however is much shorter, and I can make that pretty brief, of course starting with the McGruders. On the short list is the Greenes, Jeff and Sheri Easter, the Booth Brothers, Gaither Vocal Band, and the Collingsworth Family. Gold City is growing on me, but I'm not sure they've made it to the short list yet.

Anyway, I don't think I've ever posted a Booth Brothers song / video on my blog before. Seeing them in concert is probably one of the greatest delights I've experienced. I was reminded that they sang this song yesterday while listening to XM 34. This is on the list of my favorite songs in the world! Probably close to the top. It's a very motivational song for me. It speaks exactly the way I feel. Eternity is just entirely too long to get side tracked by the short term. With that being said, I think this song explains itself. I simply will not walk away!

Since I've started on the Booth Brothers, I'll give you another song to enjoy. this one is of a totally different caliber. I'm posting it for a multitude of reasons. The first being is that it is one of the first songs I can remember my mom singing in church when I was a little girl. Laura will at least appreciate the memory of that.

One of the other reasons I'm posting it is that the studio this is being recorded in the same studio where the choir just completed our CD. The guy at the soundboard is Paul Corley - the producer of our CD. My alto group stood right around where Michael, the tenor, is singing, and Jeremy's group, where Jim Brady is sitting. The entire video offers an array of memories....all good....

Note: the green writing will disappear soon into the video.....not soon enough for me, but it will disappear. Don't know why it's there.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Design Ideas Anyone?

As you know, I'm always loving a good design or creative idea. Coming up with the time to act upon that idea is usually the problem for me.

But, just in case you like to look, the same way I do, here are some beautiful ideas from some blogs I had recommended and some I found while browsing myself.

Thanks Jenna for the recommendation. Laura, you should love these, if you've not seen them. Brina, maybe you'll get a new idea or two for your decorating. Who knows!

Friday, May 7, 2010


On our recent quest to pick up Jeremy's car, we stopped by my grandparent's vacation home in Sevierville. Jeremy managed to get off Monday and Tuesday while we were there - after we were there, so we took the time to play for a few hours.
I'll post some pictures of Jeremy's new toy in a later post.

Here are so
me of Addison's favorite moments from the recent trip. I'll type more later. Since everybody likes to look at pictures, here's what she did while away! (Yesterday she stayed with Jenna for a couple hours - she talked in circles about the events of her trip, Jenna's head was spinning trying to figure out all the places she went and all the events she was talking about)

Even with all the places she got to go and the things she got to do, probably the biggest highlight of her trip was getting to drink a "Nugrape" soda out of a glass bottle. She raves about it continuously!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Thank Goodness

Thank the Lord that our work in Nashville is complete. This is the road that we traveled to get there and back!