Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
A Little Bit About Helen
There is quite a bit of German heritage - mixed with a little Swiss Swedish, and Dutch history as well. I am intrigued with this type of stuff, so needless to say, it was a great learning experience for me. Thank goodness for our iPhones. We put them to good use this weekend discovering the places we were learning of.
In my next post I will uncover one of the keys that unlocked a few of the questions we were having trouble with as far as our "history" was concerned. It was, in my opinion, one of the most unique and interesting experiences of my recent life. I learned so much.
Anyway, one of the things that makes Helen unique is that although it has it's share of "mountain decor" there is that German replica thingy that makes it just really cool. Like this view when you drive around that curve and into the city limits. It's like all of a sudden you crossed the border and find yourself in this awesome Bavarian town on the other side of the world.
Elaboration on Details
So, now that I have my computer back, I plan to post some pictures from our recent trip to Helen, GA and the Blue Ridge Mountains. We arrived back home around 5 p.m. Monday evening.
It was a very enjoyable getaway. Mom has Addison, so we got to take a few hikes we wouldn't have been able to take if we'd had here.....like the half mile straight up a mountain to see Anna Ruby Falls outside of Helen.
Quite a spectacular site, I must say.....but about two steps up the incline I was beginning to wonder if we were making a bright decision about heading up there.....especially after reading the entrance warning that was bold and had big letters that read..."CAUTION - this is a natural habitat for copperheads and rattlesnakes.....do not mess with them and they will not mess with you!"
Let me tell you, this is one soul they don't have to worry about. I seriously about broke my neck looking out for the stupid things. Missed a small dip in the sidewalk making sure no rattlers or copperheads were anywhere in my vicinity - and down I went.....I literally sprained my ankle....limped the rest of the way. Was able to regain my balance just as I almost collapsed onto the sidewalk. I was a little mortified! lol!
Anyway, the trip up the mountain and back would have been a little more enjoyable had I not been constantly monitoring my surroundings for those wretched cold-blooded beasts! Thankfully there was a wooden deck to enjoy the view of the waterfall from - instead of the beaten path that held the possibility of the little devils! By the first 0.1 mile up the incline, our calves were burning so bad we had to stop and rest a bit. It was a serious incline. We actually thought the trip down was going to be better on us, but ended up about half running us down the mountain because - believe it or not, it was just as much of a decline coming down as the incline was going up! Wonder how that happened. We were sweated down like pigs (although pigs don't sweat - I assure you we smelled like them!)
So, here are the pictures of Anna Ruby Falls. I will include pictures of our other excursions on another post.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
On An Expedition
On a whim, Friday night, we decided to take a quick and relaxing trip to the Blue Ridge mountains. Namely, the little town of Helen, GA, which I've never been to. I have found it to be one of the more intriguing places I've been to. I really don't have any pictures to post at the moment because we didn't bring the computer, but I will post them soon. We've fallen in love with this quaint little area and have found some treasures here ad there....like mayhaw jelly for one. Some Farmer's cheese made in Sweden for the other. We discovered these things in a cool store which I will also post pictures of soon.
Right now, we're sitting in a little old house - converted to a restaurant. Built in the early 1900's. The floors creak and shake anytime anyone moves, but we have discovered the biggest and best fried and grilled shrimp that we've ever eaten. Along with mashed potatoes with red skins and doused in creamy butter - ah- heavenly!! Definitely a place to come back to. It's called the Nacoochee Grill!
I'll pos more stuff soon... But for now, I have other places to go.... Like the Hansel and Gretel Chocolate Factory!! Yummy!!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Summer has Officially Arrived
So, that's the worst things about the summer that I have to complain about so far. I haven't seen any snakes - YET! Well, other than the one that was on the road after becoming roadkill - but none threatening to move me off my property, or anything like that. My little lot of land is not big enough for me and a snake to dwell in unity upon! I hate a snake worse than anything.
Along with the arrival of extremely unbearable hot weather, there are a few things I happen to love about the summer. Namely my garden fresh tomatoes. And fresh corn off the stalk, squash, Vidalia onions........and the list goes on and on......
The other day I took the advice of a friend and visited a roadside fresh produce stand a few miles from my house. It was probably one of the highlights of my summer thus far.
I drove up close to the stand and got out to be heartily greeted by a big burly fella about 3 times my size. He had a smile that lit his sun burnt face up. His smile revealed a mouth full of crooked teeth that were very eye catching. I kinda chuckled inwardly - he was just happy to be there! He had on a bright yellow shirt and big denim overalls and had his hands tucked under the bibs like old farmers do.
As I observed each piece of produce carefully, he would inject every few minutes to make sure I looked at it good because he wanted me to "take only the very best home" with me. So, that's exactly what I did. I ended up getting a bag of squash at $1 / lb, a basket of huge fresh tomatoes, and 6 ears of fresh sweet corn (still in the husks) - all for $5.00......
Even if I could get that good of prices in the local grocery store or Wal-Mart, the interaction with the sweaty owner made it worth whatever extra I had to pay.....Luckily I got if for cheaper and got to support a local "little man" (although he was a big man) of America and enjoy his friendliness. I long for life to once again be made up of these types of encounters. Unfortunately, we get so caught up in our little "worlds" that we forget just how wonderful that interaction can actually be. We just want to go do what needs to be done and get on with life. Forgetting that life is made up of these little special moments.
I walked away feeling like I owned the world. I had the sweet feeling that country summers past had come back to life. It was one of those great moments in time for me. I could see, in my mind's eye, all the farmers I've known in my life as they passed on some of their treasures from their gardens and the sense of pride they felt to know that was the result of their hard work and that we were going to enjoy every moment of eating it.
I remembered all over again why I'm willing to tolerate the heat of the summer months here - to get the rewards of the wonderful "fruit" that is the result of that blazing, blistering sun. So, as soon as all that I got that day from the friendly giant in the overalls is gone, I'll be headed right back for more. And more than I'm concerned about the produce he sells, I'm kinda looking forward to seeing him smile again and carry on in his boistrous kind of way!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Two of A Kind
Anyway, they were my honorary grandparents at our wedding and truly were a big part of our life. Sis. Addis died before Addison was born therefore it gave me even more motivation to let her memory live on. Sometimes, when Addison gets a little stubborn, I'll call her Phyllis - Sis. Addis' first name because she was a very set in her ways individual.
I went on that little verbal ramage to lead to this next part of my post. Several years ago, maybe 5 years ago, I encountered another lady who was so like Sis. Addis, I cried and laughed the first time I saw her. I was able to witness an interview with this couple called the Urshans and she was so like Sis. Addis, I was absolutely shocked out of my brain.
It's complicated as to how I discovered them, so I won't even attempt to explain....I'll only leave it at the fact that Priscilla McGruder was involved. The rest is too many details.
So, now it stands that instead of being one of a kind as Sis. Addis was, now there are two of a kind with Sis. Urshan. As they say, the proof is in the pudding.....and I have the proof. You can check out my proof and see what you think.
And by the way, Addison absolutely loves this. I've shown it to her on many occasions to let her have a peek into what she missed by not knowing Sis. Addis until she's able to understand. Therefore, I think she would have been intrigued by her namesake.
And if you're wondering about why this came up today, talking about campmeeting earlier got me feeling all nostalgic again and I just had to talk about it.
Here's my proof.......
Campmeeting Days
But for me, there's nothing better to me than this time of year when campmeeting rolls around and you see friends from far and wide......catch up on friendships you haven't maintained over the previous year, etc..... But mostly, something about getting all kinds of people under the same roof who are expecting the Power of God to fall the same way you are just kinda makes it a little more than a conference. It's just flat-out, good ole Campmeeting. And that's just the best way to describe it.
Fortunately, I have in the recollection of my head and heart the fondest memories of the campmeeting experiences I've had throughout my life, and I assure you there are plenty. I wouldn't trade those days for love nor money! So, just to take you back to the nostalgia, if you care, I have borrowed the fond memories from someone else to help take us back.......
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
An Old Landmark
This old landmark that sits on I-75 between my Aunt Linda's house and my Grandma Daugherty's house made the front page of news this morning on Yahoo. I was a little shocked to see it. As a matter of fact, the last trip up north, Jeremy took a picture of it on his iPhone. Guess he might be glad he did now. Here's the news......
Here's what it says, in case you don't click....from the Associated Press
MONROE, Ohio – A six-story-tall statue of Jesus Christ with his arms raised along a highway was struck by lightning in a thunderstorm Monday night and burned to the ground, police said.
The "King of Kings" statue, one of southwest Ohio's most familiar landmarks, had stood since 2004 at the evangelical Solid Rock Church along Interstate 75 in Monroe, just north of Cincinnati.
The lightning strike set the statue ablaze around 11:15 p.m., Monroe police dispatchers said.
The sculpture, 62 feet tall and 40 feet wide at the base, showed Jesus from the torso up and was nicknamed Touchdown Jesus because of the way the arms were raised, similar to a referee signaling a touchdown. It was made of plastic foam and fiberglass over a steel frame, which is all that remained early Tuesday.
The fire spread from the statue to an adjacent amphitheater but was confined to the attic area, and no one was injured, police Chief Mark Neu said. The fire department would release a monetary damage estimate Tuesday, he said.
Travelers on Interstate 75 often were startled to come upon the huge statue by the roadside, but many said America needs more symbols like it. So many people stopped at the church campus that church officials had to build a walkway to accommodate them.
The 4,000-member, non-denominational church was founded by former horse trader Lawrence Bishop and his wife. Bishop said in 2004 he was trying to help people, not impress them, with the statue. He said his wife proposed the Jesus figure as a beacon of hope and salvation and they spent about $250,000 to finance it.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Purses, purses, purses.....
I recently had a purse party at my house, attended by a few of my friends, and it started off a whirlwind of new designs and organization for my (and Jenna's) life. I got so enthralled with it, I enticed my dear sister to take a peek into it. It has so peaked her interest that she is now the new "Thirty-One consultant" of the family. Fortunately for her, she is in an area in Alabama to sell the merchandise where there is no competition for her product. Other than the few out the roof boutique stores that carry a few designs of different handbags and accessories.
So, just so you know, (to my family) if you are interested in some personalized gifts for Christmas coming up, give Laura a ring.....email, or text......
If you'd like to see what she's selling, you may take a peak into the catalog at www.thirtyonegifts.com
Once you take a peak, you'll be intrigued. I took my bag into work today and at lunch sat down to glance at the catalog for the 50 millionth time. By the time my lunch break was over, I already had one order and two more contemplating what they want. One asked to take the catalog home so she could mull over everything she wanted. I had another nurse ask me what I was selling. I was happy to tell her nothing....I just sat down with a catalog and got overwhelmed with questions and interested parties. It's just that cool!!
.....Speaking of Reptiles....
I have laughed and laughed over our little exchange for 2 days now. It was just so unexpected for me and seemed like it was all part of her plan!
Just had to share.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Another TRAIN
Well, maybe I'm the only one who has frequent TRAINS of thoughts, but writing these Abby posts have triggered a series of thoughts that has one phrase stuck in my head.....and it's driving me CRAZY!! So, I got on youtube and looked it up hoping that I could find it and make everyone else understand why this silly song is stuck in my head.
Another note I might add is that once you're a Ray Stevens fan, no matter where you go in life and what you do, his songs have a way of making their way into your thoughts whether or not you want them to.....like during the middle of some serious conversation someone uses the word "furthermore." And off you go smiling and giving inside joke smiles to someone close (like my husband, sister, parents, sister-in-law, or brother-in-laws) and then you find yourself humming or singing in unison with the other - "and furthermore, and on top of that....I don't love you anyway...."
In this instance, I've read a thousand and one stories about Abby sailing around the world in her yacht. Naturally, every one of those people I just listed just realized after I wrote that sentence exactly what song is now in my head and that I'm getting ready to post! It just comes....once that simple phrase gets stuck in your head, you sing that stupid song for ages (sorry can't use the word "stupid" - don't tell Addison).
So, here it is....oh, and by the way, no music with the armpits, please! lol! And this is not a video - just the music.
The Rescue - Part 2
And here are some snippets of the rescue - some stories, some videos.....just in case you are as interested in this story as I am.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Actually it was the event that happened while I was driving down the road that caused me to think of it. As I was driving along with my thoughts a million miles away, I heard this awful wailing and screeching begin from the back seat along with the yelling, "My finger's STUCK!" I quickly jerked around to see what the problem was. I turned to see Addison with her finger stuck down the straw hole of a Chick-Fil-A cup lid......where the pointed triangles come together.......you know how they are. On top of that, the straw was still in it's place.
As she continues to wail, I talk her through the solution as I continue to drive. First remove the straw and then quickly pull the finger out. So, she does it and our mission is accomplished.
When she finally frees her finger and stops wailing, I scolded her a little by saying, "Do NOT do that again!" After I said it, I actually chuckled at what I just said.....because the truth is, I really don't think it's a problem any more. Experience was definitely a wonderful teacher!
The Rescue
I've read comment after comment about what poor parents she must have and how they should be charged with negligence and every other kind of negative comment possible after an event such as hers. Personally, I have such a fear of deep water that I'd never even allow the possibility of what she's doing cross my mind, but hey, those are her dreams. I had mine, she has hers.......
One thing that's hard to wrap your brain around is that there is actually a 16 year old in the world that is as responsible as she is. It has to do with the fact that everyone seems to be comparing her to this generation's 16 year olds. And heaven knows, as a general rule, they don't have enough responsibility to shake a stick at. It was less than 4 generations ago, it was commonplace that 13 and 14 year olds were marrying and having babies and maintaining families and lifelong marriages. I know, because my great-grandmother was one of those. Thank GOD I was not one of them. I can't even IMAGINE being married at 18 - much less 13.
Anyway....aside from all of that, one person commented on one of the stories I read and he had a great point. After attempting to calm down the outraged individuals railing about the poor parenting of Abby's parents, he replied,
"These parents taught their children to follow their dream and they did. again KUDOS to them. What can your child do? Make it to level 27 on some video game? Give them a medal. And when they are still living with you at the age of 40 you will know what YOU DID WRONG!!!
Personally, I moved away from home to go to college at the ripe old age of 17. I went to fulfill a dream. I remember more than one night in the little town of Livingston, Alabama running from tornadoes and praying with all my heart and might that God would shield me and protect me. More than once I lay on my bed hoping upon every breath I took that one of those huge pine trees that surrounded my house didn't lean a little too heavy towards my side of the house during those dreadful storms. Because had it done so, I would be dead in a split second. I woke up more than once on bright and sunny mornings with my head buried underneath multiple pillows after falling asleep singing at the top of my lungs to cover the sound of the wind whistling through my old (in bad need of repair) windows of my little cabin. I would remember falling asleep singing Janet Paschal's song, "He's my shelter in the hurricane, He's my peace when the world's insane....that same promise that will NEVER change, He'll cover you through WHATEVER......." And my "whatever" was tornado warnings and tornado sirens, and falling branches, and thumping loose pieces of siding........
After hearing all these people carry on with their negative attitudes about Abby's journey, I have thought long and hard about all of these memories I have just listed.
The truth of the matter is, no matter what dream you head out to fulfill, there is risk in every one. I was just as unsafe in Tornado Alley in Livingston, Alabama at times as Abby is in the middle of the Indian Ocean. The middle of the ocean just happens to be a much more dreadful place to be stuck in the middle of a storm in my meager opinion.....but that's just my opinion. I chose not to go there. And NEVER will. EVER! Unless I'm carried that far by a tornado or hurricane that floats through Savannah and lands me there. By my choice, I will never go! SO, tomorrow sometime or the day after that, I'm looking for Abby to crawl onto her rescue boat and head back home. Until then, she sits there with 2 weeks worth of food and provisions. According to the seasoned sailors, she has handled her situation with great grace and responsibility.
So, when you might get tempted to think in a negative way about this kid's dreams and the way she's fulfilled them....just remember, a college campus can be, and too often is, an even more fatal place to fulfill a dream than a trip around the world passing through a storm in the middle of the Indian Ocean - alone in a boat.
That's just my view on the matter......
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Yahoo News
In case you're wondering, I really have no idea what either speech is about or anything that is said.....I'm mainly paying attention to the student at the top right of President Obama's head on the first video and President Clinton on the second. I'm sure you would have figured that out! Just don't want you to miss the point of why I'm posting them.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Pretty Much Completed
Ok, so this is the almost completed project. The only thing left is to finish the trundle underneath. Fortunately, she's thrilled with it. That's really all that matters, after all, I guess. She especially likes the marker board. There will also be a small set of steps that have not arrived yet. I have to pick them up.
By the way, the curtains are also going to get some design. That's also an unfinished project that kinda when to the back burner for some other stuff. It'll all get done someday!
Monday, June 7, 2010
New Project
So, since Laura keeps asking me, here's a few pictures of the project that has kept me extremely busy for the last few days. This was my biggest project yet, and Jeremy was VERY skeptical at first, but he's coming around. I'm so ready to get this completed that I can't stand it. I have literally worked day and most nights on. In between building, I've managed to squeeze in a Pampered Chef party, church work day for campmeeting in two weeks, services all day Sunday, and full day of work Friday and today (Monday). I'm hoping that tomorrow evening this time I'll be able to post the pictures of my completed project. Actually, I would still be working on it, were I not waiting for the caulking and a coat of primer to dry right now.
This is for Addison's room. She didn't like the idea of change at first, but she's also coming around. I found this particular "idea" on a search for a daybed, and this particular one cost approx $800. I saved the picture of it in our picture folder in the computer and spent weeks figuring plans. It's been a great experience watching the ideas come to life.....however, it's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but personally, I love it.
To add a personal touch, you will see one side of the bed is white at the end. The white end is actually a dry erase marker board. The other end has a chalkboard. There will be room at the ends of the bed for her to have a little creative corner.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
I think it's hilarious.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Go Figure
And let me tell you, from the statements that I've read, any person who has stood in an immigration line and has done everything needed to reach legal immigrant status seems to support Arizona and the bill that they are getting ready to enforce regarding illegal aliens. I think any person with papers would be mighty proud to show them if asked about their status instead of this:
So, this is where I need a little help figuring. This is the last line of the article.
"The White House has indicated that it's prepared to go to court if necessary in a bid to block the new law, which makes it a state crime to be in the country illegally."
The dictionary defines a crime as "an action or instance that is legally prohibited." Isn't it already a crime? It's just a bill that says we are finally going to enforce a law that's existent in every state of the union. It's just not enforced anywhere else. And why, again, is this such a bad thing to enforce the law........
A Good Soldier
I am a soldier in the in the army of my God.
The Lord Jesus Christ is my Commanding Officer.
The Holy Bible is my code of conduct.
Faith, prayer and the Word are my weapons of warfare.
I have been taught by the Holy Spirit,
Trained by experience,
Tried by adversity
And tested by fire.
I am a volunteer in this Army,
And I am enlisted for eternity.
I will not get out,
Sell out,
Be talked out,
Or pushed out.
I am faithful,
And dependable.
If my God needs me,
I am there.
I am not a baby.
I do not need to be pampered,
Primed up,
Pumped up,
Picked up,
Or pepped up.
I am a soldier.
I am not a wimp.
I am in place,
Saluting my King,
Obeying His orders,
Praising His name,
And building His kingdom!
No one has to send me flowers,
Gifts, food, cards or, candy.
I do not need to be cuddled,
Cared for, or catered to.
I am committed.
I cannot have my feelings hurt
Bad enough to turn me around.
I cannot be discouraged enough
To turn me aside.
I cannot lose enough
To cause me to quit.
When Jesus called me into His Army,
I had nothing.
If I end up with nothing,
I will still come out ahead.
I will win.
My God has and will continue
To supply all of my needs.
I am more than a conqueror.
I will always triumph.
I can do all things through Christ.
Devils cannot defeat me.
People cannot disillusion me.
Weather cannot weary me.
Sickness cannot stop me.
Battles cannot beat me.
Money cannot buy me.
Governments cannot silence me.
And Hell cannot handle me.
I am a soldier.
Even death cannot destroy me.
For when my Commander
Calls me from this battlefield,
He will promote me to Captain
And then allow me to rule with Him.
I am a soldier in the Army,
And I’m claiming victory.
I will not give up.
I will not turn around.
I am a soldier,
Marching Heaven bound.