Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Season of Miracles

Well, Christmas has always been the "season of miracles" for obvious reasons, but I have to say, this season is off, in my mind, to a great start.

To ponder a moment, I would like to tell you about something I witnessed with my own eyes and hands on Sunday night to tell you why I say this.

During church on Sunday night (during prayer requests), a man that I have referenced before in another post, not by name, but that I have great respect for, made a statement that I could not get out of my head. Not that it was profound or anything, it just got stuck in my head. He requested prayer for a situation taking place on I-16 that he no idea what had happened, he only knew that it had the interstate shut down. He made the statement, "I don't know what the situation is, but I wish the Lord would show them favor." With that, the service moved on and there was not another mention of it.

That night as we left the church, we were headed to eat at a local restaurant with some friends. As we started to pull into the parking lot, we saw a little bit of commotion in the next driveway and Jeremy told me to pull on up. We both jumped out of the car when we saw a man laying flat on the ground past a crumpled piece of metal - which was the remnants of his motorcycle. There were no police or ambulances present yet, and no sound that they might be close until after a few moments of standing next to him trying to figure out how best to help. He had t-boned a mini van in the side, which pulled out in front of him, and three young guys and myself knelt next to him trying to extract information as well as perform a visual assessment of what his wounds might be. He could only tell me his name and as I talked with him, he couldn't remember anything except that he had a girlfriend. His pupils were beginning to constrict and he was beginning to slur his speech. I was convinced he had a major closed head injury. He had no idea where he was or what had happened. Once he realized he was injured, you could sense he was becoming afraid. After a few minutes, rescue arrived and we left. Jeremy couldn't tell what type motorcycle he was driving because it was so mangled.

As we drove away into the parking lot of the restaurant, I silently whispered what I had heard someone say earlier. "Lord, show him favor." I don't know how many times that night that phrase went through my mind. I personally expected him to die or have severe head injuries. He had little visible blood on him, but that is not an issue where head injuries are concerned.

The next morning on the way to work, I wondered what the situation turned out to be. I had made mental plans on the way that I was going to visit him in Trauma ICU that day.

I went into my office to look him up in the computer system and MUCH to my surprise discovered that he had been brought in and had CT's of every organ in his body done......From head to toe. Not one broken bone....Not one head bleed.....Not one laceration. Just a small scratch on his nose. At 3 in the morning, he was discharged home with a clean slate and a few sore muscles to recover.

Out loud in my office as I sat there with my mouth hung open, I said out loud, "Now THAT's a miracle!"

So, just in case you're in need of one and starting to believe God's not doing that much any more.....think again. I saw it for myself. I wasn't exactly having trouble believing in miracles, but sometimes God has a way of just opening your eyes all over again to show just how much power He has.

I can assure you, if you went to the junkyard where they disposed of that bike, you'd never believe that he "walked away from it." I'm still shocked.

Then again, I don't know why I should be shocked. Tis' the beginning of the season of miracles. I hope to document more, at least mentally, before it's over.

As one writer wrote: Suffering is everywhere. Don't think it isn't. So are miracles. Don't ever think they aren't!"


Jenna said...

WOW!! God is so good!! I am glad to hear he is alright!! I was wondering what happened to him.

Anita said...

Yeah, I was totally stunned.