Monday, August 31, 2009
Happy Birthday Aileen!!
You know they say that laughter is the best medicine. Hopefully, if that's the case, you'll be cured of any ill by the time you're done watching the videos I attached for you!!
Happy birthday and may you have a laughing /side-splitting good day!! Make sure your volume is up before you start viewing!
Hello Monday!!
Anyway, hope everyone is well today. I'm actually hoping that a few of you will check in with me and "greet the folks" to say hello to everyone in our little blogging world.
Looking forward to another week ahead of us and hopefully we'll have some fun and interesting posts this week.
Amy, are you out there? I know you've been a busy little bee lately, but we'd love to hear from you!!
I'll close this post out to get the next one posted. Just wanted to say hello!!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
I have been thinking about all the good and bad seasons of our lives and what they (we) lived through. There's one memory that particularly comes to mind. I think it would be considered in each of our minds as a bad season. It's one that we talk about VERY often as a family and laugh at how bad it was and how close we became in living through it together.
Dad was pastoring a particular church in South Carolina and it had more cons than pros. While we were there, we had a theme song. It became our theme song during the Christmas holidays. But as a family we're all extremely fond of it. Every time any of us hear it, we are taken back to the time it meant so much. To be frankly honest, probably all of us would live through it again just to create the memories that we created there. It was a building block of our lives that made us all stronger and gave us all a sense what a true family is all about! So, for that, we are all thankful for the "bad season" of our lives.
It just might become the theme song for the Prince family shortly!
Here it is.....
It's Been 34 Years!!
Well, today is an extremely busy day in the blogging world. Today is Zach's birthday and today is also Mom and Dad's anniversary. Seem like a coincidence??.....well it's not! Laura got the opportunity to choose Zach's birth date. She had the option of any day in the week he was born. She chose Mom and Dad's anniversary instead of her birthday, if you recall was 3 days ago, so that she wouldn't have to share her birthday with him. She said she was afraid she would never get another present!! LOL!! Just couldn't resist telling that! We give her a hard time about it! I have to say, though, their first grandchild being born was probably one of their favorite anniversaries to remember. I'm sure they didn't mind!
So, this post is dedicated to my parents. 34 years ago today they said, "I do." Been alot of ground covered in that time. Figuratively and literally! 34 years of marriage is almost an oddity in the current society we live in, but definitely a cause for celebration. Both of them have been extremely successful in life and I for one am very proud of them.
To quote Mr. Ralph Waldo Emerson, his definition of success goes like this:
To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded!
Life in the ministry, away from family, is not always an easy position to be in. You often times depend on the friendship of people you've never known before. I think being in that position of not having the support system of family has a tendency to strengthen a marriage to levels that might not be recognized or possible with it. Although I know for a fact that had they been able to do what they do with the presence of family, that's what they would have chosen.
Regardless of what the situation has been, they've come through it with grace and with a good name. I have no reason to be ashamed of who my parents are.
So, to them today, I say "Happy Anniversary." I love you. I'm just tickled pink that you're my parents! Wouldn't trade either one of you for anything in the world!!
Happy Anniversary!!!
Love, Anita
Happy Birthday Zach!
5th Sunday Fellowship
Well, Mom, you asked in your comment about food ideas for the 5th Sunday Fellowship. Thought I'd offer a little bit of advice. This suggestion might be beneficial in more than one way! LOL!!
I actually found this strip yesterday when I found the Garfield one. When I read your comment, I went on the search to find it again. Couldn't resist!!
Friday, August 28, 2009
I'm Changing Professions
Researchers have discovered that a chemical released by a mown lawn makes people feel happy and relaxed, and could prevent mental decline in old age.
Now scientists say they have developed a perfume which 'smells like a freshly-cut lawn' which relieves stress and help boost memory.
After seven years of research, Australian scientists say 'eau de mow' works directly on the brain, in particular the emotional and memory parts.
Dr Nick Lavidis, a neuroscientist at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, came up with the idea for the perfume, named Serenascent, after going on a forest trek in the US twenty years ago.
'Three days in Yosemite National Park felt like a three-month holiday,' he said.
'I didn't realize at the time that it was the actual combination of feel-good chemicals released by the pine trees, the lush vegetation and the cut grass that made me feel so relaxed.
'Years later my neighbor commented on the wonderful smell of cut grass after I had mowed the lawn and it all started to click into place.'
Dr Lavidis said the aroma worked on the emotional and memory parts of the brain known as the amygdala and the hippocampus.
'These two areas are responsible for the flight or fight response and the endocrine system, which controls the releasing of stress hormones like corticosteroids. The new spray appears to regulate these areas.
'There are two types of stress. The first is when you are about to perform something or you know you are going to have to do something well. That's acute stress and can be a good form of stress.
'Bad stress is chronic stress and is associated with an increase in blood pressure, forgetfulness and a weakening of the immune system.'
Chronic stress has been shown to damage the hippocampus by reducing the number of connections between communicating cells, leading to memory loss.
Students working on the Australian project found that animals exposed to Serenascent – which combines three chemicals released when green leaves are cut – escaped damage to the hippocampus.
The scent is said to have the 'pleasant aroma of a freshly-cut lawn or a walk through a lush forest'.
It will go into production next month and sell for around £4 a bottle.
Dr Lavidis, who worked with pharmacologist Professor Rosemary Einstein, said: 'It can be used as a room spray or a personal spray on bed linen, a handkerchief or clothing. Down the track we will look at incorporating the feel good chemicals into other products.'
As for my favorite season /seasons, I love the late winter, early spring, and late fall. I can't make up my mind which one I like the best. If I lived in the north, I might have a different opinion.
That also means I have some seasons I don't like very well. One of the things I hate about the south are the excruciatingly hot summers. At times it's so unbearable that you can't stand to step your foot outside because the heat and humidity wrap you up so quickly, within seconds you look as though you just stepped out of the shower - being drenched with sweat. On the other hand, there's not a day my dad or my husband have ever had to shovel snow off the sidewalk or driveway either.....and I promise you they are not complaining about that.
We're not rich enough to be drifters in we have to take the heat to get the good winters. On the other hand, you in the north have to take the icy winters to have a decent summer.
That leads me to the point of my entire post. Seasons! Fortunately for us, summer doesn't last all year long. Thank GOD!! Someone very wise once told me, "the good thing or the bad thing about seasons is that they end. Some seasons you wish would stay forever while others you pray will end sooner than they are meant to."
You know life consists of seasons......all kinds! Life has always been this way, and always will be. That's a fact we just have to accept. Changes in seasons of life are the reason why the age old question exists..."Why do bad things happen to good people and why do good things happen to bad people?" Maybe later I'll write just about that question, but for now, I'm focused on seasons and I have a bit more to say about it.
It's on my mind because I would say that our lives as a family are in, and hopefully on the way out of, a season that we would like to see come to a close. A season of frustration, tears, anxiety, and helplessness. There are seasons that I don't like in life and would really prefer not to have to go through them, personally, but it's been determined since the beginning of time that these times would be building blocks to establish us and we know they're coming. If we had warning, the anxiety for what is to come might be too much for us, so we are not privileged to see beyond the veil of today. And as much as we might like to believe it's not, it IS for our benefit.
See, in THE manual for life, also known as the Bible, we were equipped with a knowledge of what to expect from daily life.....It goes like this.....
1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
9 What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth?
10 I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.
11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.
Ecclesiates 3: 1-11.
It would be really nice to just take all the seasons that are positive and forget about the bad. But attitudes, relationships, and personalities are sometimes molded into better things in the bad times. So, it would not be to my benefit to take out the bad times.
I really like the New Living Translation of the 11th verse of the passage I just typed. It goes like this:
"God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God's work from beginning to end."
Several years ago, my mom and I attended a concert and we were talking to Janet Paschal afterwards. I asked her what the inspiration for a song was that she had written, which was one of my favorites of her writings. The name of it was, "If I'd Had My Way." She began to tell us that the inspiration came from an event in her life where she had a broken engagement. She said it had broken her heart so badly and one day as she boarded a plane she began to list the things to God that she would have done differently had she been in charge of the situation. She said, "I began to tell God, if I'd have had my way...I'd have done this, this, and this." She said, "as I began listing God all these things, He quietly reminded me that His thoughts are not my thoughts and His ways are MUCH higher than mine." She said, "I became a broken vessel before him realizing how selfish I was in my own ways that it never occurred to me that His plan for me was better than what I ever wanted for myself."
After that, she penned the words that said, "If I'd had my way, I might have been wading through the rivers, when you wanted me to walk upon the sea....If I'd had my way, and all of my wants, and whims, and wishes, you knew how weak, how shallow I would be.....I trust Your wisdom over mine. Cause You've proven over time, that in my narrow way of seeing things, I leave the BEST behind sometimes... I might not have stayed as close if I'd had my way."
I've never forgotten that conversation we had that day. It's helped me in my life more than once....because believe me, there's been more than one time in my life that I did NOT see things the same way God saw them. And I assure you, when you like to FIX things the way I do, it's not always easy to keep your opinion to yourself about the matter. Learning to trust has been an ordeal in and of itself.
So, painfully, I've learned.....I'll take the good seasons with the bad seasons. The whole picture has not been painted yet of my life. Since His ways are perfect, and his abilities are flawless, at times when seasons are good, I'll thank Him. When they are not so good, I'll trust Him, still. After all, it's just a season......and the good thing about seasons is that they end!!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
A Note From Barb
I'm just now getting access to my computer again, so I'll try to catch you up on the past few days. We brought Dad home Friday. Didn't get home until about 7 - Dad needed his medication for that night. We thought they were going to provide 2 weeks worth but that didn't happen. He took his medication well the whole week-end. (Depakote 2000 mg is 4 horse pills every night!)
Near panic attack after our arrival back at the house Friday. I was in the kitchen fixing supper and I saw Dad go to the TV cabinet and look on top behind some picture frames. Of course, in my "Curious Barb" state of mind, I waited until he went downstairs then went to check it out. I moved the frames aside and much to my HORROR, I saw 2 Smith and Wesson 357 pistols up there. I nearly died. I knew I couldn't get them - I was afraid he would hurt me, honestly! I didn't mention them - but the next day while Nic was there, I casually said, "Oh, yeah, Nic, there are 2 more revolvers on top of the TV that need to be secured. We overlooked them." He said, "Oh, OK - got up and got them, then unloaded them." We later secured them in the gun safe. To be honest, I really think Dad has guns that he has access to - that we were unable to locate. But he's going to have a gun . . . even if he has to go buy more. And the thing is, he has the money to go do it. We just did our part by securing what guns we could find. You kids would have died laughing at Linda and me. Had no clue how to unload those automatics - so all the guns are secured . . . fully loaded. (Except for the ones Nic put away!)
My eyes are screaming for sleep. I averaged about 3 hours/night since Dad came home. All 3 of us slept in the living room. They in their recliners; I had the couch. Every time Dad's chair squeaked, I knew it. The first 2 nights he was awake til after 2:30 am. Saturday night was a scream! He had a flashlight trying to find a gun that had been hidden way back beside the TV. I had found it Friday morning and secured it in the safe. Mother also found one while she was dusting. He was digging everywhere trying to find those guns. I wanted to just howl with laughter!!!
His appointment with the therapist went fine, I guess. Same one that he had seen when initially taken to Firelands. He'll see the Psychiatrist 9/2 @ 3:15 and a Psych nurse @ 3:45. After that he will be scheduled for appointment with a different therapist. Mother will be attending the sessions with Dad when seeing the therapist. Will only see the doctor if he requests to talk to her.
Thanks to all of you for your prayers for Abby. They were here this evening when I got in. She stays on the run. I'll have her the next few days . . . pray for ME! I'll be a nervous wreck trying to keep her from finishing her head cracking job!!
Thanks for supporting sister (Joan) and me while we were in Ohio. Couldn't have survived as well as we did without your faithful support. That's a 2-week vacation I don't want to repeat anytime soon!!! The Lord was our ultimate strength. No doubt in my mind about that. It's been a very emotional experience. Still having my "moments" - if you know what I mean. I had to sacrifice several meals/snacks and potty stops cause my face was a mess from crying - but I made it home safe and sound.
Sorry this has been so long - had to catch up. Love you all more than you'll ever know!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The Difference Is In ME!!
After I read her post, this song came to my heart / mind and has been in my head ever since. I decided to put it in your head, too. There's no video, just audio. But from the first time I ever heard this song, it moved high onto the list of favorites. It kinda helps put that spring back in your step. So, while you listen, just let it kinda bathe your heart in a little balm of "feel good."
Boots and Trust
Mother called earlier and said Dad said he MAY have found the boots Jerry stole!
She asked where he found them and Dad said, “he hid them in a good place.”
Mother said, “I remember you saying if you found them you would call and apologize.” Dad said nothing. I few seconds later he said, “I’ll go out and check again, those may not be the right boots.”
We’re hoping he’s leveling out chemically . . . but if he is not, we still trust our all-the-time-good God. Here’s today’s verse:
"Those who listen to instruction will prosper; those who trust the Lord will be joyful." Proverbs 16:20, NLT
Barb and I talked this am that everyone keeps expecting us to keel over w/all this mess, and we would have keeled over long ago if we trusted in ourselves. But we are trusting and entrusting it all to God, moment by moment sometimes.
We are not jump up and down happy, but we are not cast down, and have JOY because of trust. Join us, lay your cares down in obedience and see God pour in JOY. Joy comes up from within; happiness depends on external circumstance. The world will marvel at God when they see us walk in joy in spite of yucky stuff!
Check your heart. Is your joy gone? then you are NOT trusting. He said there would be a test . . . will you trust the all-wise God?
Update on Abby
You know it's an amazing thing just how fast life as you know it can change! In the blink of an might never again be as you know it. Thankfully for our family, it was just a temporary thing, but it kinda gives you a nervous feeling to know that it could have been different. May our hearts never forget to be grateful and remember how blessed we really are.
Monday, August 24, 2009
About 30 minutes ago, Abby, Laura's little girl, was playing and fell off the kitchen chair backwards onto the tile floor. According to my brother-in-law, Don, it apparently knocked her slightly unconscious.
While I was on the phone with my Dad, Don called to say they (Laura and Abby) were in the ambulance headed to the hospital with her. He says that she came back around and looks OK other than the knot in the back of her head. She was sitting in up in the back of the ambulance drinking a bottle en route to the hospital.
I will update you as I hear more............
Update: Monday 12 am - On the phone with Laura. She, Don, and Abby are on the way back home from the hospital - thank the Lord. CT's were done of Abby's head. No indication of bleeding or bruising of the brain, but she does have a clean skull fracture. That means that there's nothing they can do, and time will allow it fuse back together (kinda like the soft spot does). It's like any other bone, just usually a little thicker and harder. Nothing fancy from here except monitoring her mental status every 2-4 hours to make sure there are no changes or any other symptoms that would indicate a head injury.
Laura is almost back to normal, also. She's still a little giddy from the emotion of it all - trying to wind down. She and Don have come up with plenty of humor after they found out that nothing serious is wrong. If you want to hear her tell the animated story of the year, call her and ask her about how her phone call to the 911 dispatcher went. She says, "Oh, I'm so embarrassed, I didn't handle it very well at all. I went crazy." It's rather hilarious, but the humor in it is having her tell we all know how dramatic she is.
I don't know about you guys, but I've just about had all the drama I can handle for a year.....unfortunately it's all been crammed into the last 4 weeks!!! Anybody feelin' the same? You think if I change the name of the blog to "our serene lives" that would change anything?? LOL!!
I'll post an update on how she's doing in a few hours.
Little....errr....I mean BIG Ethan!!!
The Papa Man
Here it is......
“Papa man is as the Papa man does
and the Papa man does many, many things
and the Papa man always tries to do the right thing
and the Papa man is a very decent dude!”
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Sunday's Update
As for the Ohio side of things, there's really not much new. Maybe the fact that there is a follow up appointment in the morning with a therapist is a bit of encouragement. Papa's time at home has been pretty peaceful thus far. Mom plans to take Papa to his appointment in the morning, then head home.........Alas!! I know she's a happy camper 'bout that.
That's about all I know for now. I'll post more hopefully tomorrow night. I'm still checking my email frequently (very frequently, actually) to see who's sent me a bit of inspiration to post.
Later gators!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Not Much New
I guess he didn't attempt any whip cracking today as he had planned! From what I hear, he learned fairly quickly that Mom's a little firecracker, not to be reckoned with.........WHO KNEW!! LOL!! Now there's "Firecracker Barb" and "Joan of Arc Linda." Uncle Jerry, aren't you so proud of such wonderful sisters??
LOL!! LOL!!!
To say that I have laughed my head off at the irony of this comic strip, is just insufficient. I found it looking through the daily news and I simply could not resist putting it on the blog. I hope that at least someone finds it half as funny as I did. I think I know at least 2 people who will find it ridiculously hilarious! Namely.......Mark......Aunt Linda...being that they have a great appreciation for good humor! LOL!!
Just a note - for those of you who may not see the humor in this strip, it may help to know that Papa (Ray) raises bees. It's a hobby for expensive hobby, I might add!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Papa is Home
He was insistent on stopping on the way home to have his prescriptions filled from the hospital because he had to have them to take tonight. That was a bit of encouragement, I think.
From this point, I guess we just have to wait and see what happens. It is my understanding that there are a couple of follow-up appointments that he has agreed to go to. Maybe it will all work out! I must trust that it will.
Aunt Linda had to return to Lexington today for work related issues. It's been extremely hard to try to juggle the responsibilities of Papa and her work for the last two weeks.
Mom and Mama will be picking him up from the hospital today and then the adventure begins......
He has agreed to continue the therapy that was started in the hospital, but that was to the social worker, so we all know how quickly that can change.
Please, please pray that God moves His hand to make a difference in the situation.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Breaking News!!
There are some major mixed reactions to this news. On one hand, I feel sure that they feel some sense of relief that they are not going to have to make the journey to Toledo back and forth daily! On the other hand, there is some anxiety and fear mixed in with not knowing what to expect out of him once he's home. I think it's a huge understatement to say that things have changed at home in his absence. The measures that were required to be taken to make sure the house was safe of weapons and unused medications was like combing a haystack looking for a flea. (I think a needle would be a little easier to find than a flea, personally.) That's how they felt about their task at hand while he was hospitalized, and the last I checked, I'm not sure they really think they got it all covered.
I haven't spoken to her myself about the matter, but I have a "gut feeling" that Mama is more than a little uncertain as to what to expect from him upon his return. She knows that it will be just a few days that the girls will get to pack their things and head home and she gets to stay and wait to see what happens. Maybe by then he will be so happy on his medications that it won't matter what they did while he was away. Right now, that's the best they could hope for, I do believe.
This is a matter that definitely has our undivided attention and we must pray that God turns this situation around for the better.
A Word From Mark
WOW! What a couple of weeks we’ve had. It’s been a roller coaster experience – emotional expression on every level. I wanted to share something I’ve read many times and found it comforting today. Though the entire chapter of Psalm 103 is a graphic picture of the Redemptive power of God for our lives, verse 13-17 stuck out to me today....
“The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him. 14 – For He understands how weak we are; he knows we are only dust. 15 – Our days on earth are like grass; like wildflowers, we bloom and die. 16 – The wind blows, and we are gone-as though we had never been here. 17 - But the love of the Lord remains forever with those who fear Him.
I found myself taking this passage to heart with Papa’s news of his illness. Not just realizing the frailty of his situation but for myself Honestly – I was having a hard time staying here in Oklahoma while his children are punished for trying to help. However, this reading seemed to bring a peace – “God understands, He knows how weak we are”. That’s hard to remember when you’re walking thru a mine field of emotions. His love continues even when we forget ourselves and fall prey to the winds of life blowing us around. What amazing grace He shows...
I’m glad that Papa is getting help with this disease. It will be a journey for sure – but let’s all encourage one another in the fact that God knows!
See ya -
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Wednesday Update
We met w/the social worker (sw) at 1:30, then all of us met w/Dad at 2. She discussed medication, seeing psychiatrist for follow-up, guns being secured with detective having key to gun safe.
He appeared to be feeling the effects of the increased dosage of new medications, some dizziness, etc. With direct questioning from sw, he replied that he would not hurt anyone, including Mother and Jerry and agreed to all of the above.
The doctor had asked sw call to give him report of meeting. I walked out w/her to sign in Dad’s laundry so she had me talk w/the doctor after she spoke with him. Our primary question was “what is your perception of Dad?” as Dad has led us to believe that the doctor thinks we’re awful for “turning him in” and he would have done what Dad has done, etc. As the week progressed, Dad said the doctor counseled him to go legal route, but that he understood Dad’s anger. (so did we, but it was unwarranted!)
Dr. Chahal said Dad is bipolar, classic manic depressive.
1) Extreme highs or lows, little middle of the road moods (asked if this was Dad’s case, and I said “yes, as I don’t hear from Dad unless he’s elated or mad)
2) Spending money issues (asked if this were the case and I said “we have farm equipment and trucks to prove it”)
3) Master Manipulator (he asked for confirmation and I said “yes”, and he said “give me a for instance” I said, “Mother.” He said, “enough said.”)
Dad should have NEVER taken anti-depressants as when he is in manic mode, it “drives him “up” and the chemical imbalance begins. Then in the depressive state he has to have more anti-depressant. Dr. thinks he has calmed since some meds were eliminated and new regimen began. They dropped the Haldol when he calmed. They are monitoring his blood levels every day, per his nurse.
Dr. said this is hereditary and we are all inclined, and Dad is not to be blamed for this behavior. Can live a normal life if he takes his meds. He may never take his medication to level out, and that is his choice. They will do EVERYTHING to educate him before he leaves the hospital.
Read more about the disorder and
Mother, Barb and I are like limp dishrags, no kidding, but we are relieved there’s a diagnosis and hope. Thank you for praying. We felt strength and were able to speak up when needed. Mother says little but steps up, folks! Please pray for Dad with renewed fervor.
Just For Mama
I know that Mama is going to be seeing the blog today, so I have tried to come up with a few things for her on here that she might like....Aileen's note, her famous recipe, etc.... After I had all this stuff posted, I realized I had received something from a friend that she would REALLY like. To Mom and Aunt Linda, just make sure she gets to see it.
Cash for Clunkers.......I Qualify
If my body were a car, this is the time I would be thinking about trading it in for a newer model. I've got bumps and dents and scratches in my finish, and my paint job is getting a little dull.
But that's not the worst of it.
My headlights are out of focus, and it's especially hard to see things up close.
My traction is not as graceful as it once was. I slip and slide and skid and bump into things even in the best of weather.
My whitewalls are stained with varicose veins. It takes me hours to reach my maximum speed. My fuel rate burns inefficiently.
But here's the worst of it -- Almost every time I sneeze, cough or laugh, either my radiator leaks or my exhaust backfires.
CASH FOR CLUNKERS..........I QUALIFY - How about You?
The Famous Punch
Mama's Famous Red Punch
- 2 packets of cherry kool-aid powder
- 2 cups sugar
- 1 large can of pineapple juice
Mix all these ingredients into a gallon jug mix well. Fill the container the rest of the way to the top with water. And.....there you have it.
Just a note....Make sure you stir or shake the jug before you pour you a cup to mix the pineapple juice up. It tends to settle on the bottom.
Thanks a bunch, Aileen. We appreciate your thoughtfulness and your friendship to Mama. You are definitely a part of the family. Thank you for sending the note.
Here They Go AGAIN!!
Abby Beth
There is a new addition in the Daugherty family that hasn't gotten much attention. She's missing from all the photos. She's Laura's little girl, Abby Beth Long. She just turned 1 in May, so she hasn't had a very sociable life yet. I'm putting a couple of pictures of her on here so everyone can see how much she looks like Laura.
Thanksgiving 2005
This is a couple family photos from Thanksgiving 2005 when we had the reunion in Savannah. That was the day that Uncle Jerry caught the Greyhound in Louisville and came for a few hours then had to go back. It was such an enjoyable day. The very fact that he sacrificed in such a way to be with the family was something we will always remember. That was also the first time that my husband, Jeremy, had ever met Uncle Jerry. I think he would consider it an VERY interesting but fond memory. He'd never had man kiss him on the cheek like that! LOL!!
I have gone back in the archives of photo memories that I possess from my digital camera (which isn't dated too far back) but I came up with some photos that may bring a smile to someone's face. I may not be able to post many pictures. If not, I'll attach a link to a photo bucket album for more viewings. I'm open for more pics if someone would like to send some.
Wednesday's Request
Love, Linda
The first is to
The second is:
Just thought I'd share......
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
A Small Update
A Word From Linda
"We CAN do what God requires!"
"No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good and this is what He requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God."
Micah 6:8 NLT
About Dad.....and our Family
Update #1:
We see Dad at 7:30 tonight; Uncle Roy is coming down too. The Social Worker has not called back, but we wait, not so patiently.
Spoke to social worker Linda, attorney Mary, Detective Nick today. Pray for them as well.
Monday, August 17, 2009
A Note From "the Girls"
Anita, the blog idea is wonderful. I'm glad Dad educated you so well on the computer. Yeah, right. Love you, Larry!
Tonight's update is fine except for the fact that we've not been officially told when our meeting with MD or social worker is. Dad said, "Wednesday, Thursday or Friday."
This has definitely been a week of stress. Our bodies and our minds are totally exhausted. Mother has been a trooper - bless her heart. I can see why her memory has been faltering. Linda and I feel like ours has gone on a cruise and ran into the direct path of Claudette!
Seriously, thanks to each of you for your prayers and support. We couldn't have survived this without it. God's strength has been our ultimate survival!! Please continue to present our need to the only one who's able to make a difference in this matter. Just knowing that nothing takes God by surprise helps us keep going.
Love to each of you. Yes, we WILL get through this. Together.
Mama/Marlene, Mom/Linda, Mom/Barb
A Word of Encouragement
~ Abraham Lincoln
Monday's Update
Medically, as of today, there are some blood levels for a certain seizure medication that he is taking that are lower than they should be. They have increased the amount of medicine to help increase that level. They have also stopped one of the medications that he has been taking since he was admitted to the hospital. In place of that medication, they are replacing it with another medication that will hopefully help with some of the personality changes. With all the changes in medications, according to Papa, he will probably be there another week.
Mom says that they are probably going to meet with the doctor on Wednesday. As far as personality changes, not sure there's much improvement there. Hopefully the new medication will help with that some.
Not much else to report medically. Aunt Linda, Mom, and Mama will be reading this post in the next little bit and will be able to comment if needed for anything that I missed.
To the adults, I'm trying to be extremely careful to pick my words in describing the situation. I am aware that there may be younger readers who may not understand exactly the whole situation but want access so they may lend support to the ones they care about. I'm perfectly fine with that. I want that to happen.
I will await word from Mom or Aunt Linda for additions to this particular post and will edit or post another blog to accommodate the changes.
Love to each of you. We will get through this. That's why families are so important. No one need walk this road alone.
Contact Info
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Thanks a bundle!
"It Ain't Over"
Within minutes of arriving home, I went back to the computer room at Mom's house and hurriedly typed in the info into youtube that I had written down and I sat down to see what parts of the song I missed.
After I watched it, I called Don, my brother-in-law, and Mom in to watch it with me. We were all just kinda taken with it. It actually hit the spot in a moment where we needed it. All of us.
I returned home from that trip and a little over a week after I left is when the events that led up to what is going on now were getting good and started. I called Mom late one night and she sounded sick / congested. I asked her what was wrong and she told me she had been sitting at her computer listening to this song. Multiple times. She was attempting to draw some strength and inspiration from it. Her "sound of being sick" was coming from the fact that she was crying.
That is the reason I am posting this video. It's for her, but I'm hoping the rest of you find some strength in it. Thankfully the final chapter has not been written. I firmly believe "It's Not Over." It's the not being able to look above the trees to see what lies beyond that is so frightening and unnerving. That's where faith comes in to the picture. Thankfully my faith is placed in a hand that's much bigger and much more capable than my own. I can't imagine the hopelessness that might overtake me if that were not the case.