Well, today is an extremely busy day in the blogging world. Today is Zach's birthday and today is also Mom and Dad's anniversary. Seem like a coincidence??.....well it's not! Laura got the opportunity to choose Zach's birth date. She had the option of any day in the week he was born. She chose Mom and Dad's anniversary instead of her birthday, if you recall was 3 days ago, so that she wouldn't have to share her birthday with him. She said she was afraid she would never get another present!! LOL!! Just couldn't resist telling that! We give her a hard time about it! I have to say, though, their first grandchild being born was probably one of their favorite anniversaries to remember. I'm sure they didn't mind!
So, this post is dedicated to my parents. 34 years ago today they said, "I do." Been alot of ground covered in that time. Figuratively and literally! 34 years of marriage is almost an oddity in the current society we live in, but definitely a cause for celebration. Both of them have been extremely successful in life and I for one am very proud of them.
To quote Mr. Ralph Waldo Emerson, his definition of success goes like this:
To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch...to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded!
Life in the ministry, away from family, is not always an easy position to be in. You often times depend on the friendship of people you've never known before. I think being in that position of not having the support system of family has a tendency to strengthen a marriage to levels that might not be recognized or possible with it. Although I know for a fact that had they been able to do what they do with the presence of family, that's what they would have chosen.
Regardless of what the situation has been, they've come through it with grace and with a good name. I have no reason to be ashamed of who my parents are.
So, to them today, I say "Happy Anniversary." I love you. I'm just tickled pink that you're my parents! Wouldn't trade either one of you for anything in the world!!
Happy Anniversary!!!
Love, Anita
Pass the kleenex box, please. Thank you for the sweet words, Anita. If allowed to choose, you and Laura would again be our picks. Parenting the two of you has been a joy and a privilege. You both make us proud - all due to our Lord. Seems unreal that 34 years have passed by so quickly. Might would change some circumstances that have occurred during those years, but wouldn't change hubby or children! I feel I've been blessed with the best!
Again, thank your for your tribute!
Mom and Dad
Very nice Anita...!
34 Years seems like only a day. I would change a few lines and scenes but not the central characters. Your mother and you all have been great. Love you all!
I've cried a bucket and love you all very much.
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