Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Difference Is In ME!!

Aunt Linda wrote a post earlier about inner joy. It was excellent and OH SO TRUE! The reason why our happiness comes and fades is because it is revolving around temporal things. Knowing THE reason we HOPE, changes happiness into joy - which at times, as she so well explained, continues even when there's not a reason to have "happiness" or joy, necessarily.

After I read her post, this song came to my heart / mind and has been in my head ever since. I decided to put it in your head, too. There's no video, just audio. But from the first time I ever heard this song, it moved high onto the list of favorites. It kinda helps put that spring back in your step. So, while you listen, just let it kinda bathe your heart in a little balm of "feel good."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this song too!

Aunt Linda