Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Update on Abby

Abby is doing pretty good this morning. I'm sure if she could talk, she'd say she had a "splitting headache" - pardon the pun. She's actually headed to the pediatrician to make sure all is still well. There have been no mental changes over the last few hours, so our hearts are truly grateful.

You know it's an amazing thing just how fast life as you know it can change! In the blink of an eye....life might never again be as you know it. Thankfully for our family, it was just a temporary thing, but it kinda gives you a nervous feeling to know that it could have been different. May our hearts never forget to be grateful and remember how blessed we really are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to get this report. I went to the blog listing "Abby Beth" several times today and prayed for her sweet head while I looked at her sweet head! That couldn't have happened a week ago, so I thank you, Anita.
