Sunday, February 28, 2010

Life Lessons 4

And more life lessons.....

16. Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living, or get busy dying.

17. You can get through anything if you stay put in today.

18. A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write.

19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.

20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Life Lessons 3

More life lessons.......

11. Make peace with your past so it won't mess up the present.

12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.

13. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.

Friday, February 26, 2010

For My Crafty Friends

These are some interesting blogs I am currently following. If you don't have a craft bone in your body, then you won't care to even look at them.....but I have a couple interested parties who will like everything these blogs / websites have to offer.

Hat tip to my sister! She finds all this stuff and shares it with me.

Home Remedies

My aunt sent me a couple of home remedies for certain circumstances that I might just try.







I have to admit, I left out one of the remedies. I was afraid some might really try it, and I don't want the blame or responsibility for planting such an idea in someone's head.

Life Lessons 2

More life Regina Brett

6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.

8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.

9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.

10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

NOTE: Back to #8 - One wise man expressed the idea that human nature always has a tendency blame rough circumstances on God - and become angry over it, but once you realize who you're angry at, you better make amends ASAP. Anger at such a Power has the potential to turn bad quickly!

Life Lessons

A 90 year old woman by the the name of Regina Brett from Cleveland, TN wrote some interesting advice for her newspaper column. She wrote for a paper called "The Plain Dealer." I think it would be considered some lessons we could all benefit from if we took it to heart. Over the next few days, I will post 5 lessons each day that she learned in life. So, to get the complete list, you'll have to come back to the blog each day to finish out the list. This is what she says:

"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the lessons life taught me. It is the most-requested column I've ever written. My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more:

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.
5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Women Who Know their Place

This is for all of those who are anxious feminist! Maybe you should reconsider your stance.

A famous newscaster did a story on gender roles in Kabul, Afghanistan, several years before the Afghan conflict. She noted that women customarily walked five paces behind their husbands.

She recently returned to Kabul and observed that women still walk behind their husbands. Despite the overthrow of the oppressive Taliban regime, the women now seem to, and are happy to, maintain the old custom.

The newscaster approached one of the Afghani women and asked, 'Why do you now seem happy with an old custom that you once tried so desperately to change?' The woman looked her straight in the eyes, and without hesitation said, 'Land Mines.'

NOTE: This story is representative of the types of stories told by a certain preacher I know......and NO, it didn't really happen. It's just funny! The same way the stories he tells aren't true....well certain aspects aren't......the aspects that really give the WOW factor, anyway. And the crowd continues to OOOHHH and AAAWWWHHH anyway.....regardless of the truth. And the altars are full (well, maybe that's a little exaggeration)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

To Make You Laugh

A very SPIRITUAL message last night during revival reminded us of the importance of laughter. It is scientifically and spiritually proven that a good laugh makes you physically better.

We'll see. I've laughed so hard at these high heels until I ache. This is WHY I don't wear heels. PERIOD. My ankles would look just like this. You have to see this!

A Little Honesty......

I like politics. Sometimes. I don't exactly love them, but I like to listen to the political pundits and stay informed with what's going on in politics. If for no other reason - so that I'm not totally in the dark when little comments around me are being said. At least I usually have a CLUE, although I may not know all the details.

I was reading a story this morning that kinda made me smile concerning politics - which is why I prefaced this post with that little paragraph.

To kinda give you a little glimpse of where my head is at, I'll start my discussion with this.....

As you know, Jeremy and myself are two of Southern Gospel Music's biggest fans - along with Gregg and Jeana, so we have plenty to talk about concerning that little world of information. And just in case you don't know it, there are a lot of "politics" in Southern Gospel music, too. One of our favorite things to speculate on in that "political arena" is why certain singers leave certain groups. And I assure you, we know how to speculate. LOL! We can come up with every reason in the world as to why individuals leave.

I could sit here and name you a list of recent leaves / group changes and our beliefs behind it, but it's mere speculation - although Jeremy and Gregg would argue that its the Gospel - so it would not benefit me nor you to list those speculations. Sometimes it's chalked up to marital difficulties, moral sins, personality differences, and the list goes on and on.

Recently we got a huge laugh because one guy left a group (and for the life of me, right now I can't remember who it was) and when he was interviewed as to the reason why he left, he had one simple sentence to explain his departure. "Because I wanted to." I think that was a first in Southern Gospel history. Usually it's for personal reasons or other career pursuits. And heaven knows that "personal reasons" excuse has such a host of underlying meanings, I could write all day and never cover it all.

So, as crazy as it seems, that UNGODLY hobby of speculation in this particular field, is what made the story in real politics a bit funnier to me than most would take it.

Here's the long story - short. Democrat Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana just announced that he is retiring from his Senate seat early. And will not seek another term come November. This adds to the long list of Democrats who want to save face because of what the think is coming - come November. He and his family seem pretty young, so it seems to have shocked the state of Indiana and the rest of the Democrats because apparently they thought he was in for the long haul. Including in the detail that he has 13 million dollars sitting in the bank to help his campaign this coming year.

The news this morning has reasons why he's leaving - that he gave in a little news conference in the state of Indiana. After giving a laundry list of reasons why he's leaving - which all had to do with irrational spending and his disagreement with his liberal majority and the fighting between them, he ends his little news conference with this..........."All of this and much more has led me to believe that there are better ways to serve my fellow citizens," he said. "I love helping our citizens make the most of their lives, but I do not love Congress."

Well, then, I guess a little honesty never hurt anybody did it? I'm sure his confession will help add to the frustrations that his crowd of constituents are already feeling........You go, Mr. Bayh.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow pictures

My last entry was acting crazy and wouldn't let me arrange my pictures the way I wanted to. So, here's a few more that I have to keep the memory alive!

Let it Snow, Let it Snow........

For twice in a row, the weatherman was right. I'm impressed! If you only knew how wrong everyone thought he was going to be......

Now, I've lived in Georgia for almost 6 years and have yet to see a snow flurry. So, imagine everyone's surprise and delight last night when the snow began to fall in buckets. I was excited over sleet - (crazy I know) but just the mere idea of ice here was very exciting. I knew the snow was more than likely coming once the sleet began.

It took a while for Addison to get excited about it, though. It was a first for her. The excitement didn't come, though, until Jeremy was able to gather a handful of snow dust off the back porch and hand her in a snowball. We've been sick so we didn't go out and play in it too much, but the neighborhood kids around us had a ball in it. Jeremy took her out and let her get her first "taste" of snow - as you can see, and she thought that was the most hilarious thing she'd ever done in her life. She laughed and giggled - until she was too cold to tolerate any more. One huge snowflake fell in just the right spot as I snapped this picture. It was too funny when I looked back at it.

The neighbor across the street was still up at midnight just standing in the middle of her yard letting it fall on her as if it was the greatest of all miracles......and in a way, it was definitely a miracle.

By the time I got up at 6:30 this morning, there was just a few spots of snow left, but it had a beautiful little blanket over the ground when I went to bed. Fortunately, I captured the pictures then, instead of waiting until the morning. I have some of the cutest pictures to treasure the memory of "our" first snow. I may not ever see it again.....or at least for 6 more years.

Thankfully last night, God allowed the miracle of snow to delight the hearts of many souls over here in Georgia - young and old. The good part about it, is that we don't have to carry on our lives with it stuck everywhere like it is in the north. We only have to delight in it for JUST long enough!! Then it goes away very quickly. Maybe that's the bigger miracle.......since everything here totally haywire at the first sight of a flake!

Friday, February 12, 2010

You go, Mom!

Today I got an email that shocked me slam out of my shoes. I knew Zach had not gone to school because it was SUPPOSED to snow in Millry today. Do you know how many times in my life we got our little hopes all worked up for just one or two snowflakes and they never showed up! Oh the joy of living in Alabama.

Well, guess what! Today, in Mil
lry, Alabama, the weather man did his job right! It snowed. Mom had no one electricity (because a snowflake landed on a line) or anyone to help pass her time at home, so she decided to make merry of the snow that engulfed her yard - since that happens so frequently. She said, it was only her and the birds to help her work on what she set out to do.

After she finished her little project, and the electricity came back on, she sent me these pictures of her finished work of art. I have to tell you, I was stunned. I had NO idea she ha
d it in her. She laughed her head off at how shocked I was that she did this. Not that I have ever doubted my Mom has talent, but I've never seen the likes of this!

More Pictures

Ok, so here are a series of pictures from our trip that I promised. Some are from my cell phone and the better ones are from my good camera. I will try to label the pictures so you know who everyone is.

These are a few of my favorite snapshots:
The ALTO sectionFrankie (video editor) and GusPaul Corley (Producer), David Sikes (Jason Crabb's sound man), Bro. Mark, Rachel, And Gus

Brent - singing Mom's song. Gus got this crazy idea that while Brent was singing in his little room that we all march in front of the window and stare at him - he was terrified from the beginning. I got to go first since I had the camera. As we all went marching in as he sang his verse - without missing a note of the melody of his song - inserted the words - "I wish they'd all go away!" - All to the tune of "Saved." LOL! It was very funny. Pretty creative, too, I must say.
Rachel - "Our Fearless Leader" - as Gus would sayNita and Steven Morris (Allen's brother)Gus attempting to direct us.
This picture cracks me up because of Brian Stanley's mouth being wide open.

I am almost 100% sure this picture was taken during "Days of Elijah." Those poor guys had a REALLY rough time during that song. It was ROUGH!

This is a glimpse inside the studio:

These are snapshots from the first morning in Nashville. There are no shots from the second morning in Nashville - long days and short nights don't make for good morning pictures! LOL!

Bro. Mark Holcombe - "the boss"

Jeana, Robin, Rachel, and me. Rachel is the choir director
Leah and Brian Stanley
Allen and Brent Morris (cousins)

Bad Eyes

Since I have been cracking up over this all morning, I decided I'd share and maybe give you something to smile about for a few minutes.

This morning, as I prepared to go to work, I was getting Addison's stuff together to go spend the day with Jenna and Joe. I walked towards her room to get some clothes and noticed she was sitting straight up in the bed.....which is highly unusual this time of the morning. I usually pull her straight out of the bed to leave - when she goes to stay with them.

When I stopped briefly to see what she was going to do next, she pulled her comforter towards her face and began rubbing her eyes. She's had a cold this week, but nothing major, so I wasn't sure what she was doing. After rubbing them once, she laid the comforter down and then picked it back up and started scrubbing at her eyes again. She did this a total of 4 times before I walked on into her room to see if I might be able to help.

As I got closer, I realized her eyes were matted quite a bit with "cold." I asked her what was wrong, and with this "look" - hair everywhere, eyes barely open, and a look of confusion, she informed me, "Mommy, my eyes are crooked." I almost howled my head off. I took off to the bathroom to grab a warm washcloth to help her out and could barely see to walk because I was near tears laughing.

Don't know why it struck me so funny, but I thought it was just hilarious. The perception of children is so unpredictable that you just never know what's coming next.

Just thought I'd share......

This is now my new tiny compiled list of medical complaints in Addison's terms:

- stuffy nose - " Mommy, I can't smell"
- matted eyes - "Mommy, my eyes are crooked"

..........I'll keep adding as they come. I'm sure there are more, but my mind has a block right this second. Sometimes it is IMPOSSIBLE for me not to laugh at her - even when she's miserable.

Fun, Fun!

Well, this past week had to be one of the funnest weeks ever. If you enjoy music as much as I do, then, you understand why it was a blast. Getting to work with Gus Gaches was a great experience. He was a wonderful vocal coach and had the uncanny ability to criticize in a way that never seemed to be critical. He had a positive approach to every instruction. Which made us really want to be better. There were a few moments I'm sure he found himself wondering what in the world he had gotten himself into, but nevertheless, he pulled the entire show off with great grace. I, personally, could not have had his job - everyone insisted that their opinion count - but ultimately, he called all the shots.

In case I forgot to mention, Gus Gaches is the tenor singer for Legacy Five - the branch of old Cathedral members. Scott Fowler and Roger Bennett started that group after Cathedrals disbanded. Roger Bennett died a while back, but Scott continues to run a tight ship from all accounts. Great group.

I am at work, so at the moment, I am unable to post new pictures. I will do that either tonight or tomorrow night to show you all the fun we had.

There are many, many pictures posted on Gregg's site (in case you didn't see his comment on the previous post) that can give you a rundown of everything we did in the studio while we were there. He kept a very updated site while we were there for the sake of the choir members who couldn't go....and for his sake. I think he probably wanted to be there worse than anybody. I can't think of any two individuals who love Gospel music more than those two Miles boys. They eat it, breathe it, sleep it......maybe you get the point. So, between Jeana, Jeremy, and myself, we kept Gregg informed on a half hour basis. And his blog was updated every few minutes, I do believe. In between recording sessions, we'd slip out and get online to see if he'd put the new pictures up - and sure enough - he had.

So, if you want to check it out - It will show you everything you might want to know and more. I will link it when I get home. This work computer won't allow it to work correctly.

Monday, February 8, 2010

We have arrived!

Well, we have finally arrived in Nashville. The day we have waited for has finally arrived. Thankfully, the Valentine Banquet is behind me and we can now concentrate on the fun.

We arrived in Nashville around 6 p.m. tonight and as soon as we pulled up, it began to snow. At the time we arrived, I was wearing flip-flops! It was a bit!

We have several in our group who have never seen snow like this before. As I write, the snow is coming down in the hugest flakes I've ever seen. Jeremy is knelt at our 3rd story window and every 2 minutes comments on how huge the flakes are. It has turned into a beautiful winter wonderland. And so far, we have had the time of our lives. We've been out throwing snowballs at each other and giggling like a bunch of little school girls. We're just plain giddy about it.

Anyway, we were forbidden to stay out in it long because of our voices - we must protect them. SO, we're watching it fall from the window and are totally intrigued with its beauty. I'm sure if we part of the crowd that's stuck on I-24 behind the collision that has shut it down, I wouldn't be so intrigued.

But for now, I'm totally enjoying it.

Here are some pictures to show you how much fun we're having!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

That's the Truth

I actually happen to know someone to whom this "truth" would apply!

Just for a Minute

It's absolutely ridiculous that it's been a week since I got on this site. Ridiculous, I say. But I do have some things I'd like to catch up on, so if you dare tolerate me, I'll start rambling right away. I only have a few minutes.

For starters, we got to hear the rough draft of tracks for our CD last night. And it is AWESOME. I am beside myself excited about it. The rough draft, without any editing would be wonderful enough for me as it is. We have got some BAD music - in a good way.

Mom's favorite song, "Saved" is sure to win her heart even more than it already has. Brent is so nervous about singing it, though, he's almost at "faint" level just thinking / talking about it. Poor guy. Last night Gregg and Jeremy told him if they could sing that good, they'd be down at River Street singing with a hat to collect. BTW, there are a few down there, who apparently think they can sing that good.

Anyway, just wanted to throw that note in since it's Mom's song.

"Days of Elijah" has an unbelievable "Hebrew" flair to it with flutes and some very cool drumming.

Every song on this album is worth noting. I feel like I could do a CD review already, but it's going to be awesome, if I have to say so myself.

One of the producers favorites, and one of my all time favorites is by Kim (Haney) Lloyd (Kevin Lloyd's wife). It's called, "He Can Walk" it, love it, love it. Of course it helps to have one of the most beautiful voices in the choir singing it - Robin Holcombe. She is the former leader of Export choir that took a booming step forward several years ago. She has an ear for music that is pretty unbelievable. It is a gorgeous ballad.

That particular song refers to the grief of the followers of Christ after his hope...and then how Jesus appeared then - and then in your problems where He's least expected. It is about a personal feeling ............ "the hours pass - and the days go by. The pain won't end - you're still hurting inside. But Jesus bore your grief and your sorrows too. He is full of compassion and He has come for you!.........And He can walk into the room when the door is closed. He can make your pain subside in the night, when no one even knows. Behold his hands....Behold his feet....Touch his riven side.....New hope is born - for He's alive."

Call that paragraph a spoiler, but I assure you, that song is one of those that makes someone in pain reach out for that hope Christ offers. I know, because I've seen it with my eyes. One Sunday morning vividly jumps out in my mind at how much potential healing this song offers. The best way to describe it is as a balm for pain. Whatever it is. I'm very excited this song was chosen.

And then there are the upbeat ones that have some unbelievable music. One's even got a bit of a New Orleans - Cajun feel. With a "funky" guitar sound. The old people in our church will be ready to pass out - but it's not THAT wild! LOL!

So, I guess we'll just have to wait until April to hear the finished product. And that's driving me NUTS!

So, today, I have a huge list of things to do to get ready for Saturday.....and another practice tonight at 7ish. Tomorrow will be a day that begins around 5 a.m. - ending with another practice at 7ish. Saturday - pictures for the CD at 12:30. That will include backdrops from River Street, a huge park in Savannah, and the beach. Ending with the banquet at 7. Sunday - 2 services, practice in between. Leaving Monday a.m. heading to Nashville. 12-14 hour days there. Coming home Wednesday night or Thursday. Work Friday. Revival starts Sunday - goes through Friday.

I just got an ulcer thinking about it all. Only three of those days don't include continuing life with a 3 year old............maybe Papa needs to send me some of his pills!!! JUST KIDDING!