Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Little Honesty......

I like politics. Sometimes. I don't exactly love them, but I like to listen to the political pundits and stay informed with what's going on in politics. If for no other reason - so that I'm not totally in the dark when little comments around me are being said. At least I usually have a CLUE, although I may not know all the details.

I was reading a story this morning that kinda made me smile concerning politics - which is why I prefaced this post with that little paragraph.

To kinda give you a little glimpse of where my head is at, I'll start my discussion with this.....

As you know, Jeremy and myself are two of Southern Gospel Music's biggest fans - along with Gregg and Jeana, so we have plenty to talk about concerning that little world of information. And just in case you don't know it, there are a lot of "politics" in Southern Gospel music, too. One of our favorite things to speculate on in that "political arena" is why certain singers leave certain groups. And I assure you, we know how to speculate. LOL! We can come up with every reason in the world as to why individuals leave.

I could sit here and name you a list of recent leaves / group changes and our beliefs behind it, but it's mere speculation - although Jeremy and Gregg would argue that its the Gospel - so it would not benefit me nor you to list those speculations. Sometimes it's chalked up to marital difficulties, moral sins, personality differences, and the list goes on and on.

Recently we got a huge laugh because one guy left a group (and for the life of me, right now I can't remember who it was) and when he was interviewed as to the reason why he left, he had one simple sentence to explain his departure. "Because I wanted to." I think that was a first in Southern Gospel history. Usually it's for personal reasons or other career pursuits. And heaven knows that "personal reasons" excuse has such a host of underlying meanings, I could write all day and never cover it all.

So, as crazy as it seems, that UNGODLY hobby of speculation in this particular field, is what made the story in real politics a bit funnier to me than most would take it.

Here's the long story - short. Democrat Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana just announced that he is retiring from his Senate seat early. And will not seek another term come November. This adds to the long list of Democrats who want to save face because of what the think is coming - come November. He and his family seem pretty young, so it seems to have shocked the state of Indiana and the rest of the Democrats because apparently they thought he was in for the long haul. Including in the detail that he has 13 million dollars sitting in the bank to help his campaign this coming year.

The news this morning has reasons why he's leaving - that he gave in a little news conference in the state of Indiana. After giving a laundry list of reasons why he's leaving - which all had to do with irrational spending and his disagreement with his liberal majority and the fighting between them, he ends his little news conference with this..........."All of this and much more has led me to believe that there are better ways to serve my fellow citizens," he said. "I love helping our citizens make the most of their lives, but I do not love Congress."

Well, then, I guess a little honesty never hurt anybody did it? I'm sure his confession will help add to the frustrations that his crowd of constituents are already feeling........You go, Mr. Bayh.

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