Friday, April 30, 2010


This is the picture on the church website where Carroll and Priscilla have pastored since the 80s. Just wanted to share it. It is really beautiful.

This is the article in her hometown newspaper.

Farewell 'Lady'

The First Lady of the McGruders, Priscilla passed away yesterday. Her nickname was "Lady," hence the name of the post.

It has been one of the greatest pleasures of my life having her as a hero. I think she had one of the most beautful spirits of any human being I ever met. Just the glow of her face and smile when she talked just made you feel special. It didn't matter who you may be, she was always full of kind words and humility. I met her probably close to ten times during my teenage years.

As heartsick as I am over her death, I can't help but think how wonderful it must be for her to have crossed 'Jordan's tide' and to have finally made it over. On the last video clip I posted of them singing, in the middle of that song ( which is technically named Jordan's tide on the original CD), her insertion of 'What a Lovely Day!' just slightly overwhelms me now.

When I think about the countless songs she sang regarding Heaven, and the energy and excitement she sang them with, if she was 3/4 as excited yesterday when she heard 'that big gate click behind her,' I'm sure it was a celebration that I regret I missed. She described her final destination in one song like this - 'Mansion of splendor, high walls and gates open wide; no more to sorrow, these tears He will dry from my eyes. It's a story-book ending where none of my dreams fall apart!'.

For the ones who know nothing about the McGruders, everything in quotes is something that is present somewhere in recorded form on one CD or another.

I will miss her terribly but at least we live with the hope of Heaven. It's weird - my heart hurts over her death, but I almost feel bad feeling sad because she has fought sickness and suffered so much - yesterday the tears of pain for her were all wiped away and yesterday all of her strength was renewed. She has finally caught a glimpse of the Master. I'm sure every day of suffering was worth that moment for her.

Farewell 'Lady' / Priscilla. The memory of you will be one that I treasure for the rest of my life. Thank you for your dedication to deliver your message of hope and of Christ with the annointing I have yet to rediscover in another.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

We're Going Over

This is one of the last songs recorded at a concert before Priscilla became sick again - and to my knowledge has been too weak to sing much since. I find this song very appropriate for this point of her life.

I know that this style of music may not suit some, but I have a few friends that will enjoy it with me. So this is for them and me. I'm not twisting your arm to watch it. I'm only paying as much as a tribute as I can to one of my heroes, so just bear with me.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Special Request

When I first started this blog, I did so while my grandfather was in the hospital so that I could keep everyone updated on all the happenings. I need to revert to that purpose of this, probably for more than this post, but we'll see.

Yesterday, my grandmother had knee surgery - a partial replacement. Apparently after it was over, she had some issues for which she required a cardiologist. There was chest pain and low pulse rates involved, but other than that, I'm not real clear.

At some point today it is my understanding that she is to have a nuclear stress test to see if she suffered a heart attack at any point yesterday or in the last week. In addition to all of this, she is having a very tough time with the pain from the surgery. I hear that she had a terrible night in pain.

My request is that you please pray for her peace and relief in this situation. My grandmother has been through "the mill" as they say in the last year - and the truth is she's really not up for much more stress - regardless of what it is. Her body simply can't take much more.

Again, if you could find the time to mention her name in prayer, I'd be appreciative.

Thanks so much!

For those it's important to, I'll post updates as I get them.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The "First Lady"

Have you ever had those days where you got up in the morning feeling good - ready to face the world - and just a few minutes into your day, that good feeling crashed? Whether it was a phone call, a conversation, a get the picture.

Someone wrote a song once about the difference just one day makes. I can't remember the words right now, but today was one of those days for me just in case you were wondering why I was asking or eluding to the fact that something was up.

To be flat out honest, I can remember very few other days in history when my heart hurt as much as it has today. I could list them all right here, but I won't bore you with that. Anyway....

If you have known me for any amount of time at all, you know that since the ripe old age of 13 years, I've been an avid Priscilla McGruder fan. My poor mom, God bless her, allowed me to run her all over the United States nearly just for McGruder concerts. My dad occasionally joined us, but since he never cared for surrounding groups that were on the same program as the McGruders, he always acted like he didn't like to go hear them. But sometimes that little quirky smile would creep up on his face before he realized it a
nd you knew that he was secretly enjoying what he was seeing in them. I remember one where we twisted his arm and we all 4 ended up on the first middle row of the United Pentecostal Church in Dayton, OH. It was almost like sitting on stage with them. I'm sure Dad wasn't real comfortable, but he did it anyway.

Not only was their music everything in the world to write home about (which mattered to me), Priscilla sang with a vibrance and an anointing that I'd never witnessed in my entire life. As soon as she started singing it was if some unseen power just dragged me into this little bubble of a trance-like state. I was absolutely enthralled with them. Not only their music, but their appearance was just stellar. She dressed modestly and more than anything, she looked like us. That mattered to me more than words could say for obvious reasons.

There were two things about them that probably had more of an impact on me than anything on the face of the earth. The first was, no matter where they were singing, whether it be an auditorium, gym, or Pentecostal church, they gave it their all. There was no difference. If they shouted in one place, they shouted in the other. They had nothing to be ashamed of and that spirit they carried along with them was captivating by people from every walk of life. There were always tons of Pentecostal people everywhere I ever saw them sing - which was many places - but they always had a way of drawing in the others of different faiths who had never witnessed such a thing. People always left their concerts with the biggest smiles you ever did see. Mom always cried through most of them. I smiled through the whole thing and clapped as much as possible.

The other thing that impacted me tremendously, was that for a long season of their singing ministry, the McGruders were very popular - especially in the early 90's after their hit album "Come Fly with the McGruders." Ronnie Hinson introduced them to the crowd that night and man did they ever shine. Their hit songs "Going Home with Jesus" and "Warmin' Up" surfaced from that night, along with other songs such as "I Can Go to the Master" and "We Have a Savior."

I remember more than once hearing the comment from multiple individuals....give them some time...they came on the scene different from the rest of the singers....pretty soon they'll be just like them. I prayed and prayed that they were stronger than that. I had it in my head that surely someone with the anointing like they had wouldn't give up their individuality to become like the showmen / women they worked around all the time. I knew that if that ever happened, I would be absolutely crushed, because the truth was I really adored her.

Tonight I sit here writing 17 years later, and I have to say, I've not been disappointed in them. There is something to be said for consistency. If nothing else, I have been a student. It is possible to sit right in the middle of the crowd and not become like them.

I said all of that to get to this point. In 2008, Priscilla was diagnosed with cancer. At that time it was in a few bones, her liver, and other places. Today I received that dreaded text that said she had been placed on hospice. All of her family has gathered to be with her for her last days.

This morning on my way into work, just a few minutes after I got into my car, I got that text. I looked up on my visor above me and there sat a CD I hadn't played in a few weeks. I took it out, flipped it to #3, and I heard her sing again...."Most of all, I want to look upon the Master - and sing praises when at last this battle's won...I want to know I've run the race, hear Jesus say, I've kept the faith....but Most of all, I want to hear him say 'Well done!' The memory of the passion she sang this song with just flooded me. Needless to say, I got a little overwhelmed.....guess you could probably say I asked for that one! It helped - some tho!

I shared with my Dad on the phone a little earlier a story I read on a blog earlier today regarding her during her sickness. It is said that at some point in her sickness when she was at a very low point, she was unable to attend church because of the weakness. Her husband Carroll left her at home to go to church. When he arrived back home, he walked in to find that she had made her way into the room where her piano was, and when he found her, she was sitting there playing and singing this....."Because He lives, I can face tomorrow....because He lives, all Fear is gone....."

It's easy to sing that when life is doing pretty good, but when you've been issued your "sentence" I'd say it's not exactly an easy thing to do. Never been there, so I can't exactly say....but I'd think it wouldn't be easy. Take a ton of faith to sing that when you're walking in those shoes.

I'm forever grateful for the songs Priscilla McGruder has sung - songs that at times were almost my salvation. Also, I have the memory of the hugs and smiles she always gave away freely - even tho in the beginning I was absolutely terrified to speak to her. When I finally got brave enough, I found her to be one of the kindest / sweetest human beings on the face of the earth. I am forever grateful that I had the opportunity at a piece of her influence. It makes up a part of who I am today.

(Sorry I took up so much space to write this - I've had a million thoughts going through my brain all day.....I had to get it out!)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Just for Me!

Today I'm celebrating two occasions! The first being 6 yrs ago that I married the most wonderful man on the face of the earth. Being that he reads my blog, he wouldn't take it very well if I wrote long extended descriptions of all the attributes that I love about him and why I am so happily married. So, because I have to live with him after he reads this, I'll keep it short and sweet and tell you that I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful husband and that the last 6 years have been some of the greatest in my life.

The other occasion I'm celebrating is that I moved from the woods of Alabama to Georgia on the same day! Hallelujah!! Mom's in Ohio right now, so she's getting a taste of convenience and not having to drive a days journey just to get something accomplished. As far as the land goes, I miss only the solitude of the country. But I can definitely deal with that. The only thing that I truly miss is my wonderful family. Hopefully they can soon find the "perfect" will of God and move to Georgia! lol! That's just a joke - just in case you don't see the humor in it.

To celebrate the occasions I'm posting myself a song. I loved this song way before 6 years ago. I can remember falling in love with it every year during the laser show at Stone Mountain! Maybe my heart just knew where I belonged - even before I did.

Friday, April 23, 2010

This is GOOD!!!

You know, I really try to keep my post original and interesting. If I say boring things, I try to accompany it with pictures to distract from the boredom. But I have to confess, this post is not going to be original. For the first time in my blogging history, I'm getting ready to copy something from my brother-in-law's (Gregg's) blog - maybe he'll forgive me for this!

He posted a video yesterday that just had me ready to run laps around my house (lol). As George Younce used to say with the Cathedrals, if that don't light your fire, your wood is wet. That's exactly how I feel about this song.

There are several reasons I like this song and insist that I post it. The first is, it's just an awesome song. The second is, the memories it brings back are just sweet. And the third is, I just want to - plain and simple.

I have no explanation for the first reason - you can make your own opinion of it. Truly, it is quite the motivation to "make it." But please note - do not judge the entire video by the first few seconds of it. The camera person appears to be new at this. But the singer turns away from him, so he tries to find the screen with his camera so he can see his face.....and obviously has difficulty doing that. However the audio stays the same.

The second reason you know I'm rather sentimental. So, this is part of my southern gospel junkie sentiments. YEARS and YEARS ago back in the early 90's, I think, or late 80's - can't really remember, I saw this group in it's first stages. Two of the men had just left the Cathedral quartet to form the group Greater Vision. We saw them just after they began singing. They had recorded two albums back to back as soon as they hit the road. One album of new hits for them and one of old songs. The group consisted of Gerald Wolfe - of course, Mark Trammell, and Chris Allman. Their harmony was perfect.

I remember rushing - breaking our necks to get out of a Sunday night service at our church to make it to the Baptist church in town to hear them. It was such a wonderful night. I thought they were wonderful. We bought both of their new "cassettes" that night and literally wore them out.

Since that time, I have continued to appreciate Greater Vision's music, although there have been personnel changes off and on. Mark and Chris both left eventually left to pursue other venues.

Recently, the tenor singer left and my hopes were that by some wild dream, Gerald would bring Chris Allman back. I received some verbal doubts about that wish. Then, lo and behold, the news I wanted came. Chris Allman was coming back. I have to tell you, this has made me so happy. This is now the perfect group. Gerald Wolfe is the powerhouse, Rodney Griffin is the songwriter of the century, and now Chris comes in with the smoothest tenor voice I've ever heard. I'm thrilled to death over it.

So, if I've bored you to no end, I apologize. The excitement over it just has me a little overwhelmed at the moment. Forgive my Southern Gospel lovin' self!

Now that I've explained everything away, here goes......

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Few More Memories

Here are some more pictures of our trip to visit the grandparents.

Mama Prince

Addison and Nana

Addison climbing trees at Mama and Papa Prince house

Addison, Me, and my Grandma Daugherty

This is the thing that Grandpa does best.....

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

PFYC pics

Well, I haven't elaborated much about PFYC since our return - (that's "Pentecostal Youth Fire Conference) in case you've not heard of it. Mostly because I haven't had the time to sit down and do just that. Elaborate. So, I'll take that time now.

It was probably one of the greater experiences of my life. It was truly wo
nderful! Seeing that many young people seeking the face of God all under one roof was.....almost overwhelming for one's heart. There were many people that I knew there that I never got to see or speak to because the crowd was so massive. I'm not sure what the final estimated tally in attendance came to, but the estimated expected attendance was around 3500-4000.

Like I said, it was MASSIVE! It has been an encour
agement for the teens / singles in our church to go there for the past few years. The understanding that they are not in this fight all by themselves has had a great impact on them. Sometimes the tendency to feel like one is in their own little "religious world" can be discouraging for some - especially in small churches. Fortunately we do not fall into that category, but I understand that feeling well. So, along with all the other many reasons this conference is an awesome place, this is another good reason to go.

On Friday morning of the conference, Jersey's choir sang. I'll include a picture of their choir along with ours. Our choir (Savannah) sang Friday night. Richlands choir sang Saturday
. I forgot my camera on Saturday, so I didn't get a picture of that. The other pictures are some clowns you might know! Here are a few pictures that we took while there. (If you want to see the pictures larger, just click on the picture and it will enlarge.)

Addison on the shuttle bus the first morning of the conference. She had just crawled out of the bed. Can you tell?

Jersey's choir
The PFYC Ensemble. (The man singing is Joel Horn from Richlands. The dude could sing! The man with hands raised is Philip Webb and directly to the left of him in the back is his younger brother Tim. I know there are a few people that read this that know the Webb boys but haven't seen them in quite some time. )

The picture above and below are shots of one of the altar services. There were so many people that you had to squeeze in to get to the front, but they were very willing to do just that.

Jenna, ?, Addison, and Aunt Jeana

Our choir gearing up for prayer, practice, and sound check. The next photo is also of our choir.My choir twinMy sweet little family.

Well I've talked about just a few highlights, but the preaching was absolutely phenomenal. Some of the greatest - ever. The speakers included Bro. Brent Gabbard, Bro. Douglas Meadow, Bro. Lloyd Shuecraft, Bro. Mikey Maxon, Bro. Randy Webb, and Bro. Tim Webb. (If I missed someone, remind me). I'm not sure what the lineup for next year looks like, but I'm looking forward to it. I would love to go back.

A Few Memories - part 1

Here's a few more zoo pictures that Addison is fond of. Laura, make sure the kids see these to get them hyped up for next weekend. Hopefully it will whet their appetite to visit the zoo.

This poor little camel loved attention. I think he probably wanted food more than anything, but he loved being petted.

My Papa should love the tractor picture - mainly the Ford Tractor.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Quote of the Day

Some days you hear a line or two that sticks in your head and it's just too good or too funny to keep to your self. And that's when I post my "quote of the day." this morning, I was headed into work and I was listening to the the late Great Adrian Rodgers. He was teaching on finances and in his sermon he made a statement that made me laugh out loud. This is what he said....

"Sometimes I think that they need to change the words in the wedding vows from - 'til death do us part' to 'til debt do us part."

I've seen a few occasions where debt stuck around longer than death!

I hate GOLF!

Ok, so most everyone that knows me, knows that I think that golf is next to football and basketball when it comes to being boring and uninteresting. I'm a fan of none of the above sports....(sorry Aunt Linda). Maybe that's because I'm a girl and I don't understand any of the listed sports very well. The only one that I find remotely interesting is baseball, but I could definitely live without it. I have to admit though, I do enjoy an occasional game of putt-putt, but that's about as far as my passion goes where golf is concerned.

Saying that, I happen to find this letter and this clip very interesting. Maybe it's because I read the letter before I found the clip. I found them both to be uplifting and inspiring. Not spiritually inspiring, but just generalized inspiration for the quality of life.

Maybe you can find some inspiration in it, too. If nothing else, maybe a few guys will at least enjoy the few swings of golf they can observe.

So, here's the letter from a man who recently attended the Masters' in Augusta a few weeks ago. He may have stood shoulder to shoulder with someone I know. Never know! Or, maybe never laid eyes on him.

I actually have no idea who wrote it. I didn't - that's what matters. I give the credit to the man who did, whatever his name may be. Also take note - I was not there, nor did I see it, obviously, so I cannot say whether his account is completely accurate, but I'm trusting that it is.

For the past few days, while I tried to enjoy one of the greatest golf tournaments
in the world, all I was entertained with was the Tiger Woods show. As soon as one golfer would hit a tee shot or make a putt, it seemed that the next view would be that of Tiger Woods. Tiger Woods just missing a putt that would have put him in contention with the other golfers. Tiger Woods hooking his drive which showed how his time off had hurt his game. Tiger Woods trying to “respect” the game. How it seemed that the Tiger was able to put his past transgressions behind him and was able to concentrate on the job at hand. It just kept going on and on about Tiger this and Tiger that.

On the other hand, a little miracle was occurring at the Masters; one golfer just kept smiling. He smiled if he made a good drive, or if he made a bad drive. He smiled if he made a 50 foot putt or missed a 5 foot putt. As he walked between holes, he smiled and shook hands with the crowd. He never cursed a bad stoke or blamed
another person for a miss. All he did was smile.

Why would Phil Mickelson be smiling? Here was a man whose wife has breast cancer. Here was a man whose mother has breast cancer. Here is a man who rather than allow his wife and mother to fight this battle by themselves, took time off from the PGA tour to be with them. Here was a man that returned to the game he loved when his wife ordered him to. Here was man, who was so glad for the miracle
that was happening as his wife moved closer to a cure, that he rewarded her
oncologist by allowing him to be his guest caddy at last week’s golf tournament. This move, which could have cost Mickelson thousands of
dollars in purse money, was his gift to a man he knew he could never thank
enough for what he had given to him.

During the last round today, Phil’s wife was staying in their hotel room since she was still weak from the chemo treatments she is receiving. Phil did not know as he walked up to the 18th tee that his wife would be there. All Phil did was smile. He smiled to the crowds, he smiled to the TV audience, he smiled to God. After his last putt found the bottom of the hole, he hugged his caddy and others and walked to the scorer’s shack. He then gave the biggest smile of the whole four days. He saw his wife, and even in the midst of thousands of people, it seemed that only two where

Tomorrow I am going to smile. I am going to smile if it is nice weather or bad. I am going to smile at the driver who honks his horn at me, or the driver who cuts me
off. I am going to smile if I get the order or not. And when the day is done, I am going to save my biggest smile for the person who makes me complete. Then I am going to look to the heavens and give thanks for being able to smile.

Thanks Phil! God bless you and your family. And keep on smiling!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

More True Stuff!

- I would rather try to carry 10 plastic grocery bags in each hand than take 2 trips to bring my groceries in.

- The only time I look forward to a red light is when I'm trying to finish a text.

- I have a hard time deciphering the fine line between boredom and hunger.

- How many times is it appropriate to say "What?" before you just nod and smile because you still didn't hear or
understand a word they said? (I am so glad that I am not the only one that does this. I always blamed it on the Daugherty blood. Every Daugherty is like that. It drives me crazy but I simply cannot help it. It's probably one of the biggest things that irritates Jeremy - well other than traffic, but it is simply unpreventable.)

- I love the sense of camaraderie when an entire line of cars team up to prevent a jerk from cutting in at the
front. Stay strong, brothers and sisters!

( I posted the last one just for my traffic loving hubby - that's a joke! You've never met someone who hates traffic any more than him. I promise!)

You HAVE to listen to this

A friend from work shared this with me. I've been intending to post it and haven't done it yet. It's pretty awesome. Everything he says is written on the screen. You never see him. I don't know this man who is speaking, but I know at this point he speaks the truth! The truth in it hurts.

More Home Improvement

It seems like the projects around the house never end. I don't like starting them, and not completing them, so there are other things that suffer while the projects continue. My bedroom is one of those things. So, today, Jeremy's out putting up fencing and I'm trying to figure out how I want to makeover my bedroom. He says I've been looking at ideas for over 9 months now, so I'm almost ready to start putting those ideas to work! lol!

So, here we go. I'm so excited. Now the trips and fundraisers are over - now let the work begin. I've been waiting on these projects. My list for the summer includes repainting my bedroom, bathroom, living room, and hall. The living room and hall project includes putting in chair railing. We'll see how fun that becomes. I'm sure Jeremy's looking so forward to helping me out on that one! Those angles sometimes present challenges that Jeremy doesn't enjoy! lol But he always does a great job.

Actually, the only reason I'm on the computer is looking at an idea before I began. Just fingured I'd throw in a quick note while I was online.

I'll take some pictures of my project along and post them when I get done. Don't anticipate anything real soon!

Later gators!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How True

I'm taking a break from my house that looks like a tornado flew threw since our trip to post a note. I figured I'd start by giving you something to smile about.

My friend, Tosha, sent these to me. I'm not going to publish them all at the same time because I need some to post every now and again. These are some random thoughts that someone came up with, and after you read them, you'll find yourself saying, "now isn't that the truth!"

- Nothing IS WORSE more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong.

- I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger.

- There is great need for a sarcasm font.

- How in the world are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet?

- Was learning cursive really necessary?

- Map Quest really needs to start their directions on #5. I'm pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood.

- Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you how the Person died.

- Yo
u never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you know that you just aren't going to do anything productive for the rest of the day.

- I hate when I just miss a call by the last ring (Hello? Hello?), but when I immediately call back, it rings nine times and goes to voice mail. What did you do after I didn't answer? Drop the phone and run away?

- I hate leaving my house confident and looking good and then not seeing anyone of importance the entire day. What a waste.

- I keep some people's phone numbers in my phone just so I know not to answer when they call.

- I wish Google Maps had an "Avoid Ghetto" routing option.

(since I have GPS gurus reading this, I thought I'd include those!)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Camel Ride

Here' s the camel pictures I promised.

Can you tell we made it to a hotel? I'm so thankful for them (hotels). There's only so much going without the air conditioning that this spoiled brat can take!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

More Fun

This week is flying by. It's Wednesday already. I haven't sat down at a computer since Monday night. So far on this trip, Aunt Linda is the only one who is caught up with the advanced internet world. I can type every bit of these posts out on my phone but because I have no editing abilities, I can't publish them. My background of my blog is too dark to accept my black writing. So I guess that's my fault!

We are currently in Berlin Heights, OH. Addison has enjoyed the four wheeler riding in the open spaces and picking up her 'rock collection' from the fields where some beautiful stones have been plowed up. We took a special rock collecting excursion yesterday. She was having fun until she realized there was a huge earthworm hanging off one of the rocks she held. It wasn't much fun after that. I attempted to show her how harmless he was - but she takes this idea from her Nana that a worm is a worm is a worm........ Kinda like a snake. Lol!

I spent my childhood summers on this farm - looking for those worms so I could go fishing in the little fishing hole (that some call a pond) behind the house. If you could see it you would know it's more of a hole than a pond. The rule was we could fish as much as we wanted as long as we found our own worms. And we did.

One summer my cousin, Amy, and I pulled my papa's old canoe out into the middle of the hole and sat there and fished to use up all our worms. I think between the two of us, we caught approximately 90 something fish that day. I'm sure we caught a couple of them a few times apiece. They were all too small to keep, but hey - it was a catch! the hole was too small to move the canoe around in so we just sat right there in the middle of the hole all day long! It was a great day! I just love that memory.

So, today we're off towards Dayton to see the Daugherty grandparents. This trip is never boring. Catching up on a year's worth of info is always interesting.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Let the FUN begin!

Well our vacation has officially begun. As soon as the BBQ was over; we scadaddled out of Savannah and headed north. The plans for Monday include a trip to the Knoxville zoo until Addison's too tired to stand up, then we'll head on north towards Lexington while she sleeps.

It's been a peaceful trip so far- as she's slept the entire way. She can hardly wait to see the animals after they wake up from their 'nap!'

Congrats Trisha

I received word this morning that my baby cousin, Trisha, has welcomed the arrival of her second little one into the world. I'm sure his Papa Jerry is beaming with pleasure! My information is limited. It came from the little one's great- grandmother.

So welcome to the world Baby Jet. I hope this big place is kind to you!

Happy Belated Easter

Well it's midnight and we are on the road. Almost in Macon to be exact. I've had not one spare minute the last day or two to get a nice Easter greeting typed up- and ready to post.

Technically I'm a day late. So since I'm so late, I hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter. This is THE day that every inch of faith that is present in our lives revolves around. Every ounce of hope that exists in our being is solely dependent on that completed work at Calvary and the resurrection 3 days later.

Just imagine what our lives would be like without those 3 most historic days in our Christian history. I don't even want to think of it. If you could imagine the most desperate, hopeless, and despondent place a man could be - that's the wretch we'd all be were it not for the wonderful hope offered to us through the resurrection of Christ, alone.

Fortunately the resurrection is a beautiful picture of new beginnings. And even when we find ourselves overwhelmed with the need to doubt; the one who loved us enough to suffer torture for our sins, has enough compassion to understand our human-ness and our nature to be skeptical that such a miracle is possible. It is in time such as these Christ has a way of letting us know that He truly is alive!

So although I can't say that I've mimicked Thomas and asked Christ to prove himself with the scars, I have needed to feel His hand in the roughest circumstances, and without fail, He's always obliged and what a comfort getting to feel those hands can be! Just as it had to be a comfort to Thomas that day.

So my hopes and prayers are that this Easter was as wonderful for you as it was for us. It truly was wonderful.

Note: Tonight was our 'debut' of our new CD and it's pretty awesome if I have to say so myself. We've listened to it continuously for the past 2.5 hours and have a feeling it'll keep playin for a while longer.

Aunt Linda, I have your 4 copies with me.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

How True

One day a florist went to a barber for a haircut. After the cut, he asked about his bill, and the barber replied, "I cannot accept money from you; I'm doing community service this week." The florist was pleased and left the shop.

When the barber went to open his shop the next morning, there was a "thank you" card and a dozen roses waiting for him at his door.

Later, a police officer came in for a haircut and, when he tried to pay his bill, the barber again replied, "I cannot accept money from you; I'm doing community service this week." The officer was happy and left the shop.

The next morning when the barber went to open up, there was a "thank you" card and a dozen donuts waiting for him at his door.

A Congressman came in for a haircut and, when he went to pay his bill, the barber again replied, "I can not accept money from you; I'm doing community service this week." The Congressman was very happy and left the shop.

The next morning, when the barber went to open up, there were a dozen Congressmen lined up waiting for a free haircut. And that, my friends, illustrates the fundamental difference between the citizens of our country and the politicians who run it.


The above illustration was in an email I received this morning from Laura. I decided I'd post it since I almost took the rant trail earlier this morning on the same topic. It is politicians who are helping mold this generation - and not just mine - but the one before too, into dependent individuals who insist that life's "things" be handed to them freely - no work involved - no price to pay. Our country is becoming anti-Biblical by just handing out to "jerks" who are unwilling to work just because they can get away with it. And I know a few of them myself. Between Laura and Gregg, they are going to get me fired up for sure. What makes me sicker is that it's getting ready to get worse and me and you - the middle class people - are gonna pay for it.


There's nothing worse that I hate than nightmares. If there is, I can't think of it right now. Well, maybe there's one. That would probably be able bodied individuals depending on the government for their livelihood - but Gregg's already covered that soapbox very well a couple of times over the past few weeks, so I won't climb on mine right away! Maybe later.........

Anyway, back to nightmares. I really hate them. Especially when you wake up feeling like you've just run for your life....short of breath, sweating, and anything else you've ever done in a nightmare! I told Jeremy when we were first married that if I had a nightmare and I woke him up to talk to me to help get it out of my head, he better wake up and talk! It's the craziest thing when I wake up from those dreams sometimes. If I don't divert my brain quickly, I can lay my head back down, go back to sleep, and instantly pick up in that dream where it left off. I just hate that!

Explaining dreams to Addison has been a chore. I have had to fully wake her up for the same reason...she simply couldn't quit crying otherwise.

I said all that for a reason - I really did.

Not too long ago, someone told a story that made me laugh for days. Probably for that reason, I'd prefer that I not mention who it was. lol!

Anyway, in a sermon where nightmares were a side trail, he told a story of a man who had a nightmare. He said this man woke up in a complete panic because he was dreaming that he was part rabbit (or fox) and part squirrel. (someone who was there will have to help me remember - please?) Anyway, he said as he was this "thing," he was being chased by hunting dogs. He said he remembered being so confused because he couldn't figure out if he needed to climb a tree or find a hole to run in. He said he's never been happier than he was to wake up from that nightmare.

Don't ask me why, but this struck me hilariously. As anyone who knows me knows how terrible it is for me to get tickled in the middle of a sermon, It took me over half his message to recover from this.

I saw this video clip and it reminded me of that story. And I laughed about it all over again in addition to laughing at this video.

So, I just wanted to share the humor and give you a reason to smile today. By the way, wouldn't this just be a horrible way to wake up.

Jenna, you should like this one!