Saturday, April 17, 2010

You HAVE to listen to this

A friend from work shared this with me. I've been intending to post it and haven't done it yet. It's pretty awesome. Everything he says is written on the screen. You never see him. I don't know this man who is speaking, but I know at this point he speaks the truth! The truth in it hurts.


Gregg said...

I'm quite certain this is the David Wilkerson that pastors Time Square church in New York City. He wrote "The Cross and the Switchblade" and "Run, Baby, Run"> Dallas Holm credits him with helping start his career by allowing him to sing on his crusades.

He is right...will anyone listen?

Linda said...

I will listen! Uncle Ed will LOVE this, Anita.

Linda said...

Gregg is right, one and the same. He had insight to the September 11 trajedy and his church was in anguish prayer or it would have been worse for New York and America (my opinion). Uncle Ed will LOVE this, Anita. I will listen!

Anita said...

You guys are right. It is Times Square pastor. Jeremy was shocked out of his mind that I had never heard of him, but I seriously can't remember it if I have.

I just love this clip.

G3 said...

Thanks what a wake up call for Christians....What a sermon from the heart of a man who cares. I hope to share this with others and see if they to will Listen. I will!