Wednesday, April 21, 2010

PFYC pics

Well, I haven't elaborated much about PFYC since our return - (that's "Pentecostal Youth Fire Conference) in case you've not heard of it. Mostly because I haven't had the time to sit down and do just that. Elaborate. So, I'll take that time now.

It was probably one of the greater experiences of my life. It was truly wo
nderful! Seeing that many young people seeking the face of God all under one roof was.....almost overwhelming for one's heart. There were many people that I knew there that I never got to see or speak to because the crowd was so massive. I'm not sure what the final estimated tally in attendance came to, but the estimated expected attendance was around 3500-4000.

Like I said, it was MASSIVE! It has been an encour
agement for the teens / singles in our church to go there for the past few years. The understanding that they are not in this fight all by themselves has had a great impact on them. Sometimes the tendency to feel like one is in their own little "religious world" can be discouraging for some - especially in small churches. Fortunately we do not fall into that category, but I understand that feeling well. So, along with all the other many reasons this conference is an awesome place, this is another good reason to go.

On Friday morning of the conference, Jersey's choir sang. I'll include a picture of their choir along with ours. Our choir (Savannah) sang Friday night. Richlands choir sang Saturday
. I forgot my camera on Saturday, so I didn't get a picture of that. The other pictures are some clowns you might know! Here are a few pictures that we took while there. (If you want to see the pictures larger, just click on the picture and it will enlarge.)

Addison on the shuttle bus the first morning of the conference. She had just crawled out of the bed. Can you tell?

Jersey's choir
The PFYC Ensemble. (The man singing is Joel Horn from Richlands. The dude could sing! The man with hands raised is Philip Webb and directly to the left of him in the back is his younger brother Tim. I know there are a few people that read this that know the Webb boys but haven't seen them in quite some time. )

The picture above and below are shots of one of the altar services. There were so many people that you had to squeeze in to get to the front, but they were very willing to do just that.

Jenna, ?, Addison, and Aunt Jeana

Our choir gearing up for prayer, practice, and sound check. The next photo is also of our choir.My choir twinMy sweet little family.

Well I've talked about just a few highlights, but the preaching was absolutely phenomenal. Some of the greatest - ever. The speakers included Bro. Brent Gabbard, Bro. Douglas Meadow, Bro. Lloyd Shuecraft, Bro. Mikey Maxon, Bro. Randy Webb, and Bro. Tim Webb. (If I missed someone, remind me). I'm not sure what the lineup for next year looks like, but I'm looking forward to it. I would love to go back.

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