Saturday, April 24, 2010

Just for Me!

Today I'm celebrating two occasions! The first being 6 yrs ago that I married the most wonderful man on the face of the earth. Being that he reads my blog, he wouldn't take it very well if I wrote long extended descriptions of all the attributes that I love about him and why I am so happily married. So, because I have to live with him after he reads this, I'll keep it short and sweet and tell you that I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful husband and that the last 6 years have been some of the greatest in my life.

The other occasion I'm celebrating is that I moved from the woods of Alabama to Georgia on the same day! Hallelujah!! Mom's in Ohio right now, so she's getting a taste of convenience and not having to drive a days journey just to get something accomplished. As far as the land goes, I miss only the solitude of the country. But I can definitely deal with that. The only thing that I truly miss is my wonderful family. Hopefully they can soon find the "perfect" will of God and move to Georgia! lol! That's just a joke - just in case you don't see the humor in it.

To celebrate the occasions I'm posting myself a song. I loved this song way before 6 years ago. I can remember falling in love with it every year during the laser show at Stone Mountain! Maybe my heart just knew where I belonged - even before I did.


Anita said...

This was recorded at a concert in Duluth, GA in December. We should have gone!

G3 said...

Wow that was cool...

Anita said...

Wasn't it tho? They are two awesome singers.