Wednesday, April 7, 2010

More Fun

This week is flying by. It's Wednesday already. I haven't sat down at a computer since Monday night. So far on this trip, Aunt Linda is the only one who is caught up with the advanced internet world. I can type every bit of these posts out on my phone but because I have no editing abilities, I can't publish them. My background of my blog is too dark to accept my black writing. So I guess that's my fault!

We are currently in Berlin Heights, OH. Addison has enjoyed the four wheeler riding in the open spaces and picking up her 'rock collection' from the fields where some beautiful stones have been plowed up. We took a special rock collecting excursion yesterday. She was having fun until she realized there was a huge earthworm hanging off one of the rocks she held. It wasn't much fun after that. I attempted to show her how harmless he was - but she takes this idea from her Nana that a worm is a worm is a worm........ Kinda like a snake. Lol!

I spent my childhood summers on this farm - looking for those worms so I could go fishing in the little fishing hole (that some call a pond) behind the house. If you could see it you would know it's more of a hole than a pond. The rule was we could fish as much as we wanted as long as we found our own worms. And we did.

One summer my cousin, Amy, and I pulled my papa's old canoe out into the middle of the hole and sat there and fished to use up all our worms. I think between the two of us, we caught approximately 90 something fish that day. I'm sure we caught a couple of them a few times apiece. They were all too small to keep, but hey - it was a catch! the hole was too small to move the canoe around in so we just sat right there in the middle of the hole all day long! It was a great day! I just love that memory.

So, today we're off towards Dayton to see the Daugherty grandparents. This trip is never boring. Catching up on a year's worth of info is always interesting.

1 comment:

Linda said...

we LOVED having you in Lexington; come again any time!