Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Special Request

When I first started this blog, I did so while my grandfather was in the hospital so that I could keep everyone updated on all the happenings. I need to revert to that purpose of this, probably for more than this post, but we'll see.

Yesterday, my grandmother had knee surgery - a partial replacement. Apparently after it was over, she had some issues for which she required a cardiologist. There was chest pain and low pulse rates involved, but other than that, I'm not real clear.

At some point today it is my understanding that she is to have a nuclear stress test to see if she suffered a heart attack at any point yesterday or in the last week. In addition to all of this, she is having a very tough time with the pain from the surgery. I hear that she had a terrible night in pain.

My request is that you please pray for her peace and relief in this situation. My grandmother has been through "the mill" as they say in the last year - and the truth is she's really not up for much more stress - regardless of what it is. Her body simply can't take much more.

Again, if you could find the time to mention her name in prayer, I'd be appreciative.

Thanks so much!

For those it's important to, I'll post updates as I get them.

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