Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Here's two Thanksgiving songs.....well, kinda. The first is a slow, beautiful song and the second is an upbeat old Dottie Rambo classic.

Hope your Thanksgiving is a good one!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

'Tis the Season to Be Thankful!

I tried to make a list of everything I was thankful for, and decided it would not be a good idea for me to begin posting a list. I have such a list, it would take forever and so many names of people who matter to would take me pages upon pages. That doesn't include the other things I'd be thankful for.

Since you have plenty of other things to do right now than read my list of blessings, I won't bore you. Just know that if you are reading this, you are on my list, and I'm thankful that you are a part of my life.

So, 'tis the season to be thankful......and it really helps your spirit when you begin thinking of the things you have to be thankful for. It just brings a natural smile to your face!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Over and Over

If I were ever asked the question of what my favorite song would be, I'd have a very hard time coming up with just one. I have a few favorite songs....many of which I've posted already, but this one is very high on the list. "Over and Over, again and again...gets stuck in your head and you will sing all day long. And smile as you sing it. Because you know the truth is - that over and over, God truly is faithful.

Blonde Password

During a recent password audit, it was found that a blonde was using the following password:


When asked why such a long password, she said she was told that "it had to be at least 8 characters long ... and include at least one capital."

On Being Thankful

Be thankful that you don’t already have
everything you desire.
If you did, what would there be
to look forward to?

Be thankful when you don’t know something,
for it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.

Be thankful for your limitations,
Because they give you opportunities for improvement.

Be thankful for each new challenge,
Because it will build your strength and character.

Be thankful for your mistakes,
They will teach you valuable lessons.

Be thankful when you’re tired and weary,
Because it means you’ve made an effort.

It’s easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those
who are also thankful for the setbacks.

Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.

Find a way to be thankful for your troubles,
and they will become your blessings.

NOTE: There was no author posted, or I'd put an acknowledgement.

The Need to Ask Why

This morning, I was browsing through our church's website trying to find out if this past Sunday morning's message was posted. It wasn't, but I did find something else wonderful there. On the home page, a man in our church, Brian Purtell, had something written on the front page that I thought was definitely worth posting.

Sometimes he goes on there and puts a new little "sermonette" kind of thing on the welcome page. He's a very intelligent man, so it's no surprise that he can make sense of things, but this one was particularly good to me. For those who don't know him, he is a man who has walked away from awesome jobs with BIG money to put himself in a position with "barely get by" pay - with having 5 children to raise - all in pursuit of following the will of God for his life. He craves doing anything that might further the kingdom of God.

The goal of his life was to begin working in the church and since he began making life changes, his 13 year old son was diagnosed with a mild form of muscular dystrophy and earlier this year, his 10 year old daughter landed in pediatric ICU with the final diagnosis of new onset juvenile diabetes - Type 1. A virus she had earlier killed her pancreas. She began receiving 4 shots a day and the family of 7 made another life change in learning with how to deal with a brittle diabetic. Not long before Valya (you can see pictures of her on the church picnic post) landed in ICU, the mother, Nadya, was rushed to the hospital for an emergency surgery - turned out she had a hot appendix. Recovering from an appendectomy with 5 small kids was no easy task, I assure you. Within a couple weeks, they moved. I remember the emotions at the different points of these events. Brian Purtell was a very broken man, but he knew he was following the will of God and saw that these were placed in his life to test his faith.

If a man needed to ask why, I could see why Brian Purtell would. Yet, he's a man constantly praying that God will heal both of his children. If God does, I can just see him dancing across the front of the church. If he doesn't, he'll dance anyway and he'll trust anyway.

Now, you can understand why I like this particular writing so much:

If you have, or have been around children you will know this drill. After explaining something with words and wisdom that may even surprise yourself - the child shoots back with "Why?". Dumbfounded (and slightly disappointed) the common response may become a "because".

Nothing has really changed has it? You are an adult know, but the events and circumstances in life have you asking "why?". You just need answer, just like when you were a child.

The wonders of childhood have been replaced by the wonderings of life's circumstances. The loved one who passes away unexpectedly, the sickness that has afflicted someone in your family, a broken relationship, financial trouble....the list goes on. Why me, why now, why this? You might not be really looking for answer, but rather peace in your situation.

This need for an answer can become a hinderance in your walk with God. There is a saying, "the devil is in the details". I believe the devil wants to hinder us by making us focus on the details. "Why" is a detail. The answer to "why?" will not change the situation and, in fact, might not change anything. Look at the Disciples in the story of the blind man in John 9. They were not worried about the potential of his being healed, instead they were focused on the question, "why?". "Why is he blind, who sinned?", is what they asked. Did it really matter? Jesus' answer was a "because". God had a plan to manifest His power.

In asking "why", the focus is on you. You want to know because it is affecting you. The question should be, "Lord, what is your plan in this?". Somtimes He is working out a bad character trait, sometimes building character, sometimes it is to work a miracle, but it is always by Him. The devil had to go to God in order for Job to be tried. In the same way whatever you are going through God is in it somewhere. The focus is on God's plan for you. Forget the "why", instead seek after His plan for your life. In prayer, you will find the answers and steps in His plan.

Praying you find His will,

Bro. Brian Purtell

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Gifts!

This is something my dad would say.....actually he really does - EVERY YEAR!!

Something to Remember

Since everyone will soon be gathering with their families, I wanted to remind you of something. I know everyone has a few family members they have to tolerate to enjoy the rest - so I'm posting this quote to give you the strength to help you understand why life must be this way!

Just remember this Thanksgiving and Christmas Day when you are forced to tolerate someone "quirky."

"Families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts." - Unknown

Friday, November 20, 2009

Musings of Mine

I'm sitting here at 1 a.m. staring at my Christmas tree lights and the mess that still sits in my living room. I want to clean it up but I really don't have the energy. I still have a LOT left to do.

As I sit here dwelling on Christmas, I've come up with two things I am going to add to my Christmas list.

A hat (not just a hat, but a ridiculous looking one that looks like I drive a train) and a tambourine.

Yes, sarcasm reeks from me about that, and if anyone buys either for me, I'll beat 'em senseless!

Really, it's ok if you don't want to laugh at this. I've laughed enough about it for everyone who reads this blog.

For MY Half Blind Friends / Family!

This just cracks me up. I remember when my mom used to wear hard contact lenses.....years and eons ago! They had the tendency to pop out at any given time, and usually at a very inconvenient time. I mostly remember that the world stood still until she found it.

Just in case you have a "blonde moment" figuring this one out....flies have only 2 eyes but each eye consists of multiple lenses - anywhere from 8 to who knows how many. I looked it up before I posted it. But there can be up to hundreds of them. Really! That piece of information makes this even more hilarious.

This is for all of you who wear contacts and know what it's like to lose one....and for my "optician" husband. Surely he'll see some humor in it.

It's Friday!!

I've been waiting for this day all week! I told you I was going to do it, and so this morning we got up and brought down all the Christmas stuff. I'm beside myself with excitement! We put Addison's little white tree in her room up first, then we put the big one up in the living room. Lights are up and we're working on ornaments at the moment. My living room is absolutely scattered with crates and bins full of Christmas things. I just LOVE Christmas! Maybe I'll post pictures when I get it all done!

Now that I got that out of my system, I got word this morning that my dear Uncle Jerry has been on the blog and to him I say "welcome" and "thank-you" for joining in! For him, I'm going to give a few tips on posting a comment, so if you are familiar with this process, then the rest of this post will probably bore you.

To post a comment, click on the "comment" section at the end of each little post.
- Once you click on "comment", type in what you want to say in the big white box, then below the white box, there is a drop-down box.
- Click on the small down arrow on the box and select "Name / URL." Once you click this, it will give you the opportunity to type your name in it.
- Once you type your name, select - "Publish Comment" and there will be a security code you type in before it will allow you to publish.
- Once you type the code, you click "Publish" again and your comment will appear hopefully instantly on the blog.

Happy Commenting! I'm anxious to hear from you. If I've not made this clear, let me know and I'll try to figure out a way to be more specific!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thinking Out Loud again!

Well, revival ended last night. I'm tired, but I could have stood another week, as it seemed it was getting better and better by the night! Last night was definitely a bang to end on. Bro. Dennis Heath ended with a message titled, "Dancing on the Devil's Head."

I wish I could just type out the whole sermon....then again, it wouldn't mean as much as hearing it, because for starters, it would lack the annointing with which he preached with.

During his message, I dug out my "clipboard" (I always make sure I emphasize that because there are a couple of my friends who laugh about my clipboard) to write down a few notes. There were a couple of quotes that he made that I wanted to make sure I remembered.

The first of those quotes came from the scripture reference in Romans 6:20.....And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ [be] with you. Amen.

After he began quoting that scripture he stopped and said, "if I had written that scripture, I'd have written... and the God of WAR....but the writer here didn't. I think I've figured out why........When God puts his foot down, the battle's over. There IS NO more war!"

Another time, in reference to Job, then our own trials in life he stated the old quote, "There is no trouble that touches our lives that has not first been sifted through the hand of God."

I just love it!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Lesson in Faith

A wonderful friend emailed me today. In it, she reminded me of a quote that I had given her in 2005. Janet Paschal quoted it in her book "The Good Road".....

When you have come to the end of all that you know and you are forced to step into the unknown you must know that there is a safe place for you to land or God will teach you how to fly."

I have always loved that quote, and decided to post it, just so I can go back and read it every now and again.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Hire the Wallpaper Man!

For My Dad!

Today is a big day for people who love Christmas as much as my dad and I do.

Today is the day that XM Radio begins playing Christmas music. Yeah!!!!
Just to
celebrate, I'm posting my dad's favorite Christmas song ever! It's been a family favorite for YEARS, actually.....I'm talking 25 years here.

This is just a recording with pictures, but it's sufficient, I assure you. Maybe if anyone else wants to hear it, it will kick the wonderful Christmas spirit into your little heart, too! It's one of those songs you want to hear OVER AND OVER AND OVER!

Yes, I love Thanksgiving, but I think I like Thanksgiving even better because that means that I get to put up the Christmas tree. Not sure I'm gonna wait that long this
year. Addison is BEGGING on a daily basis to put the Christmas tree up. I think I might go ahead and do it and blame it on her!!

Interesting News Today

Sometimes when you look at the news, you think, why is that on the front page of the news (or the headlines of the website, in this case).

Today as I was taking a glance at the morning news, the headline caught my eye! "Stressful Jobs that Pay Badly." Some did not catch me off #1 was social worker. Duh, I know that's stressful. I work with them on a regular basis. I wouldn't want their job. For nurses, they make all the hard calls for us about where the homeless patients go, where dying patients are discharged to, and where abused children get placed. I would NOT want their job.

The thing that did catch me off guard was that in CNN Money report, the job title that placed #5 as being the most stressful with the smallest amount of pay was............"Music Ministry Director." Who knew?? Maybe Mark (my cousin)? They said that 67% of music ministers feel their job is too stressful for the money they make.......

Well, here's what they say about it:

5. Music Ministry Director

Median pay: $40,800
% who say their job is stressful: 67%

You may not think of people who plan, direct and conduct performances for religious services as being under a particularly high amount of stress. But they also choose the appropriate psalm or hymn for every wedding and funeral -- only some of the most important events in a family's life. And those stressful situations can create some demanding clients.

"Every now and then you'll get a strange request," said Dan Fenn, Music Ministry Director at St. John's Lutheran Church in Northfield, Minn. "A couple of years ago I got a request to play the Beer Barrel Polka at a funeral. You have to ask yourself, is this appropriate for a worship service?"

If you're wondering if your job is in that category, check out this link.

And just in case you don't click on the link, Jenna, you would be interested to know that Fundraisers are at #7. You know a bit about that, huh? And you're not making the 40,000 bucks that they are!

Welcome Monday!

I saved this picture last week to post today. I thought it was kinda funny!

So, I hope everyone is well! We decided to continue on with revival. It's been a great week and as far as we know it will continue through Wednesday night. That means today is a scramble day to "get the house back in order after the weekend" kind of day. We had friends over after church last night and the instructions were that the bathroom in the back was the only room open for company. If anyone went behind any other doors it was "punishment by death!" LOL!

But since I haven't updated my blog in a couple days, I ran to do that before I got started. I need to concentrate once I get going......

Until I get a chance to write more....I hope everyone has a great week!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


This week we have been in revival with Bro. Dennis Heath and from the looks of it, will continue on. It's been wonderful so far. There's been a sweet wind of the move of God that's moved in multiple lives. I'm thankful for that.

I remember several years ago, after Laura got married and changed churches, on Sunday she came back home for dinner. With the question of how church went, Laura responded that it was a really good service. Mom's response to her was, "were you involved in that good service?" Fortunately for Laura she answered the right way and said which my mom finished with, "a good service isn't a good service unless you're in the middle or involved in it."

I've never forgotten that.

Therefore, the response from me for the week is, "yes it's been a good week because I've been right in the middle of it."

Friday, November 13, 2009

Thinking out loud.....

Last night at church a man that I have the UTMOST confidence walked into a conversation two friends and I were having. We talked for a moment with him and he totally changed the subject to something we weren't at all discussing - to a touchy subject in life and after he got finished with what he wanted to say, pointed his finger at us and said, "It ain't over until God says it is...." and walked on.

The three of us just stood there... wordless....nodding our head in agreement!

One of them has no clue that I write on a blog....the other does....but did not know that I had just re-posted that particular song. It was an amazing thing to me how differently we all received it and how it meant different things to each of us. I'm still dwelling on what it meant to me! Let's just say it would be one of those small things to let you know God is still there when he's silent!!

Excuse me, I'm just thinking out loud! My mind is dwelling on good things!

Funny Man

This is comedian Tim Hawkins. This is his version of being a praise and worship leader in "other" denominations........His first comment that you may miss is: "I used to be a praise and worship leader for several different religious groups before I became a Christian."

Thursday, November 12, 2009

In Due Season.......

I haven't taken the time the last few days to put some thoughts onto paper.......but I've had them swirling in my head, and would like to take a few moments to do so!

On my trip home from Alabama on Sunday, I have to say, the few hours of quiet were in some ways a balm! Life has been so hectic lately and the lives of the people around me has been tossed into an absolute upheaval! Or so it seems. Yet, I look at them and they truly are the greatest heroes to me because even though life has been rough, their faith has not wavered. I'm the kind of person to whom consistency matters, so this is important to me.

During the trip, at one point, my heart was overcome with gratitude one moment for the wonderful people of which my life consists of and then a few minutes later overwhelmed by the magnitude of which their lives have been affected by circumstance........and how little I am capable of to make matters better.

In the middle of all these thoughts....along with some prayer, I turned on the radio to find the beginning of a sermon by Charles Stanley. I like to hear him most of the time, so I decided I'd leave it. After a few hours of this revolving train of thought, I almost wrecked my car (figuratively :-) when I heard the title of his message. "When God Remains Silent." I had a notebook beside me and I began to jot down notes as he talked. As he began to talk and speak on this subject, I couldn't believe how it was just the way I felt. Then at the end of his description of a time where God remained silent for a time in his life, he said at the end of this worst week, a small thing happened in between his prayers that allowed him to know God was still there, He was just choosing to hold His hand back until He was ready to move.

I really have felt that God has truly been silent in the last few months in some situations that I am close to. He has had "perfect" opportunity to move His hand and has yet to do it.

While I was in Tennessee, I read a book called "The Wind that Destroys and Heals." Excellent book. Probably one of the best I've ever read. In one section of this book (the whole book was not concerning Job), the author describes Job's plight and at the very end where Job rises from the ashes, he is confronted by God in a whirlwind where God never answers the question as to why he had to suffer.....or why God didn't move his hand when Job hurt the worst. God simply gives Job 3 chapters worth of questions about himself that makes Job repentant that he'd ever doubted God could move his hand......while he remained silent.

The same wind that had destroyed Job, was the same wind that came to heal him. Yet, when Job was hurting the most, God remained silent. If I attempted to understand the ways of God....I'd lose my mind! Fortunately I trust him enough to know that his silence will not last forever....The verses that popped out to me this morning as I read in the book of Psalms reminded me of all these things all over again...hence giving the need to write them.

"......The Lord upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all those that be bowed down. The eyes of all wait upon thee; and thou givest them their meat in due season. Thou openest thine hand and satisfiest the desire of every living thing. The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works. The Lord is nigh unto all that call upon him in truth. He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them. The Lord preserveth all them that love him: but all the wicked will he destroy. My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord: and let all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever."

For my "Kin" in Kentucky

.....since I have kin in Kentucky and I was born there, I can post this in good conscience! :-) Hopefully they will take it with a good spirit! Kentucky gets the bad rap for it, but Alabama ain't much better....if any!!

It kinda reminds me of the chicken picture a few posts down!

~A Kentucky Love Poem~

Susie Lee done fell in love;
She planned to marry Joe.

She was so happy 'bout it all
She told her Pappy so.

Pappy told her, "Susie gal,
You'll have to find another.

I'd just as soon yo' Ma don't know,
But Joe is yo' half brother"

So Susie put aside her Joe
And planned to marry Will.

But after telling Pappy this,
He said, "There's trouble still...

You can't marry Will, my gal.,
And please don't tell your Mother,

But Will and Joe and several mo'
I know is yo' half brother"

But Mama knew and said, "My child,
Just do what makes yo' happy.

Marry Will or marry Joe.
You ain't no kin to Pappy.

......Talk about needing a marriage counselor!!!

By Request

This is for Aunt Linda.

"A Friend is one to whom one may pour out the contents of one's heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away. "

More Quotes about Friends

"A friend knows the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails. "
~ Donna Roberts

"Treat your friends as you do your pictures, and place them in their best light."
~ Jennie Jerome Churchill

"The friend who holds your hand and says the wrong thing is made of dearer stuff than the one who stays away."
~ Barbara Kingsolver

"Friends are those rare people who ask how you are and then wait for the answer. "
~ Unknown

"A friend is someone who knows all about you, and loves you just the same."
~ Proverb

Just Because I CAN!!

Just because I CAN, I am putting my favorite song in the world back on my blog. I put it on here as the 4th post. That's 150 posts ago.....and since no one cares to go that far back, including me, I'm posting it again for easier access. If for no one else besides myself, for Jenna. She likes / loves this song, too. If you don't believe me, just ask her. So does Addison. She likes to show her victory sign when they do and throw her hands / fists up in the air right along with them and she sings at the TOP of her lungs....."IT AIN'T OVER....til God says it's OVER!!" And the caps are where she yells the loudest!!

So, because I've been singing this song in my head the last week....and can't get it out, I'm going to feed my will! I'm gonna put it where I can listen at my closest convenience at the touch of 1 button - not 50 clicks!! And really doesn't take 50 clicks to get there. Only about 3-4. And I guarantee if you're new to my blog, you haven't taken the time to go through the pages of everything on here. So, this may be totally new for you.

If you don't like it, the good thing about it is that you don't have to listen to have to CHOOSE to listen to it! That's for your convenience.....see even though I'm feeding my wants at the moment, I'm trying to be a little considerate! :-)

Lola and Garfield

Two of my favorite cartoon strips to post are Lola and Garfield. I collected a few over the last few days that were sure to bring a laugh, so I thought I'd post them this morning! And the boys that are in the comic strip are from the Lola strip. I loved it too much to leave it out.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

WANTED - A Good Marriage Counselor!

You know we've all been in the mode to discuss the marriage conference / counseling and the memories....which we've discussed at length!

This morning, the jokes I received this absolutely hilarious picture in my email from Jeana.

You know there are moments when the current "lol" generation places that abbreviation or whatever you want to call it behind some things that have the slightest potential to bring a smile - then there are other times where they all need to be in capital letters because it is really "LAUGH OUT LOUD" funny!! T
his is one of those times! I truly laughed way out loud about it. I had to share it!

Thank you, Jeana - for the laugh. It was truly great! I will include her original caption with the picture!

"They may need some marriage counseling. lol"

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Conference Memories

Here are a few of the pictures I promised. These are some of the events that occurred during the week. I'll explain below each picture.

This is a pillow fight to attempt to see who can stay up on the chair the longest! The guy farthest to the right, Bro. Eaten, did not fair well. His chair flew out from under him and he landed flat on his back end. It appeared painful!!

This is Alan and Tammy Harris participating in a skit. It was the one where Tammy wished she could see the world and Alan wished he had a woman 30 years younger.....and she saw the world, and he became an old man. I don't have a picture of the end result. But he turned around with a white skeleton mask on his face and appeared unable to walk.

The next three pictures are probably from one of the funniest moments of the week. It was the "Nose Game." This black sheet covered four men sitting in chairs...their noses are what you see coming through small slits in the black sheet. Each wife (pastor's wives) had to identify their husband by their nose. This picture is Sis. Adams. She "picked" the right nose.
I can't remember this lady's name, but she did not get the right husband.....she chose Laura's pastor, Bro. Norman's nose. She was mortified when a 24 year old guy stood up from behind the sheet.
This is Sis. Miranda Norman, Laura's pastor's wife. She went first and picked the right nose. She was so embarrassed to have to do this.
This was a dance. Three couples were chosen to stand in each aisle...lock arms, then twirl all the way down the aisle and back - dressed in these costumes. I didn't get a good picture of the third couple who happened to be from our church. They actually collapsed into the floor on the final round in the end. It was hilarious. I don't know who this couple was, but they were hilarious. Believe it or not, this guy had a very close haircut with a head full of black hair. This totally changed the way everyone appeared.
Believe it or not, this is Jared Sanders and his wife. The wig was hilarious.

This video is the marshmallow catch. Contraptions were built to catapult marshmallows. Whoever caught the most in their mouth and ate them, won! Gross!! The poor guy that won got pretty sick from cramming so many marshmallows in. As soon as it was over, he hit the side door to rid himself of them! LOL!

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Wheels of God

Huh? Are you wondering what in the world this could possibly be about?

Well, I opened an email today with this as the "subject" in the subject line. That's all it said. The thing that let me know that it was probably worth reading is that it came from one of my FAVORITE writers of ALL time. The great Janet Paschal. I absolutely LOVE to read anything she writes or hear any song she writes. It's always bound to make the wheels of your mind work. Her books are at the very top of my favorites list. Always will be! I love thinkers.....who have the ability to take life in general and little pieces of it and put those moments into words that mean something. it is - a thought for the day from Janet Paschal..........

There is an old German proverb which states, “The wheels of God grind slowly, but, oh, so fine.” Through the years I have reminded myself of that phrase when the wicked prospered and justice seemed unjust. I have been comforted by a stubborn belief that God is the final authority on correction, but it was only recently that the flip side of this saying occurred to me.

Perhaps that is what was in play when Joseph trudged through God’s plan for him. Despite my best efforts, I can hardly imagine living this dreamer’s life. Born with familial scoundrels in his lineage, he became the favored son of his father. When he shared with his unpampered brothers two dreams that they would, one day, bow down to him, they took their first opportunity to promptly wrestle the teenager into a pit. (Wrestling ran in the family.) A traveling flea market happened by and they sold him for twenty pieces of silver. Joseph was taken to Egypt and sold to Pharoah’s captain of the guard.

Joseph was favored of the Lord and he became successful in everything he did. Living in his master’s house, he caught the eye of Potiphar’s wife, who was frustrated by his refusal of her advances. She wrongfully accused him and he was thrown into prison. But even there, Joseph’s favor from the Lord quickly became obvious and he was made responsible for his fellow inmates.

Some time later, Joseph was assigned two additional prisoners, the king’s chief cupbearer and chief baker. When they each had dreams which disturbed them, Joseph proceeded to interpret them. Knowing that the cupbearer would be returned to the king’s service, he asked him to mention his situation to the king. Three days later, when his interpretations proved accurate and the cupbearer was restored to his position, he forgot about Joseph.

Two years passed, and King Pharoah had a dream. He inquired of all of the magicians and wise men, but none could interpret it. Suddenly, his cupbearer remembered Joseph and told Pharoah about the young Hebrew in the dungeon. Pharoah immediately called for him.

Joseph meticulously dressed and groomed for a meeting with the king. When Pharoah recounted his dreams, Joseph proceeded to explain their meanings. Recognizing the spirit of God evident in him, Pharoah put Joseph in charge of the entire land of Egypt, second in command only to himself. Joseph was thirty years old.

You know the rest of the story. Seven years of plenty allowed Joseph to fill their storehouses with grain, in preparation for the seven years of famine. People from all over the world came to buy grain from Egypt. Joseph’s brothers did not recognize him when they came to buy, but he knew them. Eventually, he revealed himself to them, adding, ‘Do not be distressed and angry at yourselves for selling me here, because it was to saves lives that God sent me ahead of you.’

Whew. What I hear him say is that it was all in God’s plan. God knew about the dungeon. God knew about the chains. God knew that the cupbearer would forget and Potiphar’s wife would lie. God, alone, knew that the king would dream.

The wheels of God ground slowly. Joseph was seventeen when he was sold into slavery; thirty when he was appointed to the second highest office in the land. For thirteen years he labored dutifully, woke and slept, prayed and pressed in to the heart of God. All the while, the patient, longsuffering wheels of God’s design were grinding his intractable conviction into a rich covering, a fine veil of favor and blessing, a life flush with faith and rigid with resolve.

Had Joseph expected to be rewarded for his success in the service of Potiphar he would have been sorely disappointed. Had he expected to be exonerated of the false charges brought against him, he would have waited in vain. Had he anticipated that his interpretation of the cupbearer’s dream would free him from the dungeon, he would have, again, found himself disillusioned. Joseph, instead, lived with the great expectation that God was with him, that His purposes were worthwhile, and that he would not be disappointed.

Was he ever right.
Blessings to you all,

Marriage Rehab.....?

Well, I'm trying to get my act back together this morning. We arrived home last night after a wearisome day of moving steady in a vehicle.......with VERY little stopping. We arrived into our driveway about 10:30 p.m.

It was a GREAT trip. Many highlights......too many laughs to even begin naming them, great services, great food, fellowship, and friends, beautiful Christmas lights, wonderful show at Dixie Stampede, great condo to stay at, we brought home a "new" car....kinda, and like the rest of who were there that may write about the trip, blah, blah, blah......

We left Pigeon Forge around 9:15 p.m. on Saturday night and drove about 4 hours to 15 minutes outside of Birmingham. We left there yesterday morning and drove to Silas, Alabama where we met Mom, Dad, Laura, Don, Zach, and Abby for lunch.....(quite a drive for lunch, huh?).....well, there was a little more to it than that. We picked up Mom's Honda Accord, which she and Dad gave us (negotiations over that deal are unsettled as of yet) - since I wrecked "Old Yeller" and Jeremy's other car blew up....and after an hour of food and transactions, pulled out again and were on the road moving until 10:30 last night. Therefore, the 8 hour trip from Alabama was spent in the car alone - since we both had a car to drive! It was boring at times. At other times, I'd think about the conference and start laughing was not at all boring during those times, I assure you!!

So, a rundown of the weekend goes like this: if you don't have a few minutes, don't read has the potential to be lengthy!!

- The conference kicked off to a great start on Thursday night....everyone was just so thrilled to have arrived, it wouldn't have mattered if nothing happened. Bro. Dewayne Galiher did an awesome job speaking on the home - in general. He gave us some lessons on the goals of Joshua as the man of his home and how we should have some of the same goals. He pointed out some great stuff "clipboard" (lol) of notes is still packed, so I can't give specifics.

That night after service, at the restaurant we were at, our waitress informed us that the Duggars were in town, and said her "future" son-in-law ("if he lives that long") had been their server at the Dixie Stampede that day.

- Bro. Ryan, Bro. Dewayne Galiher, and Bro. Doug Webb did an awesome job speaking at the rest of the conference in different classes and services.

- On Friday afternoon, on the way back to the condo, Jeremy and I stopped at a little "hole in the road" thrift store to check out a chair sitting out that I thought was cute. As we were walking into the store, a young lady was browsing through some stuff outside the door alone. She looked vaguely familiar - as do most people who dress in the same fashion as we do. We were standing in the store looking around when we heard the comment at the same time from the owner......"so how do you like being on TV?"....then the voice of a female......I looked up front and Jeremy stood up from the bookshelf where he was looking....and as he asked the question "do you know who that is?"....I came back with the name before he got finished with the question. "Michelle Duggar" - mother of the Duggar clan. She and her daughter were shopping alone in this thrift store on the back side of Pigeon Forge in the middle of no where! We respected their OBVIOUS attempt to hide from the public and continued to shop around for a few more minutes, then left. The next day, as we entered Dollywood, there was a huge banner across the entrance gates that said, "The Duggar Family." I was glad at that instant that we had allowed them a few minutes of peace in the woods - where they were just fellow citizens with no fame.....were I in their shoes, I would crave moments of solidude as such! And yes, she was large with child again!

- There were hilarious games and stories and jokes that were told that were "fall out of your seat from laughing uncontrollably" funny......blah, blah, blah! I will post pictures later of some of the games, camera is still packed, also!

- On Saturday, after the conference had ended, many couples went to the Dixie Stampede to see the Christmas was AWESOME - food and show!! Naturally! Before the show began, Bro. David Webb's (chief organizer of the conference) wife stopped by our table to tell us to yell really loud when they called our group.........."Life and Love Marriage Conference!" The yelling we had planned to do became a little uncertain and less exuberant than what was intended when they announced us as "Life and Love Marriage Counseling" Gregg said, as though we were all in marriage rehab.......

- After the stampede, we headed off to Dollywood to see the lights - first day of Christmas was packed like a sardine tin. Really! There was little room for movement at all. I did learn that most of them were there for the lights, so we did get to enjoy a roller coaster at night - in the dark and in the cold.....Exhilarating! I could only handle it once, though.

As far as the lights went, they were beautiful, but we were a little tickled over the fact that so many people stopped and crowded together to watch a few......well, maybe more than a few.....lights on a tree that moved and changed with the music. Jenna and I had a breakthrough and did a few dances with some groovy music......we were really feeling it!!

And then, through the music and the awe of the moment (whatever!), Joe loudly asked his infamous question.....which seemed to filter through the crowd and drew hysterical laughter from the few of us who knew what it meant....."Did you enjoy the show??"

And yes......we enjoyed the show!!! Every single minute of it.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Addie's Uncle Gregg

This is Uncle Gregg - standing to the right at the fishing booth......I apologize - it's the only photo I had, I have to admit. I'm sorry I didn't post it the first round. And if anyone wonders why Uncle Gregg got a post all by his lonesome......take a peek at his rant on the next post. It'll be pretty clear then!

Fall Festival

Since I may or may not get to post anything while we are in the mountains, I will post some pictures of the fall festival / picnic that we had at our church on Saturday. Addison absolutely had the time of her life.

Our church has two yearly in the spring and one in the fall. It's always a ball of fun. As you can see for yourself. You can click each picture individually to make it larger if you care to see it detailed.

1: Addison
2: Hailey ( my niece)

1: Jeana, Bonnie (my sister-in-law), Addison and Blake (my nephew)
2: My friend, Brina

1: Addison and Megan on the train
2: Addison and Valya

Megan and Addison again

1: Jeffrey, Kristi, Kaden, & Keith (I posted this for Laura - she always asks about them. Just believe me when I say that this picture is proof that miracles still happen!)
2: Jenna and Blake

1: Hunting candy in the hay
2: Aunt Jeana, Blake, and Addie
with chickens

1: Aunt Jeana and Addie
2: L-R: Miriam, Valya, Addie,
and Brooklyn

1: Riding the trike
2: Reba and Addie (how cute!)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tennessee Bound!

Well, tomorrow, at some point, we all head out to the 2nd Life and Love Marriage Conference! I am absolutely beside myself with excitement. Last year was a blast and I'm just so ready for a break. I would have left yesterday if I could've.

So, maybe at least several couples who read my blog will come back refreshed and ready to make another year work!! It's a time of lots of laughs and lots of tears (on my part anyway). Last year I cried so much, Jeremy told me that all my crying was going to make everyone think we were on the verge of divorce ourselves. It was kinda funny after he put it that way, but I couldn't help during the last service of the topic of "Home Invaders" of how many friends I have my age that have allowed those small things to creep into their homes and become a focal point for what eventually destroyed their relationship. It was heartbreaking to think of it. I was also overwhelmed with thankfulness for my marriage.

Anyway, I'm sure no one wants me to continue my sentiment on here, but anyway.....

One day to go, and we'll be on the way....bumping up and down over the mountain and avoiding rock slides!! If you don't know what I refer to, there was recently a huge rock slide on the route we take to the mountains that has a 50 mile detour around it and has the interstate shut down for a few months for clean-up and "mountain investigation."

Do I sound excited?? In case I don't, I AM.......I'm ready to get out of here!! Actually I'm sitting here at my desk at work, so I'm double ready!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

New Choir Song

Our choir is in the process of learning new songs, and practicing old ones for a recording that is in progress......

This is a song introduced to us last week. Not sure if we will record it or not, but I like it.

Then there's another one that I just wanted to post....which I LOVE!! It doesn't hurt that the finest choir is combined with one of the most unique voices in gospel music these days, Mr. Jason Crabb. Maybe you can look beyond the Spanish subtitles that I can't remove, unfortunately.

Just thought I'd give you something pleasant to see and hear while you wait for Monday to end!!

It's Monday again!!

This is for all of you who didn't want to get up this morning! Although, this Monday should have been a little bit easier than most because of the recent time change! And for some, like me, that didn't matter much either. I could sleep as though it never happened!

Here's a little bit of Monday humor from LOLA!!

Another Southern Gospel Fan...

Had I not gone on and on on this blog multiple times about how much I love the Greenes and how much I play their music, I would not bother posting this. But, this morning, I laughed for several minutes at the obvious southern gospel / Greenes fan that Addison is becoming. I had walked into the kitchen and hit the play button on my CD player and voices that Addison didn't recognize or appreciate came floating through the speakers. She stopped right in the middle of what she was doing. She turned around with a LOOK and said, "Who is that singing?" I told her it was the Isaacs. She walked over to the counter and said to me, "I don't want to hear them, I want to hear the green ones!"

I'm thrilled to turn on the "Green Ones" - I could listen to them ALL day long. Veggie Tales are GREAT, but after a while, I need some rest from them......and The Green Ones it is!!