Monday, November 2, 2009

Another Southern Gospel Fan...

Had I not gone on and on on this blog multiple times about how much I love the Greenes and how much I play their music, I would not bother posting this. But, this morning, I laughed for several minutes at the obvious southern gospel / Greenes fan that Addison is becoming. I had walked into the kitchen and hit the play button on my CD player and voices that Addison didn't recognize or appreciate came floating through the speakers. She stopped right in the middle of what she was doing. She turned around with a LOOK and said, "Who is that singing?" I told her it was the Isaacs. She walked over to the counter and said to me, "I don't want to hear them, I want to hear the green ones!"

I'm thrilled to turn on the "Green Ones" - I could listen to them ALL day long. Veggie Tales are GREAT, but after a while, I need some rest from them......and The Green Ones it is!!


Linda said...

a discerning ear already! you go, Addison!

I like the Isaacs, but sometimes the minors and the whiners get to me, especially on a Monday morning!

Anita said...

LOL! I understand! Must have gotten to her, too.

Jenna said...

LOL too funny...I wonder what she would say to the McKamey's...

Anita said...

Yes, one has to wonder about the McKamey's. Guess we'll never know....I don't own any of their music for her to listen to. LOL!! I can handle a concert every 5 years, but that's about it. Although, they do have really do sing some great songs, I just can't listen to them frequently. There is one called, "I Made Up My Mind" that I really like. But, I'd like it much better is someone else sang it! Aaargghh!!