Monday, November 16, 2009

Interesting News Today

Sometimes when you look at the news, you think, why is that on the front page of the news (or the headlines of the website, in this case).

Today as I was taking a glance at the morning news, the headline caught my eye! "Stressful Jobs that Pay Badly." Some did not catch me off #1 was social worker. Duh, I know that's stressful. I work with them on a regular basis. I wouldn't want their job. For nurses, they make all the hard calls for us about where the homeless patients go, where dying patients are discharged to, and where abused children get placed. I would NOT want their job.

The thing that did catch me off guard was that in CNN Money report, the job title that placed #5 as being the most stressful with the smallest amount of pay was............"Music Ministry Director." Who knew?? Maybe Mark (my cousin)? They said that 67% of music ministers feel their job is too stressful for the money they make.......

Well, here's what they say about it:

5. Music Ministry Director

Median pay: $40,800
% who say their job is stressful: 67%

You may not think of people who plan, direct and conduct performances for religious services as being under a particularly high amount of stress. But they also choose the appropriate psalm or hymn for every wedding and funeral -- only some of the most important events in a family's life. And those stressful situations can create some demanding clients.

"Every now and then you'll get a strange request," said Dan Fenn, Music Ministry Director at St. John's Lutheran Church in Northfield, Minn. "A couple of years ago I got a request to play the Beer Barrel Polka at a funeral. You have to ask yourself, is this appropriate for a worship service?"

If you're wondering if your job is in that category, check out this link.

And just in case you don't click on the link, Jenna, you would be interested to know that Fundraisers are at #7. You know a bit about that, huh? And you're not making the 40,000 bucks that they are!

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Wow!! If I could only get SOMETHING for my hard! I wouldn't be as blessed by God if I got paid for it! I do it all for Him! If only I would quit complaining about