Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Need to Ask Why

This morning, I was browsing through our church's website trying to find out if this past Sunday morning's message was posted. It wasn't, but I did find something else wonderful there. On the home page, a man in our church, Brian Purtell, had something written on the front page that I thought was definitely worth posting.

Sometimes he goes on there and puts a new little "sermonette" kind of thing on the welcome page. He's a very intelligent man, so it's no surprise that he can make sense of things, but this one was particularly good to me. For those who don't know him, he is a man who has walked away from awesome jobs with BIG money to put himself in a position with "barely get by" pay - with having 5 children to raise - all in pursuit of following the will of God for his life. He craves doing anything that might further the kingdom of God.

The goal of his life was to begin working in the church and since he began making life changes, his 13 year old son was diagnosed with a mild form of muscular dystrophy and earlier this year, his 10 year old daughter landed in pediatric ICU with the final diagnosis of new onset juvenile diabetes - Type 1. A virus she had earlier killed her pancreas. She began receiving 4 shots a day and the family of 7 made another life change in learning with how to deal with a brittle diabetic. Not long before Valya (you can see pictures of her on the church picnic post) landed in ICU, the mother, Nadya, was rushed to the hospital for an emergency surgery - turned out she had a hot appendix. Recovering from an appendectomy with 5 small kids was no easy task, I assure you. Within a couple weeks, they moved. I remember the emotions at the different points of these events. Brian Purtell was a very broken man, but he knew he was following the will of God and saw that these were placed in his life to test his faith.

If a man needed to ask why, I could see why Brian Purtell would. Yet, he's a man constantly praying that God will heal both of his children. If God does, I can just see him dancing across the front of the church. If he doesn't, he'll dance anyway and he'll trust anyway.

Now, you can understand why I like this particular writing so much:

If you have, or have been around children you will know this drill. After explaining something with words and wisdom that may even surprise yourself - the child shoots back with "Why?". Dumbfounded (and slightly disappointed) the common response may become a "because".

Nothing has really changed has it? You are an adult know, but the events and circumstances in life have you asking "why?". You just need answer, just like when you were a child.

The wonders of childhood have been replaced by the wonderings of life's circumstances. The loved one who passes away unexpectedly, the sickness that has afflicted someone in your family, a broken relationship, financial trouble....the list goes on. Why me, why now, why this? You might not be really looking for answer, but rather peace in your situation.

This need for an answer can become a hinderance in your walk with God. There is a saying, "the devil is in the details". I believe the devil wants to hinder us by making us focus on the details. "Why" is a detail. The answer to "why?" will not change the situation and, in fact, might not change anything. Look at the Disciples in the story of the blind man in John 9. They were not worried about the potential of his being healed, instead they were focused on the question, "why?". "Why is he blind, who sinned?", is what they asked. Did it really matter? Jesus' answer was a "because". God had a plan to manifest His power.

In asking "why", the focus is on you. You want to know because it is affecting you. The question should be, "Lord, what is your plan in this?". Somtimes He is working out a bad character trait, sometimes building character, sometimes it is to work a miracle, but it is always by Him. The devil had to go to God in order for Job to be tried. In the same way whatever you are going through God is in it somewhere. The focus is on God's plan for you. Forget the "why", instead seek after His plan for your life. In prayer, you will find the answers and steps in His plan.

Praying you find His will,

Bro. Brian Purtell


Linda said...

o my, a word from the Lord today, thank you Anita, and thank you Brother Purtell.

"from your misery springs your ministry" if you'll hear the voice of the Lord!

I am thankful to a loving God who tells me what I need to know! Often say "Linda, apparently this is all you need to know!"

Jenna said...

Wow!! I haven't been on there in a few days....that was really good!!