Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fall Festival

Since I may or may not get to post anything while we are in the mountains, I will post some pictures of the fall festival / picnic that we had at our church on Saturday. Addison absolutely had the time of her life.

Our church has two yearly in the spring and one in the fall. It's always a ball of fun. As you can see for yourself. You can click each picture individually to make it larger if you care to see it detailed.

1: Addison
2: Hailey ( my niece)

1: Jeana, Bonnie (my sister-in-law), Addison and Blake (my nephew)
2: My friend, Brina

1: Addison and Megan on the train
2: Addison and Valya

Megan and Addison again

1: Jeffrey, Kristi, Kaden, & Keith (I posted this for Laura - she always asks about them. Just believe me when I say that this picture is proof that miracles still happen!)
2: Jenna and Blake

1: Hunting candy in the hay
2: Aunt Jeana, Blake, and Addie
with chickens

1: Aunt Jeana and Addie
2: L-R: Miriam, Valya, Addie,
and Brooklyn

1: Riding the trike
2: Reba and Addie (how cute!)


Don said...

Enjoyed the pictures, Anita. Can I have the chickens?? haha

Barb said...

Leave it to Don to focus on the chickens! :-)
Does the train really move? If so, how? Tractor pull? Rented or owned by church/someone in the church? Who sets all this stuff up? Speaking of inquiring minds . . . great minds think alike, huh Lin?!

I'm sure you all had a great time. Wish we could've been there. Let me know - in advance - of spring's date and we may try to get the kids over there!

Anita said...

Yes, the train really moves. It's pulled by a 4-wheeler. Bro. Mike Holcombe owns it. He had someone build it from barrels for him for his grandkids. He pulls it with his 4-wheeler.

The stuff is set up by the Sunday School department and who ever they designate to set it up. This year, I think Brian Brown was over planning. He did a great job. The wagon with hay that you see served as a stage for live music.

Gregg said...

Not a single solitary picture of me...I was there the entire time, looks like I would have been in the background or something...but nope...just pictures of the Aunts...nothing even mentioned about the Uncles...

Ask Addie who she loves best..Uncle Gregg or Aunt Jeana?....I bet I win...if not then a massive tickling attack will enuse and she will finally admit what we already knew...

I held a stinking fishing pole for an'd think that would be worth at least one picture...

Reba said...

AWWWWW I love that pict!!! :-) how adorable!!

Linda said...

love all the pictures and since my sis asked the questions for me, I won't!

Love you guys!