Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Conference Memories

Here are a few of the pictures I promised. These are some of the events that occurred during the week. I'll explain below each picture.

This is a pillow fight to attempt to see who can stay up on the chair the longest! The guy farthest to the right, Bro. Eaten, did not fair well. His chair flew out from under him and he landed flat on his back end. It appeared painful!!

This is Alan and Tammy Harris participating in a skit. It was the one where Tammy wished she could see the world and Alan wished he had a woman 30 years younger.....and she saw the world, and he became an old man. I don't have a picture of the end result. But he turned around with a white skeleton mask on his face and appeared unable to walk.

The next three pictures are probably from one of the funniest moments of the week. It was the "Nose Game." This black sheet covered four men sitting in chairs...their noses are what you see coming through small slits in the black sheet. Each wife (pastor's wives) had to identify their husband by their nose. This picture is Sis. Adams. She "picked" the right nose.
I can't remember this lady's name, but she did not get the right husband.....she chose Laura's pastor, Bro. Norman's nose. She was mortified when a 24 year old guy stood up from behind the sheet.
This is Sis. Miranda Norman, Laura's pastor's wife. She went first and picked the right nose. She was so embarrassed to have to do this.
This was a dance. Three couples were chosen to stand in each aisle...lock arms, then twirl all the way down the aisle and back - dressed in these costumes. I didn't get a good picture of the third couple who happened to be from our church. They actually collapsed into the floor on the final round in the end. It was hilarious. I don't know who this couple was, but they were hilarious. Believe it or not, this guy had a very close haircut with a head full of black hair. This totally changed the way everyone appeared.
Believe it or not, this is Jared Sanders and his wife. The wig was hilarious.

This video is the marshmallow catch. Contraptions were built to catapult marshmallows. Whoever caught the most in their mouth and ate them, won! Gross!! The poor guy that won got pretty sick from cramming so many marshmallows in. As soon as it was over, he hit the side door to rid himself of them! LOL!

1 comment:

Linda said...

loved seeing the pictures and the blurbs too. creative people are SO blessed! (and I'm grateful for them)