Friday, July 16, 2010

My Detailed Friend

After you read what is about to be posted, you will understand why I gave the post the name that I did.

Throughout the process of getting my new blog together, I met a charming friend who was one of the first people to help me out. She allowed me to publish a tribute she had written for Priscilla on the same day I had - the day after she had passed away.

Ever since the initial email to her, we have found that we have quite a bit in common and I actually stumbled upon her last year at NQC. For fear of intruding into her personal space while she was writing, I did not approach her, but very vividly remember wondering what had her so captivated as she wrote in a notebook. Since I've gotten to know her a little bit, I now know the kind of things she was putting in that notebook. I have found her to be one of the most inspiring individuals I've had the pleasure to ever become acquainted with.

We have found that one thing we have in common is our love for "details." Jeremy gives me a hard time, all the time, for this trait. Sometimes I tell him it is a "professional" thing. Details are what make my job a success or a failure.

On Wednesday, my "detail friend" (lol) whose actual name is Sony, posted on her blog, a very inspiring post regarding details! I want you to read it. Please read it! I love it! (if you click on "a very inspiring post," it will take you there.


Linda said...

I yam like God, hallelujah! Sure wanna be!

Anita said...

LOL! I guess that's going to be my new reply when I get accused of being nosey. I'll just say - "I'm trying to be more like the Lord!" lol!