Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hey Y'all!

Hey everybody! I'm finally crawling back up to the face of the earth again, maybe! It's been a crazy two weeks in my you can see. I definitely disappeared off the blogging world and my emails are falling behind as well.

So this is my explanation or excuse - whichever works for you! I just haven't taken the time to sit down and write anything. If you could see my house right now, you'd be thinking that I don't need to be sitting down now, either, but you know, it's about to drive me crazy, so I just had to do it!!

There's few chores that I'd rather do than blog, so they'll just all have to wait. My to do list is a mile long for today as well, but it will have to wait too.

So, to catch you up on the happenings in our little world, Jeremy is almost recovered. He's going to give a shot at teaching Sunday School this coming Sunday - which will be a first since his surgery. He's still not at 100% with his voice, so this may be interesting.

Addison has been sick off and on the past two weeks. Several nights were spent feeding her Motrin and Tylenol every couple of hours. Heaven knows, we do everything in our power to prevent another seizure. My nerves can't handle that! What's that old phrase - "a pound of prevention is worth more than an ounce of cure?" That's the way I feel. Anyway, she's about recovered as well, an occasional hacking cough at night, but otherwise all is well. Thank goodness!

And for the other things going on, I am gearing up for a couple of events to take place in the next few weeks. I am off all of next week, thankfully, to prepare for our upcoming trip to the National Quartet Convention - once again. I'm getting very anxious! This Saturday (two days from now, Addison and I are heading to Myrtle Beach, SC for my cousin's (Nathan) wedding. Now if ole Hurricane Earl will just cooperate!

The next Saturday, I am having a BIG yard sale at my house - once again. This will be my third one this year and plan to have another in October - along with the neighbor. Jeremy has brought down all of the things from the attic which we no longer use and I have established a rather HUGE stash of yard sale goods! So, I'm currently attempting to sift through all of these things. It's been a bit of a headache (literally) at times because the dust from the attic is not settling well with me and my allergies, but hey, it will soon be over!! The only chore that must be done before the yard sale that the thoughts overwhelm me, is cleaning out the garage. It hasn't been cleaned out since the last garage sale at the beginning of June. It's been WAY too hot to get out there and do it! That's the ONLY reason that task has been ignored.

So, as soon as all of this project is over, we'll start prepping for that great trip to the event of the year. You know once I get there, the blog posts are non-stop!! So get ready......I'll make up in September for the posts that I lacked in August!

Hope everyone is well! I'll try to make up over the next few days for my absence over the last couple of weeks.

Have a good one!!


Linda said...

every time I hear the NQC announced I think how you'd love to be there, so am glad you're going!

did not know about a seizure, so sorry. we'll pray. we have prayed for Jeremy's recovery. assume he's back to work?

Anita said...

Her seizure was back a couple years ago when we were living in the apartment before we bought this house. Ever since then, I'm very cautious when she develops a fever.