Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Exercise Your Right!

Just in case it has slipped anyone's mind, don't forget that today is Election Day. I'm sure if you have listened to the news at any time recently, you have been reminded, but this is just one more friendly reminder. I am with the rest of you that I'm ready for it to be over. The phone calls are endless!!

Anyway, I think of elections like this: it is one of my greatest opportunities to let my voice be heard and my displeasure be known for the route in which my country is headed - and attempt to change it. And I'll just go ahead and say, I am extremely displeased. The talk consistently around my job is where the new health bill will take us. There are emails coming rampantly to my work email to enjoy the pleasures as I know them now, because soon they will change, if things continue as they are. Let me just say, I'm not happy about that possibility. And the doctors that are actually worth something are going to be run over by the ones willing to conform all to government standards.......that just turns my stomach. I really like my doctors that I have chosen in this city, and unfortunately, I see them being some of the first to be punished.

Anyway, I could go on and on, but this is one of the things that really bothers me about the direction of our country. It affects me the most, the quickest. It's standing over me like an impending doom!

So, exercise your right today!! GO VOTE!! Don't count on someone else to make their voice heard - in your place. I always say and firmly believe: "If you don't vote, don't complain! You could have changed something with your vote!!" Alot of the time when it comes to listening to people complain about the way things are, I ask them if they voted before they start in about it. It matters that much to me. Don't complain about something you could have prevented and didn't.....and if you voted for the problem, at least have the guts to say you make a mistake!!

Enough said.....now GO VOTE!!!


Aunt Linda said...

couldn't have said it better! Amen

Anita said...

Thank you!! I'm glad somebody else feels the same way I do!