Monday, September 28, 2009

Addie's New Friend, Phoebe

I would like to introduce you to Addison's new friend, Phoebe. She talks about Phoebe every day and last night before she went to sleep she told me she wanted a pig in her yard. I think she had a little help on that request from her father! Yes, Phoebe is a little pot bellied pig owned by a friend of ours. This is Jenna and Addison feeding Phoebe "gapes"(grapes) - according to Addison

Our friend, Jenna, and her husband Joey, kept Addison on Thursday, and so Addison got to meet Phoebe. She told me 15 times at least within the 5 minutes after I picked her up how wonderful Phoebe was and that she liked her alot. The
y also have a dog, which Addison cared nothing for. We figured out that she likes Phoebe the most because she can't jump up on her or move very fast. At least Addison could escape from her if she needed to. It's an amazing thing what goes on in the head of a kid!

According to Jenna, pot-bellied pigs are the best pets to have because they don't shed, stink, or chew stuff. I'll just take her word for it......

Jenna and Joey said that Addison wanted Phoebe to go everywhere in the house she went as long as Addison was behind her. She didn't want Phoebe to come up behind her and "cold nose" her without any warning. As you notice, Addison is petting Phoebe at the back. I'd have never imagined that she could ever be so crazy over a pig, but I'm here to tell you....she loves her little friend Phoebe.

Just thought I'd let you know / see........ Actually, I also wanted to put the pictures on here so the kids could see a picture of Addison petting a pig, or for Mom, who will never believe it. LOL!


Barb said...

I will admit, I'm shocked - but she is hanging awfully tight to Joey. Tell Jenna we'll just let Addison think Phoebe is part hers! Unless, of course, Jeremy really wants one, too! Jenna and Joey are so sweet. I'm glad they're so good with Addison.

Linda said...

a pig in the house, who knew?! to each their own, I reckon, sorry Jeremy!

Anita said...

It was a joke that he helped her ask. I assure you he doesn't want a pig, either. We'll be happy to let her play with Phoebe any day she wants to.

Laura said...

Do you remember the neighbor in Anderson? They had that pot bellied pig that wandered in and out of their house. They fed it everything under the sun. Interesting times...

Anita said...

Yes, I remember the neighbor in Anderson. I had forgotten about know Anderson is not thoughts that I like to dwell on!! :-) Was kinda glad I had forgotten it! LOL! I do remember the pig, though. Was a first for us that I remember.