Monday, September 7, 2009


Not long ago, I wrote a post called "Seasons." The thoughts that I wrote on that day were thoughts that I carried the entire time of the saga of the "Curious Ways of Ray Sue." Within days of writing that, Jeremy and I saw a video that expressed some interesting thoughts on the matter. I will be honest, at the time I saw it, I needed the Kleenex box. But it was so good, I thought I'd wait until everyone's emotions kinda settled back a little before I showed it. It's excellent!

These guys are known as the "Skit Guys." I am attaching two videos by them for your viewing and for your personal growth. Both of them have the potential and ability to make a difference in your life.

Here they are. I hope you have the time watch them both. The first is called "the Mourning Booth" and the second is called "God's Chisel." Enjoy.......


Barb said...

I have felt that chisel several times in my lifetime. Like he said, it hurts - but it is making us more like our master. More than anything in this world, I want my life to be the masterpiece God intended. Thanks for sharing this, Anita. (I had to get the kleenex box!)

Linda said...

look at the top video while it's in "pause" stage before you start it. He looks SO much like Dad to me.

Loved these Anita ... cried a bushel and a peck ... want those tears to be sign of change in me, not just to move me temporarily.

Anonymous said...

I guess my emotions haven't settled yet...I've cried boatloads as well - all 3 times I've watched them. Loved them both but the chisel has stayed with me for days - I keep coming back to it. Thanks for posting them.
Love to all.
