Sunday, September 13, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday, Anita

Well, for those of you who know me well, it will come as no suprise that I am a day late to write something about the birthday girl...

First off, Anita, I am so happy that 30 years & 1 day ago, God saw fit to place you in this world. You are my hero. For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be just like you - the only area I didn't was probably the clothes. I would have NEVER put on that grey striped suit thing...Sorry. Other than that, yeah, I pretty much wanted to be JUST like you. I have always admired the way you stood so firmly for who and what you believed in. It didn't matter who you were with, you were always the same Anita. You always followed Mom's commandment of "Don't forget who you are", and if we were together, you made sure that I followed it too! You probably kept me out of a lot of trouble, you know. You have always been such a wonderful big sister. I like to think that God foresaw that I would have "issues" and not have a lot of close friends outside of family, and He knew that I would need someone that I could trust and never hold anything back from...I think He probably knew that I would need someone in my life who would be strong, level headed, smart, protective, honest, direct, and a million more things, so He gave me you - my sister, my best friend. I think He did a fabulous job!
I love you and hope you had a wonderful birthday!
"I know some sisters who only see each other on Mother's Day and some who will never speak again. But most are like my sister and me... linked by volatile love, best friends who make other best friends ever so slightly less best." ~Patricia Volk

P.S. Don sends his love and says that he is enjoying the blog. My man of many words... LOL.


Anita said...

Wow, Laura! So how much did you say I owed you for that? lol! How sweet of you to write such things. I definitely needed the Kleenex box. It will definitely be a blog entry that I'll cherish. You know I love you too, and I wouldn't trade you in for the world, either. You've got a heart as big as the world and as kind as they come. I appreciate that. I've always believed that you would have many extra stars in your crown for the way you go out of your way and spend time you could use to help other people. One day it will be returned in big ways. I really believe that.

I love you.

Tell Don I said hello, too. He answered the phone yesterday. First time I've talked to him in a couple months, it seems.

Barb said...

Ok - now I am sitting here with tears streaming down the cheeks . . . with NO tissues in sight. I'm gonna just have to install a box on the computer desk! I'm so thankful for BOTH of you - as well as two wonderful sons-in-law. (As good as handpicked!) You've made Dad and me very proud parents/grandparents - and for that we are most thankful and blessed. May God bless you both for your wonderful spirits and attitudes as you deal with what life puts on your plates. Many would have already thrown in the towel by now. I love you. Mom

Linda said...

I feel blessed to peek in here, have used ALL the Kleenex in this office, moving to the next office shortly to borrow!

How wise of you to acknowledge your love for each other. I need my sis more and more as the years pass, someone who knew me when, and loves me still! You learned to be good sisters from her!

Aunt Linda

Barb said...

Oh . . . that was sweet, too, sis. You were always the "giver" and that quality still lives. You probably spoiled me more than anyone. So - if I STINK it's your fault. But I'm ever grateful that you cared so much. Forgive me if I used my asthma to my own advantage (which I'm sure I probably did!). Wish I had been more perceptive in those days - maybe I could've saved you a lot of heartache. I'm sorry. But God has helped us through it all, hasn't He? Day by day his grace has been sufficient. I love you and because of our relationship that of my girls is very significant to me.

Gotta hush - it's storming and I need to turn this computer off!