Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Count Your Blessings

My Aunt Linda and I love blond jokes. We send them back and forth to each other when we get a new one.

A couple years ago, a friend of mine, who I worked with, told me this story. I laughed so hard. It was so hilarious for a number of reasons. Her daughter had a tendency to 'blond moments' so that was part of the hysteria of the whole thing.

I thought it was so funny, I eventually submitted it to Reader's Digest, received a $100 check from them and a notice telling me that it would be printed in the next month's issue of Reader's Digest.....I thought about this earlier this morning and realized I'd never posted it. The story goes like this....

A few Thanksgivings a go, a young teenage pastor's daughter was assigned the task of printing up the church's Thanksgiving program to be passed out on the weekend of Thanksgiving. (this teenager was the daughter of the nurse I worked with - her husband was the pastor) Well, she took her job very seriously and completed it just as she was asked. At the end of all the necessary things she needed to announce in the program, she placed her little "prayer / quote" regarding Thanksgiving at the end. It was to read, "Thank you Lord for all the blessings that we are at times too blind to see."

After she got all her programs printed out, her mom realized her typo and brought me a program to show me - because she knew I would think it was funny. It read "Thank you Lord for all the blessings that we are at times too blond to see." LOL! We had a running joke about blond blessings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

like it much! love YOU!