Friday, May 21, 2010

So Funny!

I'm one of those kind of people that no matter where I am, be it the mall, a restaurant, etc...if there's music with a beat, I'll either start tapping my feet, or snapping my fingers. The beat is just in my blood - can't help it....and it usually don't matter what the song is either. Sometimes I catch myself tapping to some awful rock song with terrible lyrics and don't even realize it. If it's in your blood - it's in your blood. A beat is a beat is a beat, and you feel it where ever you are.....kinda like this little fella' (click on the the link). So, I understand what's going on in his head! It just makes you move! LOL!

(Make sure your volume is up enough!)

1 comment:

Laura said...

That is hilarious!