Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Out of the Mouth of Babes

The last time Addison saw her doctor, Dr. Ben, was a few weeks ago. She was having allergy issues and was up every night in the middle of the night coughing until she eventually threw.......well, some people that read this are a little weak stomached, so you get the picture. After some allergy medicine, cough syrup and a round of antibiotics, it became much better.

So, today as I was working, Jeremy sat across the hospital campus in an ENT's waiting room with Addison. This was the first time he'd ever taken her to a doctor's office alone. This time he was the patient and it was her first trip back to the doctor since seeing Dr. Ben.

As they sat there waiting, Jeremy text me - I could tell from his text that he was tickled over something she had said. See, you never know what's going through a kid's head at any given point - well, that is until they voice it, and then it's so funny, it takes forever to regain enough composure to wonder where it came from. So, needless to say, Jeremy was quite overtaken with amusement and laughter when she turns and looks at him and matter of factly states this - "Dr. Ben is a good man. He don't make me throw up!"

I had no clue she even remembered who Dr. Ben was. I guess she thought she was back to see him and wasn't dreading it. LOL! And secondly, what three year old comes up with - "he's a good man?"


Linda said...

Did Jeremy tell Dr. Ben? Would make his day!

Hope Addison will call me a good woman!

Anita said...

No he was seeing a different doctor, but I assure you that next visit, we'll be sure to. I'm sure he'll crack up.

G3 said...

Thanks for leaving out some of the throw....details I can imgine what it will be like some day to wake up to that.