Monday, March 8, 2010

What a LOVELY Weekend

Well now - if I could convert "busyness" into 100 % oxygen, I could live in the hyperbaric chamber. There's a whole lot of healing that goes on in that thing, so maybe I could figure out something!

So, let's see - since I haven't posted any real thoughts of mine in a long time, so I'll start there.
First of all, I feel very privileged to see that Jeana stopped by for a little while to read my long list of lessons AND comment. It's such a rarity, I have to acknowledge it. I didn't get to go to church yesterday, so I feel like my connection with my "clique" is a very distant thing! lol!

I spent the first part of my weekend working my fingers to the bones trying to lay out my new landscape plan. It consists of a bigger "mulched garden" with bigger shrubs. I tried to turn over all the dirt with hoes, and rakes until it occurred to me that something might make that little job (although it's a big job when you're the one doing the work) easier. Me and my dumb self, worked my poor muscles into oblivion and total stiffness on Saturday and didn't get half the job done. Then my brilliant husband goes and rents a tiller today and tilled every piece of dirt in my garden and half the yard where the grass won't grow in about 20 minutes. Do you wonder how frustrating that is???? Well, don't ask - I might tell you.

I worked myself into enough of a muscle ache that by 9 p.m I didn't want to breathe deep. Even that hurt. My misery got even worse after midnight when my poor baby decided to catch a virus and start spewing everywhere I turned. I was stripping beds, throwing towels every which way you could imagine and jumping for the "bucket" every 10 minutes. My poor muscles didn't get a bit of rest. They were screaming at me by 7 a.m. Sunday morning. I guess it was a good thing I was forced to move, otherwise I would not have.

Fortunately, the hyperactivity required from my injured muscles helped them heal much faster than had I pampered them. As much as I hate to admit that!

So, now, I'm still noticing a few of those muscles that I forget about, are still there. I'm going to start again on my project first thing in the morning. I'll post some pictures when I'm done....and at the rate I'm going - don't look for anything real soon. Maybe I'll post the stages. At least my family members who've never been to my house can see it.....cough, cough....Don for instance!

Anyway, I'll hush my rambling so I can post something more interesting.....

1 comment:

Linda said...

you are a hoot! love reading that! bring on the pictures . . .