Thursday, March 18, 2010

Where I Stand

I have to tell you - all this buzz about Israel has me a little un-nerved. The last two times I've turned on the radio, I've heard indicators or rumors that the reason the leadership of our country is kinda giving Israel the look down the nose is because we need to increase our standing in the other middle eastern "states" or countries. If you're unaware of what I'm referring to, here's a story, here's a story, here's a story, and here's a story, you can read that may help bring you up to date. (these are stories from liberal AND conservative news sources - so I couldn't be accused of being biased in my information sources)

Now, that, my friend, has me a little nervous - to say the least. I'll explain why.

It doesn't help that I've been studying the book of Joshua somewhat extensively here recently. I've always known that Joshua was a tough man, but this time around, I guess I didn't remember it as well as I thought I did. But there's something that I read again that really jumped out at me this time around and as I read it, and reread it, it seemed to get stuck in my brain and pierce my soul as to where we stand today. After Joshua and the men of Israel had defeated region after region - king after king, Joshua 11:20 records,

"For it was of the Lord to harden their hearts that they should come against Israel in battle, that he might destroy them utterly, and that they might have no favour, but that he might destroy them, as the Lord commanded Moses."

Now I'm no scholar by any stretch of the imagination, but it seems to me that in slow motion, we are watching the book of Joshua - before the battles - happen all over again. And the United States is slowly but surely becoming sympathetic to the Middle Eastern Regions - whatever the reasons may be. And all along, we thought, as Christians our nation was going to stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel. Obviously that's not going to be the case, if we continue the direction we're going. That kinda makes me a bit uneasy, to say the least.

So, I find myself wondering, is God hardening the hearts of our leaders intentionally to fulfill prophecy?.....if so, I don't want to be around to watch. We all know that there is not going to be peace in Israel - with their neighbors, but ultimately in the end, we all know Israel wins - regardless of what opinions may be. I am not sympathetic at ALL towards the Palestinians.

If I thought Joshua was a tough man - you nor I have seen or heard a thing yet as to what the King of Kings has up his sleeve to destroy those who come against Israel. Well, yes, we've heard it - but really - we haven't grasped it. There's no way to even imagine the destruction....I'm not willing to risk sympathy to anyone who will receive such a punishment. Not in this life!

So, as T.D. Jakes would say...."Get ready, get ready, get ready........"

Speaking of Israel, someone gave a good analogy saying, "For us to understand Israel, why don't we just stop the growth of Texas with Americans and let the illegal Mexicans do what they want with it - and see how you feel about that." I think not.

BTW, I have nothing against Mexicans who come here LEGALLY. Heaven knows I love their food!

1 comment:

Linda said...

well said! Ed and I had similar discussion this am. We choose again to stand w/God for Israel.