Saturday, October 17, 2009

Let's Throw a "Blog Party!"

You always hear of block parties and such. Well, lets turn the tide there and throw a BLOG party! This is the reason we're celebrating - today, October 17th is Aunt Pudge's birthday, tomorrow, October 18th is Ginger's birthday, and October 21st is Mama and Papa's anniversary!

Let's see how much we can rally around to give well wishes to the three occasions. I'm looking for TONS of comments!

Speaking of Mama and Papa's anniversary, I recently was on the phone with them discussing a marriage conference that Jeremy and I plan to go to in the next few weeks. Papa expressed his shock over the fact that we were going to a marriage conference said to me, "why are you going to a marriage conference, what's the trouble?" I replied that there's no trouble, just an attempt to prevent it. He laughed and said, "yeah, this year makes 59 years that we've been married. Takes lots of hard work - lots of it. Most of that's been on your Mama's part!" I was thinking how interesting it was that he put the credit right in her lap! I'll let that comment hang and you can believe what you want to!! LOL!! He said it, NOT ME!! I'm just repeating it. He didn't say I couldn't!

Anyway, from me, Happy Birthday Aunt Pudge and Ginger!!

Happy Anniversary, Mama and Papa - 59 years!!! This is for you!


Barb said...

Happy Birthday, Aunt Pudge and Ginger! Hope you all have a blessed year to come. Love you much!!

Linda said...

Aunt Pudge and Ginger (is it the 18th or the 19th,Ginger?) if we were there we'd sing in beautiful harmony happy birthday to you! we love you bunches, folks. Do you all celebrate together or each?

call Mother and Dad on Wednesday - 440-965-4250

Linda said...

Talked to Mother today and they were going to take a ride to Amish country for their anniversary and enjoy the turning leaves. Told her to eat a bite of homemade pie for me. She said, "what kind?" and I said, "any kind you want!"