Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Steve and Annie Chapman

Steve and Annie Chapman were part of our growing up. Their music was always present in the form of records from when I was small. I remember hearing "Circle of Two," "Turn Your Heart Toward Home," and many others that I could name.

Right now, Michael Booth of the Booth Brothers has a single that has been released to radio - that is played quite often, btw, and he also sang it at NQC. It's called "Secret Place." That song was written by Steve Chapman.

I love songs written for the family. I have always been a fan of theirs and I've bought their music for myself even when I was in my early 20's.....One of my favorites is called "When I Saw You Smile." Every time I hear that song, I think of little Andrew Odom.

I recently stumbled upon some videos of theirs on youtube that are from a recent concert / possibly new recording of theirs. I'm not sure if it's something that was released or not. Anyway, just in case you've never heard of them, or it's been a while, here's a little bit of why I still love them.......


Linda said...

Absolutely loved hearing them again! Thanks, Anita and ain't it the truth!?

Barb said...

Been a while since I've heard them, too. Enjoyed these, Anita. Keep up the good work - your words of encouragement, comic strips, pictures, and songs keep life interesting, to say the least!

Love you sweetie! If you notice, my picture isn't by my name lately. For some reason, I can't get logged in. Will try again.