Monday, December 28, 2009

Almost Over

I have returned! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and made tons of memories. We did. Probably some of my favorite memories were: Zach learning to box with his new Wii, going to the kitchen to find Addison and Abby quietly upon a step-ladder - both with their hands in a jar of M&M's (who knows how many they had before we caught them), Hailey and Addison sitting under the kitchen table singing "Away in A Manger" and "Jingle Bells" at the top of their lungs, Addison insisting on walking around the house in her "Hello Kitty" bicycle helmet, and the list could go on and on......I've printed (and posted) the pictures just so I can remember it all again.

Well, I've spent the last couple of days that I've been home from Alabama spinning circles, trying to figure out what to do with all the new toys and other things that I've accumulated - whether to get rid of any of the older ones and replace them with the new, or just keep it all. I do NOT like clutter, and I'm about to go insane over the stacks of it around my kitchen and in my bedroom. Really, it just all needs some time for organizing, and it will all have a place. Just haven't taken the time to do it yet.

So, I've started me a big new list. It's called "Organizing My
Life." I've started out with some of the few necessities that will make it easier for me to figure out what to do with this "stuff" and how to better place it all. I'm getting pretty excited about the possibilities. In addition to that, I've already started my Christmas shopping for next year. I'm making my list of things I want to get for everyone I have to buy for next year and I plan to get it all done by July! LOL!! We'll see how successful I am with that. I went today to Hobby Lobby and another nameless store and found quite a few bargains. I was loving it.

Now, 2009 is quickly drawing to a close, and my list of things I'm going to try to do better....or just get done at all, is getting longer by the minute - for next year. I'm actually looking forward to next year. For some of my faithful year has to be better.....some moments from this year couldn't get much worse, right?? I'm looking for big things - and I also have a list of my dreams and expectations for 2o10 - some only in my head, others I've written down. I was taking down Addison's little Christmas tree a little bit ago and I was thinking that hopefully next year will bring some changes to Christmas - as we knew it this year. I smiled as I thought about the possibilities.

Those thoughts led me to a quote that I found in the Christian book
store this year while shopping for Christmas. It said this: "Faith is seeing the light with your heart when your eyes only see darkness!" It was a beautiful picture and I kinda got spell-bound looking at it for a moment thinking of the things that I only see in my heart. So, as 2009 is almost over, 2010 starts with new hopes, new dreams, and new goals. I "believe" (multiple meanings, there) it's gonna be a good one!

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