Thursday, December 17, 2009


Years and years ago, I was treated us to one of the greatest pleasures of my young teenage life! (not exactly sure who paid for all that....if it was Aunt Linda, THANK YOU SO MUCH, if it was mom, THANK YOU TOO!)

My cousin Mark played the main character, Reb Tevye, in his high school play, "Fiddler on the Roof." We came as support for Mark, and ended up loving the play! We went every night, I do believe. We took the trip to Lexington, KY from Alabama to watch Mark perform, then fell in love with the play itself. It was wonderful! I've always remembered the moments of that week fondly. I mostly remember after the play every night, Mark would come home and he would teach us all his "dances" from all the of the favorites...."If I were a Rich Man." We would all dance down the steps, in the basement, in the bedrooms, down the halls......oh the memories......
Well, finally years and years later, I am going to see "Fiddler on the Roof" on stage again. The production has made its way to Savannah, GA. So, tonight at 8:00 p.m. I will be sitting in the Lucas Theater in Savannah enjoying myself all over again to the mystery of the Fiddler.

So, to all the jealous souls out there who might be reading this, I'll post you a video so you can remember why you enjoyed it in the first place. You can spend the evening reminiscing yourself about how wonderful that time was.

I guess as long as I live, I'll never forget the first time of seeing this, but it was even more intriguing because we were staying in the same house as Tevye! And let me tell you, he was as lively at home as he looked on stage!!


Linda said...

I remember! It's the least we could do to get you there after driving all that way! I saw it live in Cleveland as a teenager and thought Mark was better, but I'm a little prejudiced!

Amy and I are going to hear Trans-Siberian Orchestra and see the lights tonight; will think of you!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

What a thing to post!! LOL! I chuckle at the memories of that week. Thanks for helping walk down that lane...

Have a great time at the show tonight.


Linda said...

How was it? Did you love it again?

Anita said...

I apologize that I haven't been on here sooner to tell about this, but the night was FANTASTIC. It was as wonderful as I remembered it. We laughed our heads off. It was one of the highlights of my life - again. I look forward to the day I can take Addison to see it.

Mark, I'm glad to hear from you again, also. I'm glad I could help you take a little trip down memory lane....the memories of all the carrying on we did back when..made the songs and humor even funnier to me last night, although it was pretty hysterical in places.

Like when Tevye wanted to see Motel's sewing machine...and everything about "If I were a rich Man"....and I could go on and on.

So how was Trans -Siberian orchestra?

Linda said...

well it was good and horrible, not at all what I expected. Christmas music was good (awesome at times), lights were good, but it was head-banging in places and I was SO happy Ed had to miss it for a funeral. Amy said, "went to first rock concert, with my Mother!"

Am messing up regularly, folks. I used to know something!

Anita said...

What I would have given to be a fly on the wall at this event. This is hilarious. I would have loved to see the shock on your face in the head banging moments!

I am kin to you for sure when it comes to the lack of ability to hide the horrific shock of certain moments. Being unable to contain such expressions can be downright mortifying.