Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A New Face

Well, the time to post again has finally come. Busy doesn't explain it well enough as the excuse I'll give to why I haven't posted a thing lately. And I don't think traffic through the blog has exactly been up either, so apparently someone else is busy, too. This post will be a bit of a mixture of information, as I have a few things to say and post right quick.

I do hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Mine was wonderful. Had some time with Mom, Laura, Zach and Abby. The kids had a blast playing together. And we had fun relaxing. Thanksgiving Day was beautiful here. Good enough weather that they were all able to go outside and swing and slide. That was a good thing. Used up some energy that would have otherwise been used in the confines of my living room walls. And heaven knows, it couldn't have taken much more energy!

For starters on the post, I got the shock of my life last night when I looked the top of the blog and there was a new face in the blocks of "Followers." I looked at the picture and tried to figure it out without seeing a name and after about three guesses of who it could possibly be, I moved the mouse over to see the name Amanda Bennett Greene. I was shocked to no end, to say the least, and absolutely thrilled to see her again. I gave her mom the website the last time I was in Alabama, and posted her picture on here when I came back. But I was unaware that Amanda would find me, also. So, Amanda - HELLO!! Glad you joined in. I couldn't be happier. Amanda is a friend of our family and has a connection that goes WAY back. I have to tell you, Amanda, that my daughter, Addison, is just as greedy about having her back and arms scratched as you were. You have no idea how many times we have laid down to go to sleep at night in the last year and she would say, "Scratch my back, scratch my arms, scratch my wegs, scratch my beddy button." I would think to myself......"OK, Kitty!" And I really thought I outgrew that slavery!! Guess not.

So, to Aunt Linda, who knows her but doesn't recognize the name, I kinda gave away the hint in the last few sentences.

To the rest of those who read, Amanda and her sister, Sarah, were big sisters to Laura and myself. Many, many posts ago, I wrote a post about the people who had impacted my life. The name was Marjorie Wynn that I referred to. Amanda and Sarah were her daughters. Their mom worked many midnight shifts, so they stayed with us, or us with them. There is more or less a 10 year age gap between us, but I was Amanda's "scratch slave" for YEARS!! LOL!! I have yet to forget.....

So from Savannah, Georgia to Jackson, Mississippi (close enough, right?), welcome to my blog. I'm tickled pink to see you again.

Another thing I wanted to post is a picture I received a day or so ago. It is of my grandparents who went to Michigan for Thanksgiving. It was a really good picture, so I wanted to post it. If you had a clue how hard these types of pictures are hard to come by, you'd understand why it's important. Being that all three of their children read this blog, now they have instant access to this.

Well, that about covers the two major things I wanted to post....so I'll hush for now. I'll be back soon. I promise. I might leave you with a laugh a little later today.

As Paul Harvey would say......"Good Day!"


Linda said...

This is wonderful, thanks for posting.

Anita said...

You're so welcome. I thought you'd like it.

Barb said...

This picture makes me want to go home to take care of them more than ever. How I wish I knew how to accomplish this without drastically changing the lives of many! Mother sounds weaker every time I talk to her. Help us pray for direction.

P.S. Hey, Amanda! Coming home for Christmas?