Monday, December 7, 2009

The New Hype

All this hype about Tiger Woods looks as though it might continue for a while. Tonight while catching up on the headlines...."Tiger's Wife Moves Out"...... Jeremy told me an interesting quip.

He says a friend of ours says Tiger's name needs to be changed to "Cheetah."

Let that sink in. Not sure if it was original or a joke being passed around.

Regardless, it was rather hilarious.


Linda said...

Do you find it curious that Nike, other marketing networks have received enough negative feedback to pull commercials w/Cheetah and yet we wink at politicians' infidelity? (I use "we" loosely!)

Any move to right(eousness) is a move toward God! Press on!

Barb said...

Wisely spoken, dear sis.

Reba said...

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA simply hilarious!!