Sunday, September 27, 2009


There has been some inquiry about Mark's picture over to the side. The way you do that is to develop a sign-in with blogger, and there is a place to edit your profile there. You have the option to post your picture there. Just because you sign in with blogger, doesn't mean that you have to start your own blog, you just can sign in and it will let you have a "dashboard" of the blogs you follow. It's been a while since I've been to the sign in page, but there will be a blank photo sheet there, like is posted on the followers. Go in and insert your photo there.

To sign in to blogger, on the top right of the page it has the option to sign in. Develop your sign -in there. If you sign in through blogger, you don't have to choose the name at the end of the post. It automatically knows your name.

I'll be happy to answer any further questions. Just ask.


Barb said...

Gonna try this again. Just reread this post and realized I had only signed in at the left not the top right. I see my name below now.

Linda said...

Anita, you have full permission to put a flattering picture of me in the followers column. Don't know where you'll find it, but I trust you to make this your NEXT big project. Am indeed a follower of yours, after JESUS, of course.

Linda said...

After you have found said picture of me, please delete the silhouette. Barb is still a silhouette, by the way. You can make Uncle Ed a follower as he reads and laughs and cries along w/us, but, you know . . . a closet follower