Thursday, September 3, 2009

Real People

I have inherited the ability to become so totally lost in thought that I have no idea what is going on or being said around me. Sometimes Addison or Jeremy can say something to me and I'll not have a clue what they said or worse, not even realize they said a thing. It's getting worse with age. But I definitely inherited it.....from my dad. I always had the hardest time figuring out how in the WORLD he could just walk around or sit around with blustering conversation going on around him. Or Laura or myself practically jumping up and down talking to him or waving our hands in front of his nose to break his concentration from whatever he was thinking on. It was frustrating sometimes, but I now find myself doing the same thing. It's actually kinda scary, but I know exactly where I got the trait from.

Sometimes Addison will be talking and calling my name multiple times before I ever realize she said it once. There have been times, Jeremy's called my name and said, "Anita, she's talking to you." It's the craziest thing. I get so lost in thought sometimes, until it's just weird.

There's one thing that really sends me into a world of concentration that I really have to pull myself out of with effort. It's when I hear a particular song called "Real People." As soon as the song begins, I immediately began a mental list of all of the "real people" I knew in my life.

Let me tell you a bit about the song, then I'll tell you about the people.

The first verse of the song starts of like this.....

"Not some tragic struggle, Not some endless search
Just the story of some kids growing up in church
We took in every moment with open eyes and ears
And one day took to heart what we saw in those years
And we saw....

Real people with real struggles - Real lives bruised in real ways
And there was real joy - And real hope
And through it all we found real faith

We count it as a blessing to know such strength and peace
Oh not that they were perfect but they lived with honesty
And the evidence we witnessed daily in each life
Helped pave the way for us to embrace the love of Christ
And we knew...

Real people with real struggles ..........

Remind us oh Father that around us every day
The innocent eyes are watching may they see our lives and say
I see....
Real People.........."

This song is my life's story summed up.

As you know, Laura and I grew up in small rural churches in the southern states. Those were the churches that Dad pastored. They all consisted of simple, hard-working people who loved God and their families. Earthly possessions weren't high on their lists for a couple of reasons. Cost was mostly the reason, but lack of access because of location, was probably another reason.

When I begin to reminisce about the "real people" who impacted me, I have a collage of memories that will never be able to be documented because of the magnitude of the situation. It's just too much to write....

That's why there's a second post. So, stay tuned. I'm interested in hearing about the real people in your life. Write about them, and I'll post it. I would love to hear the stories of the "real people" who influenced you. Until I hear from you, I'll tell you about the "real people" that influenced me....

1 comment:

Linda said...

What a great song . . . and truth! I have LOTS of these and will make the time to write next week (have company). Thanks for sharing, Anita. Keep writing!