Monday, January 18, 2010

I Had Good Reasons!

Well, I'm so happy that the last 5 days have finally had the door closed on them and they are finally over. The last few days have been overwhelmed with severe rain, extreme busy-ness, and horrific smells.

The saga, along with a few close friends, began on Thursday morning around 6 a.m. when the first round of Boston Butts went into the crock pots and we began the weekend of planning for another BBQ shindig. On Thursday, I cooked 8 "rears" at my house and eventually had is so absorbed with that "smell" that it was nauseating. Really!

Thursday night, we all gathered around a few tables and mixed the BBQ together and planned for the next round of cooking, which took place on Saturday.

I had to work Friday, so I didn't cook that day.

On Saturday, I got up a little before 6 a.m. and started the next round of 10 Boston Butts. This time, I decided to smell up the church fellowship hall instead of my house......and smell it up, it did!!

A few of us loaded up a little later and headed to Sam's to begin the journey of getting the accessories for our little shindig. We had a great time there.....we took pictures of our colorful socks we got a little before - because we were all so cold. So, we all took the time to pose with our shoes off in the middle of Sams so Jeana could take our picture. It was kinda hysterically funny. I'm sure we looked ridiculous - but we were having the time of our life.

Anyway, 17 packages of buns, 5 boxes of 50 count chips, and 6 boxes of 36 count cookies later, we headed out. Back to go "pick" the BBQ.

All together, we "picked" approx. 130 lbs of meat (have mercy, the jokes and comments are endless)!

BTW, just in case you like "pulled" or "picked" pork, which I do, the person who "picks" it is very under-appreciated in most cases. For, it can be a very grotesque job! Just ask me.....or don't ask may prefer not knowing.

So, for the last 6 days that I've not posted a thing on my blog, I've been a little preoccupied. I apologize. But it was for good reason.

After the SMASHING SUCCESS last night, the funds for the Kentucky trip for the choir are a little richer.......a little.......about 500 dollars richer.

It was a little bit more work than last time because we almost doubled our meat portion, but it was all just piles of fun!!

Once again, we've made enough memories to keep us laughing for another lifetime.

So, being that nearly everyone that helped in this effort reads my blog, this is my open appreciation for your hard work. I really am grateful for all the help. Thank you so much!!


Linda said...

I love anything that leads to a Kentucky trip. Need the dates of that event, Anita, please. Hope to come to Louisville to see you.

Anita said...

I can't remember the exact dates, but I think it is around the first Friday of April. Jenna, Brina, do you guys remember? If neither of them reply, I'll get back with you. I have to find out.

Brina said...

If I am not mistaken it is the 8th and 9th...not positive on that though. :)

Jenna said...

It is Friday the 9th and Saturday the 10th.

Barb said...

I'm glad we had one POSITIVE reply since all three were different. Ha! Love you gals!!

Jeana said...

Surprise! I even read this! And I agree with one point for sure, the jokes about "picking" BBQ are just endless!