Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's Crazy Here

Well, life is, right now for this Miles' household, in "faster than fast" gear. It's crazy all the things we have going on at one time. It may seem crazy, but I am currently responsible for making sure that the Valentine Banquet for our young married Sunday school class is successful. That is set to take place on February 6th. I am very excited and nervous about it. .....of course I have the most wonderful people helping that I could ask for, but if anyone complains, it will all be my fault - somehow! Guess that's the price you pay when you agree to get a job done. It's my first opportunity to attempt feeding that many people....... actually, Addison's birthday party was almost this many people, but Domino's pizza did all that work. :-)

The other big event going on in our lives right now is that we are gearing up for a trip to Nashville to kick off the much anticipated choir CD for our youth choir. This is a first for both of us, and probably everyone else in the choir....well, maybe except Jeana. She made her debut on a choir CD many years ago at her home church. So, she's an old pro at this. She would laugh if she saw that.

She's been too busy trying to calm the crowds over her "cliff-jumping" Sunday night that she hasn't had much time to deal with many other things. (Just had to throw that in.)

Anyway, all of my week has either been consumed with banquet or cd thoughts. I'm working tomorrow, so maybe I'll get a mental break!! LOL! Yeah, right.

So, we're set to leave February 8th bright and early to trek up to Nashville to have the absolute daylights scared out of us. I'm so scared, sometimes when I think about it, I get nauseous. But then again, I'm excited about it because it's something I've never done before, and have a feeling once it's over I won't be anxious to do again any time soon.

The band of "THE Jason Crabb" will be accompanying us on music. We're pretty ecstatic about that fact.

The CD is going to be recorded at one of the BEST studios in Nashville, (the origin of great recordings by Crabbs, Greater Vision, and any one else great you can name.)

Therefore, life around here is actually getting ready to hit a busy that we haven't known in quite a while. I can't wait for it to all be over.

And then......I'm going to take a NAP. A very long one.


Linda said...

so very exciting, Anita. exhausting, but what an opportunity!

would love to come to the banquet, know it will be wonderful. less is more, dear.

Barb said...

Could you give a few details of Jeana's "cliff-jumping"? You know how YOU hate to be kept in the dark about something that sounds interesting!

I know you've been super busy. That's why I've kept my phone calls few and far between - and short! Know you'd be too polite to say, "Mom, I don't really have time to talk to you right now." Now am I right or what? Love you, Sweetie. Take it from one who knows, when this is over . . . it'll be something else.

Gregg said...

I'll let Anita give you the details...but as a hint we call her "Priscilla" (McGruder) now...kinda took over the service...

Barb said...

You go, Jeana! Bet Anita was sure proud of you. Priscilla was her idol!