Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Un-Natural Event!

You know there are forces of nature that cause "Natural Events" such as hurricanes and earthquakes, tornadoes - all out of our physical capability of controlling.

And then there are "un-natural events" caused by people's stupidity when natural events occur.....like the big rain that Texas recently received.

I can only imagine that the people in this subdivision are absolutely beside themselves.....then again they paid $10,000 extra for the 'view.' The 'view' consisted of living on "TOP," basically, of a mountain. The trick was the "mountain" was just a huge retaining wall built up so it appeared as though you had a view......Then you wake up one morning and look out your back door and this is what your yard looks like: they say the crevices are 15 feet deep.

I'm sure I would first of all be EXTREMELY frustrated that the retaining wall had not been built any better.

The cause? - expanding clay from the rain basically collapsed the retaining wall. Now you're a quarter of a million dollars in the hole because somebody don't know how to build walls.

I'm sure someone could figure out how to make this a sermon. Sometimes you pray for walls to come down, other times, it's the walls that protect you. And in this case, it is the latter. Unfortunately, when they aren't built very well, it's to your own detriment as well as many around you.

1 comment:

Linda said...

that'll preach! expensive lesson . . .

pray for Dad and Mother, heaven come down!