Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Kindergarten Kissers!

Sunday night, a few of our friends came over and we were all talking about life and the conversation led to Bro. Ryan's message on Sunday about "second chances" from Jonah - from there Jonah led to Zach being called to Ninevah....etc. From Ninevah, came his newest collection of tales from Kindergarten. I just had to share it.

I know kids have the ability to say the funniest and cutest stuff, as I've documented more than once on here....but Zach has the uncanny ability to say the FUNNIEST things I've ever heard in my life.

The story above about Ninevah was several years ago when after a "lesson" on Jonah, he told his mom one day, "Mommy, God spoke to me." Really, Zach, what did he say? "He say to me, Zach, you go to Ninevah. I tell him I not want to go to Ninevah, so I went to Tarshish.....but I had to go to Ninevah!" That was his version of his calling to Ninevah.

So we laughed a little while over his "calling" then I related the last rendition of his kindergarten escapades.

A week ago today was his first day back to school from Christmas break. On the way home that afternoon, he informed Laura and Don that he had a new little girl in his class. Her name is Grace.

He began with telling them that she had gotten into "trouble" that day....(Laura help me out, I can't remember how he told you about that)....When Laura asked why she'd been a problem, he told her it was because she didn't know her "Pwedge of Awegience."

After Laura and Don recovered from this information, he proceeded with, "Do you know what she tried to do to me and ....(he lists his little 5 or 6 friends)....on the playground?" No Zach, what? "She tried to kiss us on the cheek!" (I would have been howling by now) After he says this, Laura and Don hear him muttering, "I hate Kindergarten Kissers!"

After this exchange, he informed them of his concluded impression of his new little classmate, Grace - "I think she's a Wover Girl!" (That is "Lover Girl" in Zach's language!)

I laugh my head off about it every time I think of it. Didn't want you to miss the moment!


Barb said...

Zach still hasn't forgiven those girls for trying to kiss him and the other boys! Got his report card yesterday - all A's. He was talking to Cheryl Newberry last night and she said, "Well, Zach, how did you do on your report card?" To which he replied, "It was a nightmare - I got a bunch of A's!" She just howled! She said, "Zach, that's not a nightmare, all A's is a GOOD thing." Her 9 year old, Hunter, joined in by saying, "Yeah, A's are good - it's when you get B's that it's a nightmare." Then I howled! Kids can come across with some good ones, huh?

Laura said...

Just now getting online today. He started out with..."She was in trouble with Ms. Tammy (teacher) from the start (his exact words)...she wouldn't say the Pwedge of Awegience". I say, "Maybe she doesn't know it, Zach. Maybe she hasn't learned it yet." To which he replied, "Well, she does now!!!" Would have loved to have seen this all unfold because you should see them when they're saying it. Ms. Tammy stands in the front and holds the little flag and they all say the Pledge and then sing a little song (This is our flag, red, white and blue...United we stand so proudly and true.) Then, a recitation (At Millry High School, I have the right to learn, I want to learn, my teacher wants me to learn. We'll learn together...can't remember the rest!) Anyway, they look like they are ready to go to war for that flag - so proud of my little patriotic kiddo and his buddies. They are so serious about it, so I can just imagine the stir poor little Grace caused by NOT saying the "Pwedge". Oh, the joy of kindergarten!

Linda said...

SO loved reading this, girls. Thanks for sharing. Priceless!