Thursday, January 21, 2010

Missions in Haiti

Our church has a extensive and growing network of missionaries which we support. One of those missions, is Bro. David and Sis. Alicia Lloyd from Oklahoma. They run the orphange in Haiti called "House of Compassion." They suffered some damage during the recent earthquake there. I found an update from Bro. Lloyd on their website along with some interesting pictures and a video of their ministry there. I'm posting them for just general interest or concern. There are four links posted. If you don't check out all of them, I urge you to check out the video of the orphanage and the earthquake update.

- Pictures


Linda said...

thank you for the information tho I'll never "enjoy" looking at this devastation. We are working w/the Hudsons to assist as well. Pray that they will turn to God and that we will turn to God, as but for the grace of God, we go. I love you, Anita.

Jenna said...

Thanks so much for the know that isn't good for me to see when just starting my day....people are gonna think someone died!! I am going to try and use that video if I can at the church...ever since we took that offering up I just keep thinking we can do so much more!! Help me pray that people's hearts will open up and be ready to give, give, give!!! I'll let you know my ideas later.