Thursday, January 7, 2010

Quote of the Day

"Did you know it's so cold in Florida that iguanas are falling off trees?"

- Shepherd Smith (Fox News)

And here's a story to prove it.


Anita said...

They say that the cold is freezing them in their tracks and making their bodies shut down and they loose their grip. Isn't that something? LOL! This is interesting info that no one really cares that you know.

Barb said...

And if one of those lost its grip as I was passing under that particular tree, I would shut down - permanently! Just the thoughts of one of things making contact with me gives me the heebie-jeebies!!!!!

Anita said...

LOL!LOL! No joke about that. I thought the same thing when I watched it fall off. I was so thankful that I don't live in Florida. I'd have to buy me a hoe for sure and it would be chopping iguana heads off as fast as it could.....since that's considered a humane way to kill them.

Linda said...

and I also heard about flying cockroaches in the south. yikes. they're bad enough crawling around!

I will miss the strawberries that have frozen in Florida. It's snowing again in Lexington.