Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Well, the Long household has had a rather eventful past 24 hours. Yesterday evening, Abby was attempting to climb into one of the chairs in our breakfast nook and took a very hard tumble. She landed directly on her back with all of the impact being on her head...I watched it all as I ran from the living room but could not reach her in time. I was probably 4 feet from here when she hit, and she hit HARD. She was unable to move or cry and was totally limp when I got her into my arms. Her little eyes rolled back in her head and all color drained from her face. She was unable to control her body/head. Needless to say, I hit panic mode. I am not a nurse when it comes to my children...I am a spased out Mommy. I threw her to Don (yes, I know not the greatest thing to do), and called 911. I pray fervently that the 911 tape never makes it out of the Choctaw County E-911 building. The ambulance arrived within 8-10 minutes and headed out quickly. After a few minutes in the ambulance, she began to cry a little and was actually able to drink some of her bottle (which suprisingly I had thought to fill up and bring). We literally flew to the hospital - lights and sirens, the whole 9-yards. By the time we got there (45 minutes after the accident), she was more alert and responding well. The doc ordered a CT scan which showed a skull fracture but no bleeding/swelling, etc. Thankfully, the doctor thought that we were safe enough to go home as long as I did frequent "neuro-checks" to make sure that she was responding well - she responded as well as any normal 1 year old would being awakened every few minutes! Today, we took her to her regular pediatrician's office and did a very thorough neuro assessment and feels that she will be okay in a few days. He wants us to watch her very closely due to the risk of a slow bleed, but we are trusting God for complete healing of her little head.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Laura, I am so proud of you for not apologizing above! NEVER blame yourself for this!

Have a wonderful birthday today. I'm so glad you were born. You are a wonderful niece. I love you!

Aunt Linda