Monday, August 24, 2009


We'll see who the night owls or the early birds are of the family. (I actually know who the early bird is) I'm posting this at 10:15 pm Eastern time. I just talked to my Dad, who received a bit of traumatic news while I was on the phone with him.

About 30 minutes ago, Abby, Laura's little girl, was playing and fell off the kitchen chair backwards onto the tile floor. According to my brother-in-law, Don, it apparently knocked her slightly unconscious.

While I was on the phone with my Dad, Don called to say they (Laura and Abby) were in the ambulance headed to the hospital with her. He says that she came back around and looks OK other than the knot in the back of her head. She was sitting in up in the back of the ambulance drinking a bottle en route to the hospital.

I will update you as I hear more............


Update: Monday 12 am - On the phone with Laura. She, Don, and Abby are on the way back home from the hospital - thank the Lord. CT's were done of Abby's head. No indication of bleeding or bruising of the brain, but she does have a clean skull fracture. That means that there's nothing they can do, and time will allow it fuse back together (kinda like the soft spot does). It's like any other bone, just usually a little thicker and harder. Nothing fancy from here except monitoring her mental status every 2-4 hours to make sure there are no changes or any other symptoms that would indicate a head injury.

Laura is almost back to normal, also. She's still a little giddy from the emotion of it all - trying to wind down. She and Don have come up with plenty of humor after they found out that nothing serious is wrong. If you want to hear her tell the animated story of the year, call her and ask her about how her phone call to the 911 dispatcher went. She says, "Oh, I'm so embarrassed, I didn't handle it very well at all. I went crazy." It's rather hilarious, but the humor in it is having her tell we all know how dramatic she is.

I don't know about you guys, but I've just about had all the drama I can handle for a year.....unfortunately it's all been crammed into the last 4 weeks!!! Anybody feelin' the same? You think if I change the name of the blog to "our serene lives" that would change anything?? LOL!!

I'll post an update on how she's doing in a few hours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our blessed lives would always be true, rain or shine!

Barb called about 5:15 am as she was leaving Dayton, heading to Alabama, and asked for prayer for Abby.

We need to pray for Barb too, as she will need the time today to decompress. Only God's presence can heal the wounds, calm the fear, and guide us to THE truth, so we run there. The little sister is a mighty woman of God!