Friday, August 28, 2009


This is how the inspiration for blogging comes..........It's just little LIFE moments!! But then again, who's scared of a little mouse, right Mom?

We have stories.....broomsticks, broken legs, bruises that take years to heal, damaged vocal cords..... All because of a tiny, little harmless mouse!!!

1 comment:

Barb said...

Harmless, my foot! I've had multiple injuries caused by those critters. Larry nearly broke a leg once. We chased one under the dresser. Larry sat down on the floor and took a drawer out. He had one leg stuck straight out and all of a sudden the mouse ran across his leg. What a memory!! One of his "fast" moves in life. :)

I remember how we caught one in our recreation room (in the mobile home) by putting a quart jar over it (I think our screams paralyzed it) and we took turns holding the jar steady until Dad got home from work. If there's a mouse I go on auto-pilot until I kill it!!!!!

Love all of you.